Chapter 24

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Class had ended a while ago and it's going to be sunrise soon

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Class had ended a while ago and it's going to be sunrise soon. Ayame is still asleep on my shoulder. She's so cute. Rima and I are back to normal now so I guess the past is in the past. I reach out my hand and hold Ayame's sleeping one. Her skin feels like a feather. I suddenly feel a movement and see Ayame waking up. She looks up at me with her black eyes and just looks shocked. "What is it?" I ask her and she says "Your hair..."

Ayame's POV

"Your hair..." I say and he turns to look at his reflection in the window. He used to only have a streak of blue in his hair but now, he has highlights of blue (picture at the top). "Oh. Do you not like it?" Senri asks, turning to face me. "Of course I do! I like everything about you so even if something small changes, I'll still like you becau-..." I started saying when I was interrupted by our lips connecting. We stayed kissing for a while until we needed to breathe. We broke apart and I smiled at him. Our moment was cut short when Rima and Takuma come in running "Come quick! Apparently, Lord Kaname is on a rampage!" Takuma says. I nod and the four of us run out the Moon Dorms and find Ruka, Akatsuki and Hanabusa at a forest. It was day right now so the day class were in lessons.

Ruka was begging Kuran to stop and Akatsuki was with Hanabusa, who was trying to save the animals Kuran was aiming at. I put my hand on Ruka's shoulder and she nodded and walked to Rima. Akatsuki and Hanabusa sensed my presence and stopped and walked over to the rest. Kuran turned around and there was something strange. He had a silver skull piercing in his left ear.

~ Flashback ~

"We're going now and by the time we get back, this had better be sorted." I said before walking away with Senri. His parents and my parents stood there, gaping at us and Senri's mother tucked her hair behind her left ear, showing a silver skull piercing!


"Lady Ayame Mikan. Our business is with your parents, not you." Rido said to me, turning his head to the right, showing a silver skull piercing in his left ear!

~ End of Flashback ~

Kuran glared at me and I lifted up my hand. I pulled out the silver skull using my powers and shattered it into dust. Kuran let out a cry of agony before falling to the ground, unconscious. "Don't worry. He's not hurt. That silver skull had some sort of magic on it, letting the maker of it control Kuran. He was basically under a spell." I turned to see everyone nod their heads and Takuma rushed to teleport himself and Kuran back inside. I went over the the group and Ruka said "Ayame, shouldn't you get another uniform?" "Oh! That's what I was meant to ask Headmaster for! Thanks for the reminder Ruka. See you guys!" I said and Ruka said "No problem." And I ran off to the Headmasters office. I knocked thrice.

"Come in ~" a VERY familiar voice called out. I opened the door and was greeted with Headmaster jumping at me for a hug. I swiftly moved to a side and the headmaster fell and was sobbing. At that moment, Zero walks in. "Oh. It's you. Where's your uniform?" Zero says to me, ignoring the crying headmaster at his feet. "I got mine dirty so I came here to ask for another one." I said to Zero. He nodded and we both looked at the floor, where headmaster fell. It was empty. "Here you are, Ayame-chan ~" headmaster said as he was sitting at his desk with a night class uniform. "Thanks Headmaster. See you." I said and walked out. As I was about to head outside, a hand grabbed my arm. I look to see Zero.

"Can I help you?" I asked him and he let go of my arm and said "Were you arranged?" I guess he's talking about Senri. "Kinda. Why do you care so much anyway?" I replied and he didn't say anything and walked away. I turned around, about to walk back to the Moon Dorms when I bumped into someones chest. "Sorry." I mumbled and looked up to see Senri. "Oh hi. What're you doing here?" I asked and he said "To get you. Hey, are you and Kiryu close?" I looked up at him and saw his eyes covered by his hair as we were walking. I stopped and he looked at me. "Senri, I wouldn't do that. I love you and you only." I say and smiled at him.

"Yeah, sorry..." He muttered and I saw a slight smile on him. So, this academy really had changed my life...


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