Chapter 12

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I pull out the dagger as calmly as I can and turn around to see a Level E. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT CLASS DORM. I scream and instantly, the ENTIRE night class is in a circle around the Level E, their eyes glowing crimson at my blood. I use my red dream tattoo to stab it in its chest, and black dream tattoo to stab it in its forehead for double pain. It turns into dust and everyone rushes towards me and leads me to the lounge, where Takuma bandages me. I thank him and say to everyone "I'll go report this to the headmaster in 5 minutes." I say and go to my room to change out of my blood-stained clothes. I change into a black tank top, a crimson skirt and black combat boots. As I'm walking out, the day class students all come rushing up to me, concerned about my shoulder. I tell them it's nothing and eventually escape and rush to his office. I lift my right arm to knock but I wince in pain as my shoulder aches. I then lift up my left arm and knock and hear a "Come in" I enter and the headmaster looks like his usual bubbly self until he saw my shoulder.

I closed the door behind me and saw Zero and Yuki already in there. "You're all here. Good timing. A Level E was found in the middle of the Moon Dorms. We have dealt with it but it took me by surprise and managed to pierce a dagger through m right shoulder. Nobody else was hurt though so it's fine." I say calmly. The headmaster and Yuki looked shocked but Zero stands up "How is that fine!?" Zero says annoyed. "Well. Nobody was injured from this attack, apart from me, therefore it was nothing serious." I reply using the same annoyed tone. The headmaster says "Ayame, your wellbeing is serious. The blood is already seeping through that bandage, we need to get you to the nurse." I say "It's fine, I'll go on my own. That's all I came to say anyways." I was about to leave when the headmaster says "Wait." And I turn around. "Remember that you are a guardian. You can't come to help at night since you have classes but at the switch, at least try to help out Yuki to hold the day class back. They do listen to you after all." He says. I nod my head and leave. Throughout that, my arm had been hurting like hell but I didn't say anything or he would just worry more. Suddenly, my bandage is covered in my blood and I run to the nurse. She looks at my shoulder and instantly rushes to clean me up. After she does, I head back over to the Moon Dorms. Everyone's eyes are glowing crimson. "The blood was seeping through. I guess the wound was deeper than I thought." I explained. They all nodded. 

Rima and Ruka comes up to me and suggests a girls night. I agree and we just wait until night when we have classes. Ruka, Rima and I decide to skip classes, but Takuma, Akatsuki, Shiki and Aido wanted to join us so we turned it into a slumber party night! We all got changed in our pjs. I was wearing crimson pjs with black thorn patterns on them. Ruka was wearing a white dress up to her knees, Rima was wearing  a grey dress up to her ankles, Takuma, Aido, Akatsuki and Shiki were wearing sweatpants and were shirtless...We were all in the lounge, I was sitting between Rima and Ruka. Akatsuki was sitting next to Aido, Takuma was next to Aido and Shiki was next to Takuma. We were watching Twilight and were laughing at all the stupidity. "Hey Aido, pass the popcorn." I say and he nods and without looking, he uses his powers to send the bowl to me. I take a handful and put it on the table in front of us. All of a sudden, Kuran comes storming back into the dorms, fuming about how we all ditched classes "Why would you skip classes!? Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused now!?" I stood up and his ranting stopped. "By the way Kuran, the other day was not even my warm up. Keep that in mind and get out of here." He slightly nods his head and teleports away. Everyone let out a sigh of relief and we all went back to watching the stupid Vampire love story.

Suddenly, Aido speaks up "Hey Lady Ayame, how come you call everyone else by their first names but you call me by my last?" I think about it for a moment and say "I actually have no idea." I sweatdrop and say "Hanabusa, Rima would like the popcorn." I say after a while and after Rima asks me to ask for the popcorn. He nods and I use my powers to send the bowl to Rima, who was sitting to my right. Eventually, the movies end and we all make jokes about how stupid they were. Suddenly, we realise it's 5:00 in the morning. Everyone goes to sleep, apart from Shiki and Rima, who go to get changed to go out to model. I decide to go to town today so I get changed into a black silk tank top, a crimson skirt and black sneakers. I put on a pair of black sunglasses with crimson aztec prints on the sides of them. I brush my hair and let it flow freely. Just as I reach the Moon Dorm doors, Rima and Shiki come down, not speaking. I open the doors for them, and they thank me.

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