Chapter 23

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Zero doesn't say anything and neither do I

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Zero doesn't say anything and neither do I. The silence was starting to get awkward and I was about to leave when Zero says "Do PureBloods have to fall on love with PureBloods only?" I raise an eyebrow, confused at why he asked but I answered anyway. "No. They can get married to whoever they want. However, getting married to either a PureBlood or an Aristocrat is preferred. Getting married to an average level vampire will make a few question you though. And getting married to anyone else below that is looked down upon. It can be done though." I said and Zero just walked away without another word. I walked around for a bit, since I had forgot I had to go see the Headmaster. I hear a rustle from behind me and instantly use my powers to summon Silver Nightmare. My daggers had changed too and are both identical now. (Picture of daggers at the top)

I look to see Yuki there. "Hello Yuki." I say and she blushes and says "Hello Ayame. Shouldn't you be in class." "Oh yeah but I needed to talk with Headmaster about something." I say and she nods and asks randomly "Hey, can we talk?" I nod and we both go to sit at the edge of the fountain. "I like these two guys but I think one likes someone else and the other is desperate someone else." She says. "Well, do you know who the someone else is?" I ask and she nods. "It's you...I don't know why I feel like I can trust you with this. You're like a big sister to me so I'll tell you who I like. I like Zero and Kaname." She says. "Well I see how you think they like me. But Zero hates my guts." I say and chuckle and continue "I think he finds me interesting since I'm known everywhere for my abilities. Plus Kuran and I aren't close at all. I don't really true him. Everyone wanted us to get married since we were kids but once I threatened them, they all backed down."

She just looked at me, shocked. "Well...thank you for telling me that. I feel a lot better!" She says and I smile and say "Anytime, little sis." I wink at her and she smiles before taking off to patrol some more. I go to walk to the headmasters office when I hear a noise. I turn around and summon my daggers behind my back. I see two day class girls with cameras giggling. I pull up my Prefect band and call out to them "Alright. I need your names and classes." "Sorry Ayame-sempai! We didn't mean any harm! We just wanted to take pictures..." One of them said. I smile at them and say "Alright, I'll escort you to your dorms and won't tell anyone. Sound good?" They both nod and mublmble to each other about how amazing I am. I chuckle a bit and we reach their dorm. "Don't go around at night, okay?" I say and smile at them. They both squeal slightly and rush into their dorms.

While we were walking, I accidently rubbed my left sleeve on the brick wall outside, making it all dirty. I rush back to my room and get changed into a white wrap top, a dark blue high-low skirt with a golden belt and a golden spike necklace. I slip on some white plain flats and use my powers to do my nails. The perks of being a vampire. I walk out to the headmasters office and see that he isn't there. Great. I walk to class, since we still had 45 minutes of lesson. I walk in and see Yagari-sensei looking pissed. "Hey." I say and sit down next to Senri and Rima. "Ayame Mikan. Just because you're a PureBlood with exceptional powers and abilities in both hand-to-hand combat, weapon-wielding and many more, you have to come to class on time. Don't forget that I'm a Vampire Hunter." Yagari lectures. "Well, so am I. And last time I checked, I'm the best hunter since Kaien Cross." I say and he scoffs and continues on with the lesson.

"Wait. Where's your uniform!?" Yagari says with a vein popping out his forehead. "Oh. It got dirty." I said and he looked like he was gonna blow. "He's gonna blow." I muttered but Senri, Rima, Ruka and Akatsuki heard and snickered. "Hey what's so funny?" Hanabusa said, coming towards us. Akatsuki filled him in and Hanabusa stared wide-eyed at Yagari. Takuma and Kuran weren't in class today. How strange. "Hey, where's Kuran and Takuma?" I said and Senri told me "He called Takuma for something early into the lesson." I nodded and Yagari still looked like he was gonna blow. "Hey, Yagari-sensei." I say and he splnapped out of his trance. "What." He said through gritted teeth. "Aren't you gonna teach?" I say and he ignored me and just continued talking.

I fell asleep leaning on something in a few minutes.

Senri's POV

Ayame fell asleep leaving on my shoulder as Yagari-sensei continued talking about the royal bloodline.


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