Chapter 10

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It probably wasn't serious since her heartbeat was still stable so she probably was just really tired from earlier. I sat up and lifted her sleeping head onto my lap as I laid back and waited for her to wake up. After around an hour, she wakes up and looks up at me, she looked refreshed.

Ayame's POV

I woke up, feeling way better and turned to see Shiki looking down at me. "Shiki?" I mumble, and start to sit upright. "Morning'" He says nonchalantly. I look up and see that it's almost night so class should be in an hour or so. "Hey Shiki, we should head back to the dorm. I bet everyone's worried." I say and he nods and we make our way back to the dorm. On the way back, Shiki suddenly asks me "Hey Ayame," and I turn to look at him. We're still walking though. "Have you ever wondered about what love truly is?" I think about it for a moment and then reply, "Well, love is when you feel a desire to be with that person at all times. When you feel like you would do anything for them, even if it's going to the length of killing yourself. I have never loved a boy in THAT way before so I don't really know for sure but from what I've heard, it should be something along those lines." Shiki just looks at me in shock. "You've never had a crush before?" He asks "Nope." I say, popping the P at the end. He turns to look forwards, as do I, and says "The ball is tonight, so no lessons. Don't forget." I sweatdrop and say " if I would..." Okay, so I might have. Shiki lightly chuckles and we're back at the dorms. Everyone is getting ready and as I enter my room, I see Rima there getting ready in her green outfit. "Hey Ayame, I don't think this suits me..." I look at her and I get what she means. It looked better the other day. I wear my outfit, and give Rima a short blue dress that comes up to her knees. The belt was a dark blue, and the skirt was ruffly. She wore blue heels and blue hair ribbons. The both of us then went over to the lounge where everyone was waiting for us. They all stared in awe at me. All the guys blushed slightly and Rima walked a little faster than me and over to Shiki. I talked with Ruka for a while until Rima stopped talking to Shiki and ran off crying. I was about to go after her when Takuma held me back, "Lady Ayame, I think she needs some time..." He said sadly. I nodded and the rest of us walked to the ballroom where everyone was waiting for us. All the girls rushed to the boys and the guys rushed to Ruka and I. Ruka threatened them, Aido and Takuma happily danced with them, Kuran went over to stand alone on the balcony, Akatsuki was chatting with Ruka and Shiki came up to me and held my wrist, dragging me through the crowd of girls surrounding him and guys surrounding me. He led me to the dance floor and asked "Are you any good at waltzing?" I nodded and we both danced, him making me laugh every now and then.

When the waltz ended, I left and walked over to the stage, about to sing. Everyone had gathered in front of the stage, eager to hear me. I smiled at them and saw Yuki and Zero at the back. Yuki waved at me and the headmaster gave me a thumbs up. Zero just glared. I shrugged him off and began to sing. Everyone looked as if they were in a daze for a split second but began cheering and screaming their lungs out for me. When the song ended, all the guys came rushing at me, taking me by surprise, making me fall back. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came. I saw Shiki holding me, stopping me from falling and helped me upright. The boys all said sorry hesitantly and sincerely and walked off and the girls started whispering and dispersed too. I sighed in relief and felt a small smile on my lips. I turned to Shiki and said "Thank you Shiki." But before he could reply, Zero came up to us FUMING. "How can we help you Zero?" I asked, my voice going cold at his name. He said "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU TWO DATING!?" loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear. Everyone stopped and looked. "What!? They're dating!? Well, they do make a cute couple. Oh I'm jealous. NOOO! Oh... I thought he loved me! I thought Ayame loved me!" The rumours were starting and everyone began gossiping. I turned to Shiki and although he looked calm, his eyes were full of panic. I yelled "WE ARE NOT DATING." And the day class girls and boys sighed with relief and the night class started murmering about how 'they knew we weren't'. Shiki and I glare at Zero who just walks off. 

"Hey, Ayame, wanna dance more?" Shiki asks me. "Sure!" I say and we continue dancing. Shiki looks bored of this song though. We exchange looks and we dance over to the stage and I play the backing track and grab the microphone. Everyone stops dancing and watches as I sing and suddenly explosions appear and smoke out the stage (by my powers) and I use my powers to change out my formal attire and into black ribbed skinny jeans, a crimson tank top and crimson sneakers. My hair flowing free, as usual with a black chocker on my neck. I start singing "Coffins" which was one of and everyone clears the dance floor, knowing what I wanted to do. When the dubstep came on, I started dancing and everyone cheered and joined me. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music. When I opened them, I grabbed the microphone and continued singing, while doing some simple choreography, with students from the day class dancing around me. I see the night class behind the crowd dancing, I see Shiki looking from afar, NOT DANCING. Well, not for much longer...I make my way through the crowd, and dance my way over to Shiki. I motion for the whole night class to come and I lead them to the center of the dance floor, where the day class walked back, expecting something epic. 

I used my powers to make smoke cover us, and change everyone in the night class from their formal attire to casual clothes, and I began singing and doing some simple choreo, with the night class (apart from Kuran and Seiren of course) and they picked it up quite quickly. Everyone was cheering and the day class were dancing from outside the edges of the dance floor. The headmaster was staring in awe, as was Yuki and Zero was just looking. I smirked and the night class understood. They all backed up into the crowd and I threw the mic over to Shiki, who caught it. I began dancing to the dubstep and everyone watched in awe. By the time the dubstep was over, Shiki had tossed me the mic and I was singing again with the night class holding me up and cheering. The day class were surrounding us and cheering and dancing away. And then, the song ends, sadly. But the cheering doesn't. I smile and I join the night class in laughing and joking around. Shiki then drags me off and says "Zero, Yuki and the headmaster want to talk to you." I nod and we both walk over to them. Yuki starts "That was amazing!" "MY DAUGHTER IS ALL GROWN UP!" The headmaster says, crying tears of joy. "THAT WAS STUPID!" Zero snaps. The entire room goes silent and everyone glares at Zero. Shiki steps in front of me and says "I speak for everyone in this room when I say that the only stupid thing here is YOU." I smile at him and turn to the night class. "Shall we go back?" The day class beg us to stay but Takuma steps up "Sorry but after what just happened, it doesn't seem that we are very comfortable here anymore. Thank you all for the wonderful night. Goodbye." He says. Aido starts fake-crying, Akatsuki sighs and brushes a hand through his hair. Ruka comes to my left, while Shiki comes to my right and we all leave. When we get in, the Kuran comes in front of us looking fuming. We are all chilling in the lounge and he yells "WHY ARE YOU HERE EARLY?" The rest have fear in their eyes. I step up and say "SHUT UP KURAN!" getting everyone's attention. 

"They've done nothing wrong. When they return is NOT up to you. Don't take out your anger on them. And actually, I made them come back early." I say, letting my tone sound bitter. Kuran stares in shock while everyone smiles grateful that I stood up for them even Aido and Ruka, who love Kuran are happy at what I just did. "Lady dare you raise your voice at ME!?" Kuran shouts. "HOW DARE I!? HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT!? HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME WITH SUCH LITTLE RESPECT?!" I yell back, forcing him to get shoved into the wall behind him, leaving a dent. We heard a crack and Kuran lay on the floor, unconscious....

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