Chapter 7

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Shiki was asleep on Ayame. Why did I feel a pang of jealousy? I should be happy for Ayame...I am but I can't help but envy her and Shiki. I turned away and walked back to my room. I didn't even care if people saw. I made my dismay visible.

Ayame's POV

I woke up and found Shiki gone but a note was next to my table. It read 'Dear Ayame, sorry for leaving, my modelling agency needed me to replace this guy at work that was sick today. The nurse says you're arm is healing nicely so you're free to leave. See you in class.' I smiled and changed into a simple black dress with a crimson leather jacket and crimson flats. I brushed out my hair and let it flow freely. I then gathered all my clothes, cards and chocolates and walked to my room, greeted by many screaming fangirls and fanboys who wondered where I was. When I opened the large doors, everyone greeted me and were happy that I had recovered. I smiled at them and eventually, I got to my room. I put my stuff where they belong and walked back down. On the way, I decided to visit Rima so I went and knocked on her door. "Rima? It's me, Ayame. Can I come in?" I asked. A simple "Yes." was all she said. I opened the door and saw Rima there wearing exactly what I was...I gasped and everyone from the night class (apart from Shiki) came running. "What's wrong Lady Ayame!?" "Are you alright!?" They all cried. I nodded but moved to a side so they could see Rima. She had even died her hair black and red and straightened it. They all gasped as Rima strained a fake smile and said "Yo guys." I have no idea what's going on but it's wierd.

Everyone kept quiet. I then turned to Rima and said "Well, Rima...I love the new look but I think your old look was way better." I said to her slowly, hoping that didn't offend her. "Oh nah that was boorrring ~" She sang. I turned to look at the night class and Akatsuki and Ruka shrugged and walked off, still glancing up at Rima every now and then. Takuma just looked confused. Kaname just coughed and walked off slowly. Aido just stood there gaping. "Aido." I said and he walked up to us. "Uh Rima, this isn't very YOU..." He said hesitantly. Rima said "That's kind of the point." It was shocking I must say. Aido just looked at me with a look that said 'nothing can be done now I guess'

I decided to go get my guitar and start singing. Music always helps me clear my mind. I grab my guitar and instantly the whole night class (apart from Kaname, Rima and Shiki) are behind me. "Yeah, can I help you guys?" I said and smiled at them. They all fidgeted and pushed Takuma forward. "W-well Lady Ayame, we just wanted to hear you play..." He said. "Oh sure, why not?" I say and smiled at him. He smiled back and I slung my guitar over my shoulder just when we heard some terrible singing. We all covered our ears but let go of them and ran over to where the hideous noise was coming from. Rima's room!? Oh no! Is she in danger!? Without thinking twice, I snapped the door open and saw Rima there with a guitar that was identical to mine singing one of my songs. She stopped and looked at us. "Yo, whats shakin'?" She asked trying to be casual.

We all exchanged looks and pushed Takuma forward. Poor guy. "Oh uhh well you see Rima...the thing is..." He began "Okay, this has gone too're dressing and trying to act like Lady Ayame and it's just not YOU. It's strange and everyone prefers the normal Rima. Not a photocopy of a pureblood princess and world-famous singer. It feels strange when it's not the REAL Lady Ayame. Nobody can ever copy her. S-Sorry..." He said. "Oh it's fine..." Rima said and we all just stood there in awkward silence. Shiki came back and said "Hey I'm back." He came up the stairs to where we all where standing and just looked between me and Rima and the rest of the night class. Akatsuki summed it up for him "Basically Rima is trying, but failing, to be Lady Ayame." And Shiki looked at Rima disgusted then said "Well, we should all go right?" He tried to get the rest of the night class out and they took any chance they could to get out of there. I was about to follow when Shiki pulls me into Rima's room. He looked at Rima, then me. He turned to Rima and said "You'll never be Ayame, so no point in trying." I stood up from the bed where I was sitting and said to Rima "You're amazing as you were. You don't need to change just to get someone to notice you." I said to her.

He was shocked and Rima said "H-How did you know?" Her voice was breaking and she was close to tears. I motioned for Shiki to leave and he nodded and left. I hugged Rima and she broke down in tears. As she was crying, I had been changing her hair back to normal with my powers. "Rima, you're amazing as you are and if any guy doesn't fall for you, then his loss. Don't cry about it. Make him PAY." I said with a smirk making its way to my lips. I know Shiki won't care but I want Rima to feel better. She is one of my closest friends after all. Honestly, my life is filled with drama but I guess that's what I came to this academy for anyway...

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