Chapter 11

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When he open his eyes, after taking in the impact, I could tell my eyes were glowing crimson. The others looked like they expected it to happen, since he talked to me with no respect. Suddenly, Kuran looked up at me and hesitantly said "S-Sorry Lady Ayame..." I never liked that Kuran anyways. Ruka was the first to stand. She said "Lord Kaname. Please do not forget that Lady Ayame is a higher Pureblood than you." And she threw me a smirk. I grinned at her and threw an arm around her shoulders. Kuran was gone when I looked at him the next second. Suddenly, I remembered Rima. After everyone went to get some extra sleep, apart from Shiki and I, I said to Shiki "Hey, do you know where Rima is?" He seemed to flinch when I said Rima's name. "You told me to forgive her. But I don't. Sorry." He said, no emotion in his voice. What had happened this time?

I nodded and walked to Rima's room. She opened the door slowly and when she saw me she pulled me in and shut the door and locked it. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her hair was a bit messy. Her voice was weak. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until she stopped crying and sat down on her bed before motioning for me to sit next to her. I walked over and she sighed and said "I was talking to Shiki before the ball and asked him to forgive me. Surprisingly, he said yes. I was over the moon but then he said that the only reason he forgave me was because you requested it and that he doesn't like me and still has a bit of hatred towards me for trying to copy you. I didn't say anything, since it wasn't that hard to believe in all honesty. " She then paused and her eyes were full of panic for a second, as if she was still deciding if she was going to tell me the rest. She then said "A-And after that...I, uh well I was talking to him about...your song! A-And how good it was but then he said that he doesn't want to talk to me and told me to get lost. And then I...uh ran off crying." I nodded. I didn't believe it AT ALL but I wouldn't let her know that. "Hey, Rima, is there anything I could do to help?" I asked nervously, not quite sure how to help right now. "Well, avoiding him would be the only way you could help but I couldn't possibly ask you that. Especially after last time..." She trailed off, as she sensed Shiki at the door. He threw the door open and Rima threw him a shy but flirty smile. Shiki walked over to us without another word and picked me up bridal style. Rima gasped and I said "Shiki? What are you doing?" Shiki just said "Getting you away from here before you agree to anything." He then glared at Rima and she looked sad. I threw her a 'sorry' look and she threw a 'im hurt but it's alright' look. Then Shiki had whisked me out the room and into his.

"Shiki..." I said and he just sighed and said "You wanna know what hapened? Well, she came and asked me to forgive her. I told her I forgave her but only because of your request and that I still don't really like her and still feel a bit of hatred towards her. She didn't say anything after that." So far, so good. He then continued "She then asked me to be her date. I told her no. She kept begging but I said no again. Then she asked if I was your date. I told her it was none of her business and then she burst into tears and ran off." I nodded my head. That sounded more real. I then teleport Shiki and I to where Rima is, in her room. She's shocked to see us. "Rima, Shiki told me that," I was interuppted by Rima on her knees begging me to forgive her. I knew why she was sorry but pretended to act dumb. "Uh...Shiki told me that you guys were modelling tomorrow and asked me to come along. I came to check if that was alright with you..." I said and I talked to Shiki in his head 'Shiki, play along, you'll find out what's going on soon' and he slightly nodded. Rima blushes and gets up instantly. "O-Of course!" She says. I smile at her and then say "Oh yeah, so what were you apologizing about again?" She looks panicked and I say "Are you alright Rima?" She just nods and then I say "Oh yeah, Shiki also told me something different about why you burst into tears." She says "Who do you believe then?" I'm shocked. I don't want to hurt Rima. I turn my head to look at Shiki, who's just chewing on a Pocky Stick...WAIT! THAT'S MY POCKY! "SHIKI! YOU STOLE MY POCKY!" I exclaim. He just shrugs. "Oh I'll get you for that MISTER!!!" I say, letting my evil aura out. He runs off without another word. "SHIKIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell and run after him. 

Suddenly, I feel something on the back of my right shoulder. A dagger...

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