Chapter 25

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"Hey, Ayame, do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Senri says as we walk

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"Hey, Ayame, do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Senri says as we walk. "Sure. I can't wait." I say as we both turn to look at each other and smile. We both lean in unconsciously and kiss. I felt something tingly where my ring was but I didn't dare break apart from the kiss. Sadly, the kiss ended by a group of fan girls and fanboys rushing over to us. "Are you two a couple!? How long have you been together!?" And stuff like that was being asked. "I'll explain if you just give me a minute." I tell them and instantly, everyone quiets down. "Senri and I are engaged." I say and everyone's jaws drop to the floor. Senri picks me up bridal style and walks away, leaving the shocked and depressed students behind.

I lean up and give him a peck on the cheek and he blushes slightly and puts me down. "We're here." He says and we both walk in. He holds my left hand and says "The ring changed again." I looked at it and sure enough, the once silver ring with a black onyx gem in the middle had changed to a silver ring with blue sapphire flowers around it and a black onyx gem in the centre (picture at the top). We see Rima, Ruka, Akatsuki, Hanabusa and Takuma in the lounge. "Hey guys. How's Kuran?" I ask and Takuma shakes his head. I nod and see that this is pretty rough on him, since they're pretty close.

"Class is in an hour, we should all get ready." Senri says and we agree and walk off to our own rooms. I take a shower and brush out my ombre hair and slip on the uniform before walking down the stairs. I see Kuran isn't here. Takuma and Aido are talking while Akatsuki and Ruka are talking. I walk over to Rima and Senri and stand in the middle. Senri holds my hand and I smile at him and I link my other arm with Rima and we joke about stuff before the huge doors are opened. The entire mob of students start murmering and whispering instead of screaming this time. Yuki and Zero look utterly shocked. "Um, Ayame-sempai, Shiki-sempai, is it true you're engaged?" A random girl calls out and everyone looks at that girl in shock (ever one in the day class basically). "Yeah. We're engaged." Senri says and around 3/4 of the fangirls run off crying and every fanboy walks off crying. The remaining people just look sad and disperse.

"Wow." Akatsuki says. "They must really love you both." Rima says. "Don't worry, they'll get over it and come back." Hanabusa says. "They'll probably have a ship name for you two by tomorrow, like Sename or Ayari." Ruka adds. "Or Shikame or Ayaki." Takuma adds. Senri and I blush and everyone laughs and we proceed to class.

Mystery POV

Sadly, the happy tale will have a twist. A twist so unfortunate and depressing that they will never be able to return to the lives they live now. They have become too carefree and irresponsible. I will use one of my many puppets to hint this to them, before they stray from the path they were meant to fulfill...

Senri's POV

Class had ended and everyone had retreated to their rooms since todays lesson had bored everyone to sleep, including me. I climbed into my bed and set the box on the bedside table. I then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ayame's POV

I woke up at 3 in the afternoon and brushed out my teeth and hair and stuff. I then remembered the date I had with Senri. I chose a royal blue, sleeveless, collared dress that stopped above my knees with black tinted beads attached to the collar. I slipped on black flats and saw a box on my bedside table with a note attached to it. 'Dear Ayame, I for you a small present that I thought you'd like. Meet me at the fountain at 6:00 pm. See you tonight. Love, Senri.'

I opened the box and in it was a stunning bracelet with a blue butterfly with black outlines covered the front of the silver base. There was a chain attached to the bracelet which led to a light blue gemstone ring with a golden butterfly attached to it. I put it on and saw it was 5:20. Now that I think of it, wasn't Rima meant to introduce me to someone tomorrow? I wonder who...

Mystery POV

It seems they are starting to love each other more and more each passing day...

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