Chapter 9

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The woman stars at me in fear but tries to get closer. My red dream and black dream tattoos turn into daggers and I run at the woman, throwing my black dream into her forehead, turning her into dust. I turn to the boy who stars crying and I go over and hug him. Children don't deserve this. I erase his memories and he falls asleep. I then read his mind and lead him to his family. They all thank me and I walk back to the academy. I hate Level E's. I reach the dorm and everyone stares at me in fear. I probably looked ready to kill then..."U-Uh Lady Ayame...are you alright?" I'm suddenly snapped out of my hate phase and nod at Takuma who was trying to calm me down. I walked over to my room. It was day now so everyone was asleep, or so I thought.

I heard a knock at the door so I said "Come in." and there stood Shiki. "There was a child. He lost his mother in the crowd. I was with him waiting for him to find his mother when we were attacked by a Level E. I killed it but it really wanted the boy's blood. Stupid Level E." I say, letting the venom drip from my words. Shiki sighs and comes and hugs me. I hug back and we talk for a while when I hear another knock and I say enter. Rima comes in and I pull her to sit in between Shiki and I. Shiki shifts uncomfortably and leaves. Rima cries on my shoulder and I let her. The ball is tonight so I really hope Shiki will forgive Rima. After Rima finishes crying, she goes to sleep, leaving me the only one awake. I don't sleep much since I'm used to doing concerts in the day. OH MY GOSH! CONCERTS! MY CONCERT!!! I jump up and slip on a black tank top, a crimson skirt and black sneakers. I then rush out and use my telekinesis to slam the moon dorm doors open, awaking everyone in the night class. I turn around and say "I have a concert in two hours, I'm leaving." They all nod but fidget and push Takuma forward. "Lady Ayame, could we go to your concert too? We would like to watch" He said. I agree and we all climb into the limo awaiting me. I would be singing my song "You're gonna go far kid" (DISCLAIMER: IT IS NOT ACTUALLY MINE. IT IS ACTUALLY BY OFFSPRING BUT FOR THIS STORY, I'M SAYING IT'S MINE WHEN IT'S NOT. GO CHECK OUT OFFSPRING BY THE WAY. THEIR MUSIC IS EPIC) We reach my concert hall, which was already packed at the main entrance with my fans. We secretly sneaked out the limo and went in through the back. I was greeted  by my mother. "Ayame! Get ready, you're on in 1 and a half hours but get prepared." She tells me. I nod and walk to my chill room.

The night class stare in awe and I smile and say "You guys can wait here until I start." Ruka, Rima and I chat while Shiki, Takuma, Aido and Akatsuki chat. Kuran and Seiren just stand there. Quite creepy if you ask me..."Hey Ayame, what song will you be singing?" I hear Shiki ask. "Oh, I'll be singing 'You're gonna go far kid'." I answer. He nods and Ruka and Akatsuki say at the same time "That's my favourite!" They both blush and look away from each other. We all chuckle (apart from Kuran and Sieren who are still just staring out the window). Rima whispers quietly so only I can hear "Well, you got Shiki's attention..." She flashes me a sad smile, and I return the gesture. Eventually, I have 30 minutes until I'm on. I enter a huge walk-in wardrobe and walk out in a few seconds, wearing a black leather jacket, a crimson tank top, black ribbed jeans and crimson sneakers, my hair flowing freely. "Follow me." I say to the night class and they make their way to the front seats I had arranged for them. My fans should be coming soon. They wait and on cue, my fans come pouring in, I peek at them through the curtains and my mother comes and wishes me good luck. I thank her and my show begins. 

The music starts and explosions burst out from the sides of the stage, covering it in smoke, giving me time to go to my dramatic entrance. I start singing with my microphone. When the first chorus comes on, I place the microphone on the stand and switch on my ear to mouth microphone while doing some choreography with a group of 4 backup dancers behind me. I then turn off my ear to mouth microphone and grab the microphone. I then run down the stage, high-fiveing all my front row fans. The cheering gets higher and everyone starts singing and screaming and clapping towards the middle of the song. I then do some simple choreo with one hand and my feet and then end the song with sparkling explosions coming out from the side of the stage and when they disappear, the cheering becomes deafening and I wave and the curtains fall. The cheering doesn't stop though. That was fun, but tiring. I start to get a headache from all that racket but I shrug it off, it's normal. Just then, the night class, apart from Kuran and Serien. "Lady Ayame, Lord Kaname had some business to attend to so he left early." Takuma says and Aido says "Lady Ayame! You were stunning up there! I can see why you're so popular! I feel so jealous that there are millions of boys who have a crush on you..." He rants on but his voice trails off when he realises what he just said.

I chuckle and thank him. Akatsuki and Ruka come up and say "I loved it! Stop copying me! Urgh!" at the same time. I chuckle again and thank them again. Rima and Takuma come and tell me how great I was and I thank them. They all go back to the Moon dorms since I'll be a while. I then wonder where Shiki is. I don't think I saw him with the others. I walk around when I feel a pair of soft hands cover my eyes "Guess who?" He asks. I smirk and turn around to see Shiki. "Shiki, the others will be worried! You should go back!" I say but he shrugs and says "I told Takuma that I'll hang back. Rima tried to stay back too but Takuma said that Kaname wouldn't approve of both of us staying here." "I see..." I say. I feel sorry for Rima. She probably thinks something will happen between Shiki and I. "Well, Shiki, I normally just go for a walk around after concerts so would you like to join me?" I ask him. He nods and we arrive at a nearby park, which was deserted at this time of day (the limo had dropped us off). We walk around and sit on a bench and behind us was a fountain. "Hey Shiki..." I breathe in and say "Please forgive Rima." He looks at me, no emotion visible in his eyes. He then sighs and says "Only because you requested it..." I smile at him and say "Thank you Shiki. You have no idea how happy she will be!" He looks at me and says "Follow me." I nod and he leads me to the roof of some building. It was sunset by now so the view was breathtaking.

We lie down and stare up in a comfortable silence side by side. Suddenly, I feel the drowsiness of the concert hit me and I say "S-Shiki...I feel faint..." I barely mutter before I fall asleep...

Shiki's POV

"S-Shiki...I feel faint..." I hear her mutter before her eyes close.

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