Chapter 13

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Shiki's POV

She faints and the child looks scared and runs to her mother and her mother holds onto her daughter. Ayame's so reckless. She does anything to save anyone, especially children. I picked her up, bridal style and turned to the mother and daughter. "We are so sorry for the trouble we caused!" The mother exclaims. "Don't worry about it, knowing Ayame, she'll just be glad she could help." I then leave and return to the Academy. It was night by now so all the day class were in their dorms. I took her to the headmaster's office and just as I entered, Zero, Yuki and the entire night class comes in "WE SMELT LADY AYAME'S BLOOD!" Takuma says, worried. They saw a new wound pierced into her already bandaged shoulder and the headmaster rushes in with the first aid kit and tends to her wound while I explain what happened. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE CAREFUL!" Zero yells. "What's it to you?" I say and Yuki asks "Is she going to be alright?" "I don't know...Ayame risked her life back there. She'll do anything to protect anyone, especially children. She's strong though. She will make it..." I say and everyone nods. The headmaster makes everyone leave apart from me. Zero forces the headmaster to let him stay so Zero and I are sitting by Ayame as the headmaster asks "So she risked her life to stop a Level E from hurting a child? That sounds like Ayame. She's so reckless, using her powers when she's fainting." The headmaster smiled slightly and Zero looked at me "You should have protected her."

"She ordered me to protect the child and her mother." I replied. "What's it to you anyway? Why do you care?" I asked him. "Because...she's different I guess..." He said, a little interested in her. I feel a pang of jealousy and said "Get out. You're not needed." He looked a little hurt and confused. He was about to retort but the headmaster spoke up "Zero. I think you should leave..." Zero merely nodded and left. The headmaster left and told me to look after Ayame. I stayed by her side, wishing she's alright. Suddenly, she stirs and rubbed her eyes. She's so cute. Wait...what? "Shiki...?" I hear her call. "You're alright. While you were protecting that child, you were a bit too reckless and used your powers when you were fainting. Nobody was injured apart from you." She nodded and smiled "Phew." "Geez Ayame, you need to think of yourself more..." I tell her and she tries to sit up. I help her sit up and she winces in pain as she lifts her arm. "I'm right-handed so this is going to be difficult..." She says. "Don't worry. I'll help you and be by your side for as long as you need me." I say and she says "Thanks Senri. What would I do without you?" She smiles at me and I smile back. The headmaster walks in with ZERO. "Zero has something he would like to say" The headmaster says and Zero says "Ayame. I'm...sorry for thinking of you as a blood-sucking bastard who only cares about themselves and who sucks the life force out of every living creature they see." "Gee, thanks?" Ayame replies and I chuckle. Zero glares at me "I still hate YOU though." He says to me. "The feeling is mutual." I say and he scoffs and walks out, followed by the headmaster. "Shiki, look after her, will you?" He says before leaving. 

Ayame and I joke around for a while, before day comes and I need to go model. "It's fine Senri. Thanks for keeping me company." She says before smiling at me. I nod and walk out.

Ayame's POV

After Senri left, I leave and walk to the moon dorms.


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