Chapter 6

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Who would've thought that Shiki hates Rima now...I mean, she didn't do anything THAT bad. Just asked me to stay away from him...I seriously wonder why Shiki is so annoyed. My thoughts were interrupted as Shiki came back and said to me "Ayame, come on, let's go." He said smiling at me. "Sure." I replied, smiling right back at him. "Come on Rima." I said, turning to Rima. She nodded and the three of us headed to the car. Shiki sat to my left and Rima to my right. I tried to break the tension by saying "Well, that was a fun shoot but I am exhausted! It is day after all. I haven't had much sleep since a day or so." "What! Ayame, that's bad for your health!" Shiki scolded me and I giggled "Gee Shiki, you sound like my mother." I said and we both laughed. Rima stayed quiet though. "So Rima, how was your shoot?" I asked her. "Oh it was okay I guess. I wish I could've been modelling with someone else though..." She said. I smiled at her and yawned. "I really am tired." I said. The car suddenly came to a brutal stop and the door opened. Thinking we had arrived, the three of us got out the car, first Rima, then Shiki, then me. When I got out, I saw Rima and Shiki laying on the floor in opposite directions and a group of Level E's charging at me. I kicked one and elbowed another one coming towards my neck. One managed to slash at my right arm but I punched it's forehead and it turned to dust, like all the others. Once I was done, I was covered in blood, and some wasn't even my own. Rima and Shiki come rushing at me and before I fall unconscious I say "Damnit...why did they have to attack when I'm tired..." And then darkness came.

Shiki's POV

"We got out the car and felt a force push us both into different directions and then Ayame came out and killed all the Level E's on her own. There were at least 50 of them." I explained to the Headmaster as Rima went to inform the night class of what had happened. I looked at Ayame. She was laying in the nurse's office and Zero, Yuki and the headmaster were here too. "It's a hunter's job to kill vampires." Zero said. "Well then why didn't you?" I said. I was still pissed that he shot me. There was a long wound going across the top of her right arm to her wrist and the blood was seeping through the bandage by now. The nurse was tending to it again. There was a small scratch on her neck and her cheek. Her blood smelled so sweet. I'm finding it hard to hold back. Her blood smelled heavenly...If only I could have a taste. All was silent. Yuki and Zero left and arrived again with tons of bags full of fruit, chocolate, cards and stuff. The nurse had said that she will have to stay overnight since it's not a good idea for her to be around a class of vampires when the scent of her blood is everywhere.

I look over at Zero and see him finding it hard to contain himself too. They all leave but I stay next to her and wait for her to wake up. Soon I find myself drifting asleep and that's all I remember.

Ayame's POV

I slowly open my eyes. My right arm aches like hell and my cheek and neck slightly sting. I remember taking on a load of Level E's but where am I now? I try to sit up but I feel something on my stomach. I look down and see Shiki asleep. I giggle and tuck a few stray strands of hair behind his ear. He opens his eyes and instantly sits up and blushes. "Ayame! Thank god you're okay! You were so reckless! Taking on all those Level E's at once!" He scolds me "Sorry sorry..." I say and he sighs and hugs me. I try to hug him back but my right arm falls and starts hurting like hell again. "Ouch!" I say and Shiki turns to look at the blood seeping through a bandage on my arm. Apparently the nurse is out right now so Shiki got some bandages and began to take off my old ones. I look in horror at how deep the wound across my arm is. No wonder it hurts like hell. He reapplies the bandages and I thank him. It's night by now so class should be soon. "OMG! CLASS!" I shout and try standing but Shiki gently pushes me back into the bed. "You're not going anywhere. The nurse will have to keep you here overnight. How do you think the night class will react with the scent of your tempting blood everywhere?" He asks as he tucks me in. "Oh, right..." I say. "Hey wait, Shiki, shouldn't you be going to class though?" I asked, confused. He just shakes his head and says "They won't care if I miss one lesson." I smile at him and thank him.

The rest of the day we spend it talking away and I have to say, I've never felt like this before. I've had the most fun I've ever had in my whole life. In the morning, Shiki falls asleep on top of the blankets with his head on my stomach laying down. I smile and fall asleep too. 

Rima's POV

I decide to check up on Ayame. It'll be a good chance for us to just chat about the whole Shiki thing. Shiki didn't even come to class today so I bet Ayame will need to hear about that. I should probably hurry up. I reach her door and knock on it and say "Hey Ayame. It's me. Rima." But I hear no reply. I open the door and see...

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