Chapter 8

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~ Later on that day ~

I was walking around and stopped at the fountain. I sensed Shiki coming so I turned and said "Hey Shiki." but he didn't reply. He just looked at me. After a few moments, he said "You do know that I won't care so there's really no point in dressing Rima up for the upcoming ball to try and make me feel jealous." "Oh Shiki, you know me too well. I know you don't care but it makes Rima feels good and that's all the info I need." I reply. "You're too kind. Speaking of the upcoming ball, I've heard a group of fanboys asked to be your date. Did you pick one yet?" He asks. "Nah, they're not my type." I say. There's a ball coming up for Easter and I've already been given tons of mountains of chocolates and every guy in the Day class wants to be my date. Quite tiring actually...I have to sing a song there too, as a request by the headmaster. I'm planning to turn that formal evening into the best night ever! After Shiki and I chit-chatted for a while, he left and I went to my room to decide what to wear. I step into my walk-in wardrobe and pick out a dress with a crimson top and a black silk layered high-low skirt, completed with a gold waist belt with gold heels and black jewelry. Okay so that's my outfit sorted, now I gotta get my music ready...I change into black skinny jeans and a crimson tank top with a black open waistcoat style cardigan and crimson flats. 

I thought about singing "Burn" by Ellie Goudling but decided not to so I grab my guitar and start singing "E.T." by Katy Perry, I love that song. Within seconds, the entire night class is gathered around me. I decided that I would sing this song. When I finished singing, the entire night class cheers and I smile and walk over to Rima who looks sad. "Ayame, I wish everyone would cheer for me..." She says merely louder than a whisper but I heard. "Rima, you and I are going to make you look FABULOUS at that ball. And Shiki won't know what hit him." I say winking at her. I feel quite bad that Shiki won't really care..."Lady Ayame." I hear Kuran say to me. "Yeah?" I reply. "The headmaster is calling for you. Something about the ball." He says to me. I nod and say bye to Rima and head off to the headmasters office. On the way, I'm crowded by a bunch of day class students, asking for autographs. "Umm, sorry but I really need to be off to the headmasters office. Something about the ball." I smile at them and they all say sorry and make a path for to walk through, still cheering and screaming my name. 

I finally make it to his office and knock at the door. "Come in." I hear. "AYAME! MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!!!" He says merrily as he tries to tackle me in a hug but I move to the side leaving him on the floor. "Sorry..." I mumble. He sits down in his chair and I see Yuki and Zero there. Zero scowls at me while Yuki gives me a small smile. "So Ayame, you'll be singing after the waltz is over." Headmaster says to me. I nod and Zero stands up. "Why are we here?" He says coldly. "Ah yes, you three need to make sure that the day class doesn't go crazy over the night class. Ayame was crowded and almost shoved over on her way here. I saw through the window." Headmaster says sweatdropping. A vein throbs from my forehead and I yell "YOU SAW AND DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!?" He scratches the back of his head and says "Well..." I sigh and say "Well, is that it? That should be easy. Just threaten them if they get too clingy. But just ask them politely to move the first two times." My red dream and black dream daggers tattoos transform from my arms and into my hands. "Pfft, as if you would have the guts to hurt someone. You're too soft." Zero says to me. "Funny that. I injured you a few times." I say glaring at him. He keeps quiet. I feel my pureblood aura coming out and before I know it, a gush of powerful wind comes and shoves Zero into a wall. "Ayame!" Yuki says. "S-sorry..." I mumble. The headmaster sighs and goes over to help Zero.

Red dream and black dream turn back into tattoos. I walk back to the dorm and see that we have two hours until class. The ball is tomorrow night. Rima comes rushing up to me and drags me into her room without another word. "Ayame! What should I wear tomorrow night!" She starts pacing back and forth. I smirk and drag her into my room. I then walk over to my huge walk-in wardrobe and drop a bunch of clothes into her arms and tell her to go try them on. She walks into the dressing room and tries them on one by one. Finally, we decided that she's going to wear a long emerald green silk dress with a slit showing her right leg with green heels, green hair ribbons and green jewelry. She changes out and thanks me. We continue chatting in my room when we hear a knock at the door. "Ayame. It's me. Shiki." He says. "Come in." I say. I turn to look at Rima and she looks scared. I smile at her assuring her that it'll be okay. 

Shiki comes in and doesn't look at Rima. He just looks at me and says "Aido wants to ask you something." Aido then walks in looking shy and turns to me. "How can I help you, Aido?" I ask him. "Well um...I was wondering if...would you...would you go to the ball with me?" He says fidgeting. "After all, who can turn down this stunning face." He says obnoxiously. I chuckle and say "Well, I don't think I'll go with a date, sorry." All of a sudden, all the guys from the night class come in my room knocking one by one and Takuma says "Sorry the intrusion but why won't you go with a date?" I wonder whether I should tell them or not. I look up at them all and turn to look at Rima, who looks quite sad. "I'll tell you tomorrow in class, right now, Rima and I are going to take a trip out. I'm going to go ask Ruka if she'd like to join." They all nod and leave. Rima and I walk over to Ruka and ask her if she'd like to come to town with us. She agrees and the three of us walk into town and get ice cream. I order a triple chocolate sundae, Ruka gets a mint ice cream sundae, and Rima gets a strawberry sundae. I pay and we go over wandering around. Suddenly, a little boy taps me and says "Where's mama?" He starts crying. "You two go back to the dorm, I'll take this child back to his mother." I tell Rima and Ruka. They nod hesitantly but I smile reassuring them that I'll be fine. They then nod again and walk back. It was almost morning, yes we skipped classes but oh well. The little boy grabbed hold of my hand and he was shaking. "Onesan is so nice." The little boy says slightly smiling. I smile back at him and ask "Do you know where your mother is?" He nods and says "Follow me" As we walk on, I sense a Level E. "Little boy...your youthful blood...IS MINE!!!" The Level E woman yells. I stand in front of the boy protectively. I glare at the woman and she froze in shock, staring at me. 

This bitch will NOT lay a finger on this child as long as I'm here. "Over my. Dead. Body." I say and a gust of wind comes and she's thrown into the brick wall behind her...

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