Chapter 22

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The moon dorm doors flung open and Headmaster, Yagari-sensei, Zero and Yuki are standing there

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The moon dorm doors flung open and Headmaster, Yagari-sensei, Zero and Yuki are standing there. "Ayame. You can't harm him or the Senate will blame the school." Headmaster says, looking desperate. Yuki and Zero are still staring at me wide-eyed since I look different. "Get ready for class Mikan." Yagari says without looking at me and then they all leave. Nobody talks. "Well. Let us all go prepare for class." I say and everyone nods and scurries off to their rooms. I was about to when Senri grabs my worst. I turn around and our lips connected in one swift movement and then they part. I smile at him and he smiles back and I go to my room.

I check my wardrobe and can't seem to find my uniform. I decide to just change into a dark blue high-high dress that ends just above my knees at the front and just below my knees at the back wit a gold belt, some dark blue flats and a gold spike necklace. I brush out my hair and walk downstairs. I see Senri there waiting for me. I smile St him and take my place between Rima and Ruka and we start chatting about everything that happened to me so far. The doors are opened and the screaming fan girls and fanboys go louder. When they see me, they start screaming about how they love my new hair and how I look amazing and blah blah. I love my fans, trust me, I do but sometimes it's a bit too much.

Zero glares at them all and shouts at them, and they all retreat to their dorms. I tap Yuki on the shoulder and she says "O-Oh K-K-Kaname-sempai..." I hold back my laugh as she turns around and her face drops. "Well hello to you too Yuki." I mutter and Rima, Ruka and Aido lightly snicker whilst Akatsuki grins and Takuma and Senri are called away by Kaname for something. "Oh! Ayame!" Yuki says "Hello Yuki. Fine evening, is it not?" I say sounding much more formal than I wanted and Yuki blushes and says "Headmaster told us about your hair and everything. It looks nice." I give her a closed eye smile and Zero comes over. "Is it true that you and that red-haired freak are engaged?" What's strange is that Rima doesn't care about Senri like that anymore which is a relief I must say.

"There's no red-haired freak at this night class." I say to him and he rolls his eyes and says "Are you and Shiki engaged?" He sounds kinda sad. I nod in response and life up to left hand to show him the ring. From our first encounter with the tattoos, the ring had changed to (A/N: PICTURE AT THE TOP) Yuki comes and Zero and her stare at it in awe. "Ayame! Come on." Akatsuki calls out and I yell back "Go on without me! I have some business with the headmaster anyways." He nods and catches up with Ruka. They're destined for each other and I find it so cute. "I'm going on patrol. See you Zero." Yuki says and she says bye to me and I say bye and smile at her.

Zero just stared at me. His face was emotionless but his eyes held pain, sadness, regret and anger. There's much more to Zero behind his cold exterior. But will I be able to dig it all out?

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