Chapter 4

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"I-I'm going to my room now..." Rima says. Strange. She never stutters. I wonder what's wrong. Shiki and I say goodbye to her as she goes to her room to get some sleep. "You're great at modelling. Probably because you're so pretty naturally." Shiki says to me with a slight blush on his cheeks but I'm probably imagining it..."Thanks." I say smiling. "Hey Ayame, can you sing for me? I'm bored." Shiki says to me. "Sure! Any song in particular?" I ask and he just shrugs. I grab my guitar and start singing 'E.T.' by Katy Perry. I prefer not to sing my own songs if I'm singing for fun. Before I knew it, the entire night class was around me watching me. I smirked and start the first chorus. I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking in awe. What can I say? I'm epic. I look at Shiki and see Rima talking to him. All of a sudden, a tear falls from Rima's eye and she runs off. Shiki turns to me and mouths 'she's fine'. I smile and slightly nod and turn my attention to the song. Everyone's just staring at me singing and playing my guitar. I close my eyes and when I open them at the end of the song, everyone cheers. I smile and when they've all calmed down, I walk over to Shiki. "Whoa, didn't think I was that loud to wake up everyone...oops." I say "Nah, I bet that's the best wake up call they've ever had." He says and flashes me a small smile. "Oh right, what happened with Rima?" I ask. She's a really good friend and I hate to see my friends upset. "In all honesty, I have no idea myself..." He replies brushing a hand through his hair. I nod and tell him I'm going to go find her and he nods and turns to go talk to Takuma. 

I run everywhere I could think of but she's nowhere...I suddenly see Ruka and ask her if she's seen Rima. Apparently she's in her room...right. Why didn't I think of that? I rush to her room and knock. "Rima, it's me. Ayame." I say. No reply. I open the door and see her crying her eyes out on the floor. "Rima!!!" I rush over to her. I sit next to her and let her head rest on my shoulder. "It's okay...just let it all out..." I say to her gently. I honestly wonder what has her so down in the dumps. After a while of her crying, she calms down and turns to me. "Why are you still here? Can't you feel all the hate I feel towards you right now?" She says. I don't look at her and keep looking ahead of me. "Yeah, I can. But you're still a friend and I won't just leave because you despise me at this very moment." I say. She cries and hugs me. "I'm so sorry! I'm just jealous of you and Shiki...He lets his guard down around you and I just wish he'd treat me like he treats you." She says. I smile at her and help her stand up. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Class starts in an hour or so. I'm going to go get ready." I say to her and leave.

Once I get to my room, I change into my uniform and put my hair into a ponytail and bring the ends to the front of my right shoulder. I then place a crimson bandana with black thorn patterns on my hair. I go downstairs to find everyone waiting for me. "Lady Ayame." Takuma says to me putting his hand out like a gentleman would and I took it. He led me to the front next to Kuran. "Ayame, you're a really good singer." Kuran says to me. "I know I am. Why do you think I'm famous?" I reply. I don't care if I'm cold. There's something off about that Kuran...

The doors open and the screaming intensifies. Yuki gets knocked over and I rush over to her. "Are you alright?" I ask helping her up. "Y-yeah. Thank you." She says politely. "Don't worry about it." I say winking at her. I can see all the fangirls glaring at her. They all went quiet. I look at them and say "Don't hurt her again, okay?" I wink at them and they all faint...The night class just stares at me in shock. "NOOO MY FANS!!!" Aido cries. Most of the night class are glad they don't have to deal with screaming now. "H-how did you do that!?" Yuki asks me. "Oh I dunno...Well, we should get to class now. Bye Yuki." I say and turn to catch up with the rest. I stand next to Shiki and see Rima behind us. I stop walking and wait for her to catch up. I link our arms together and smile at her. She smiles back and stand in the middle of Shiki and I. 

We get to class and are just chilling for a while. I'm looking out the window and see Zero walking around. I haven't seen him since I injured him...I should probably apologize...I stand and everyone's heads turn to look at me. "I'm going out. See ya." I say and walk out. I can feel Kuran trying to read my thoughts. "Kuran. Don't you dare." I say to him without looking at him. I can tell he's shocked. As I'm walking around trying to find Zero, I sense Shiki behind me. He covers my eyes. "Guess who?" He asks. I turn and smile at him. "What are you doing out here Shiki?" I ask. "Just making sure you don't do anything too reckless." He says smiling at me. We begin to walk again and I explain that I want to say sorry to Zero. I might have taken it too far. We finally see Zero. I rush up to him. He snaps out his Bloody Rose and points it to me. I walk towards him with no fear. "Hey Zero. I came to apologize for the other day." I say to him calmly. His grip on Bloody Rose tightens. "Get lost. Vampire." He says vampire with so much hate  but he's one himself..."Here's a word of advice Zero. Don't run away from your fate." I say and walk over to Shiki.

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