Chapter 28

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Ayame's POV

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Ayame's POV

I've actually been LOVING my new hair...also, classes are boring. "Hey you, new kid. Answer this question." Yagari sensei says, his tone as cold as ever. My head's leaning on my hand as I stare out the window to my left. Rima is sitting beside me on my right, and Ruka next to her. "No. I can't be bothered." Everyone's heads turn to look at Kei, who just talked back to Yagari. Nobody apart from me had ever done that...Interesting. "Tough." Yagari tells him. "You're strict." Kei says. "I know I am. Now shut the hell up and answer the bloody question." Yagari says. This conversation isn't really getting anywhere, but everyone's watching out of boredom anyway, nothing better to do. "Bloody is what I'm gonna make you if you keep telling me what to do." Kei says and instantly, I know Yagari will try to stake him right here, right now.

"Why, you little..." Yagari starts, before throwing a bloodied dagger at him, which grazes his shoulder, as he tried to dodge. I stand up from my seat, only because I don't feel like watching a murder scene. "Yagari. Leave it at that. The class is going to be over soon anyway." I say and there's nothing but silence in the room. The tension is so thick that you could slice through it with a knife. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement and instantly, I summon my daggers and throw them.

They fly right in front of Kei, who's eyes have turned crimson (along with everyone else, due the scent of Kei's blood.) It doesn't smell all that great. I've built a tolerance to blood over time so it doesn't affect me. "Kei, don't carry out thoughtless actions. You hurt ANYONE during your time in this school and I will make it my personal mission to hunt you down and slaughter you." I say without hesitation and watch as he looks at me in shock. Everyone else is used to my threatening personality so it's not much of a biggie for them.

On cue, the bell rings and everyone leaves the room, apart from me. I wanted to have a word with Yagari. Senri and Rima wait for me, and I'm sure they want to hear what I have to say to him anyway. Kei also stays, for some reason. "Why aren't you leaving?" I ask him. "I want to have a talk with you and Yagari." He replies. I nod and turn to face Yagari. "Be careful next time, Yagari. You won't have Ayame to protect you all the time." Kei tells Yagari and I feel pissed as hell.

I see a vein pop from Yagari's head and without thinking, I push Kei onto the wall behind him, holding him by his collar. This guy has been really annoying me today. "Kei. Don't underestimate him." I say, venom dripping from my every word. I turn to look at Yagari and he just smirks and says, "Well said, Ayame. You're not so much of a nuisance after all." He chuckles and I smile. "I'll let you off this time, cuz I'm in a good mood." I say.

"Could you put me down?" Kei says and I turn to look at him. "Oh. Alright then, but remember what I said. You're not as strong as you think." I say before letting go of his collar. "I'll remember...princess." He says bitterly before leaving the room. "Well, I'll be off now. Good job kid, you've gotten stronger and stronger." Yagari says to me, ruffling my hair before leaving. I look back to see Senri and Rima. "Let's go." They say in unison before we all leave.

The three of us go to moon dorm, but I only go to change into some knee-high boots to hide my daggers in before leaving to go on a walk. Senri insisted on coming with me but Takuma called him to discuss some stuff. I leave the moon dorms and start to walk around campus. Something I hadn't done in a while. Come to think of it, I didn't really pay much attention to Yuki or Zero today. Yuki doesn't really talk to anyone from the night class after Kaname went on his little recovery trip and Zero is never there. I see a glimpse of silver and I instantly knew I jinxed myself. I look to my left to see Zero there, standing in the stable, with Lilly. "Hey there, Zero. Long time no see." I say.

He turns to look at me as I walk towards him. "Your hair's changed. Doesn't look too bad." He says and I reply, "Hey! I know you think it looks awesome, so just say so, baka." I laugh a little and he just slightly smiles. "How's Yuki? I've heard rumors going around that she's not been acting so great after Kaname left." I ask and see Zero's eyebrow twitch in annoyance at Kaname's name. I smile to myself a little, knowing that he's definitely one to hold grudges. "Those rumors are true. She doesn't leave her room apart from the switch. Not for class, meetings with the headmaster, night patrol, nothing." He says and I was about to open my mouth to say something before his gun is pointed at my shoulder. "Vampire." Zero spits out, as if the word was evil. "She's one too. Why don't you hate her?" Kei says from behind me. Zero doesn't reply, only carries on glaring at him. "I've never met you before. What's your name?" Zero says, still keeping his harsh tone. "Kei." He says and I stamp my right foot on the floor to get my dagger flying into my hand, ready to go.

"Whoa, I'm just walking around, nothing bad." He says sheepishly. I look back at Zero and he nods slightly. We both have the same gut feeling that this guy is bad news. Senri was right, as usual.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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