Chapter 3

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After we left Zero on the ground, it was still early day so everyone went back to sleep apart from Shiki and Rima, since they went to go model. Shiki and Rima are now my really close friends. I was on the sofa in the lounge reading a magazine which had a page about me. "Hey Ayame, wanna come model with us?" Rima asked me. "Sure." I replied and the three of us made our way outside to the car that was awaiting us. Shiki was standing to my right and Rima to my left. The journey was quite a while so I began a conversation. "So, how does this modelling thing work?" I asked. "You go in, they dress you up and then they take photos to put it simply." Shiki said. Rima looked shocked as I said "Oh alright, that shouldn't be too hard hard then." I smiled but Rima still looked like something was bothering her. "Hey Rima, you okay?" I asked, and he slowly nodded and said "It's just that, that's the most Shiki's said in the last month..." she said and I chuckled softly. 

We continued joking, all three of us, until the car came to a halt and the door slid open. Rima climbed out first, then Shiki, who held out a hand to help me out. As we walked in, Rima and Shiki were whisked away by their manager and when she saw me she said "Oh my! Y-y-you're Ayame Mikan! Would you like to model for us? It would be absolutely amazing if you did! You could do a shoot with Shiki, seeing as you know each other! Oh please!" She carried on begging and I said "Sure, I would love to." She smiled and I was whisked away by two girls. I was sat down on a chair as one girl brushed out my hair and the other looked through a rack of clothes. "You're naturally beautiful and you already have that model glow. You're hair is amazing as it is so all that's left to do is to pick out your clothes." The girl doing my hair said. Then, the girl looking though a rack of clothes shoved a ton of dresses into my arms and I was in a dressing room before I knew it. I tried on multiple dresses and came out, posing in them each, but both girls didn't approve to any. Finally, I tried on the last dress, which was a crimson corset with a black silk skirt, with frills. The belt was black with red ruffles and it was sleeveless. It came with crimson gloves staring from my palm to my elbow with crimson and black open toe heels. I was hurried out the room and into a room with expensive equipment set up and a white background.

I saw Shiki wearing a black suit with a crimson tie. He looked quite hot. Wait. WHAT!? WHAT AM I SAYING!? "What's wrong? You're blushing." He said, turning to look at me. "Huh? Oh's nothing." I said and I smiled. He was about to open his mouth when a man came in and beamed "Okay people! Let's get this started! This shoot will be vampire theme!" He said and Shiki and I nodded. I whispered to Shiki "Um, what are we meant to do?" And he said, "Just follow my lead..." He whispers into my ear, making my shiver. My heart is beating so fast right now...But why? He grabbed my waist in a protective manner and flashed his eyes red and showed his fangs near my neck, staring at it longingly as I generally was scared since the people here will find out he's a Vampire! After we were blinded by lights in a mere few seconds he whispered to me, "It's alright, they know we're Vampires." And I sighed in relief. The next pose we did was my arms draped around his neck and him lying over me as I was lying on the floor. His left leg was in between both my legs and he was dangerously close to my lips as our foreheads were touching and both our eyes were glowing red. My heart is beating so fast, I feel like it's going to burst out my chest. WHAT'S GOING ON!? After we do a few HUNDERED more poses, or what feels that way at least, we took a break. "You're a natural." Shiki says, turning to me. "Oh thanks." I said and smiled at him. "Have you ever considered taking up modelling?" He asks "Nah, I wouldn't have time for it on a daily basis, what with all my singing career, meetings with Vampire Hunters and the Senate. I do some modelling for posters and websites and adverts or my singing career, I guess." I say. He simply nods his head and tosses me a box of pocky. "Here, have some." He says "Thanks." I say and we chat for a while until we hear the booming voice once again.

"Okay people! 15 minutes is up! Let's get back to work!" He says and people rush to every piece of equipment before the main guy says "This is going to be one shot since we've taken a lot today. Our grand finale! I would like you both to take 5 minutes to find a pose that will blow everyone's minds! OKAY EVERYONE TAKE FIVE!" He says and walks off. I turn to Shiki "So, what do you think we should do?" I ask. "How about we cover you in red paint, making it look like blood and I threaten to bite you?" "We've already done that pose..." I say to him. "Oh right..." We sit and think but we don't have any ideas. Eventually the main guy comes back in and asks us if we're ready, to which we say no. He then says he has an amazing idea so we stand up and get ready to do what pose he tells us to do. He tells us to kiss with blood dripping from Shiki's lips and two puncture holes in my neck and his arm around my waist and my arms around his neck. Shiki and I just stay silent. The main guy then says that we can just look as if we're about to kiss if we don't actually want to. Makeup artists come rushing at Shiki and I, putting two holes in the neck and blood dripping from the holes and Shiki's lips. Then, they scurry off and Shiki pulls me closer to him with his arms around my waist and I drape my arms around his neck. He looks so good. My heart is beating so fast. What's happening? What is this feeling...

We both close our eyes and lean in close, leaving only around a 1 cm gap between our lips. We're blinded by lights and then it's a wrap. Shiki and I go and get changed. I give myself a fringe for now and let my straight hair flow free, as usual. When I come out the room, I see Shiki with the main guy looking through the pictures. I go up to them as casually as I can despite my heart beating so fast I can hear it in my ears. "Hey Ayame (btw if any of you guys were wondering, you say it as Ai am ee) look at these pictures. You look amazing in them." He says with a slight blush tinting his cheeks. "Thanks, you look stunning in them too." I say, hoping I'm not blushing as I look at the photos. They actually look really good. Just then, Rima comes back from her shoot. The main guy gives Shiki and I a copy of each photo and Rima has a copy of each of hers. 

~Time skip to outside walking to the car~

"So Ayame, how was the shoot?" Rima asks "It was fun." I say "Ayame's really good at modelling." Shiki says and hands Rima a random photo. "Wow, you should try modelling Ayame. Oh wait, I guess you do have your fair share of modelling being a singer and all..." Rima says and we all climb into the car waiting for us. On the journey back, we're all looking at Rima's solo shoots. She only took 3 (lucky!!!) and she was amazing in all of them. "Okay so now let's see yours!" Rima says happily and Shiki passes her his stack of photos. "Wow, you guys did a LOT..." she says as I sweatdrop, Shiki shrugs and Rima starts looking through them. I can't help but notice a slight sadness in her eyes...I wonder what's wrong.

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