Chapter 14

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When I get to the Moon Dorms, everyone seems relieved that my shoulder is alright. I decide to go for a walk but Takuma says "Uh, Lady Ayame, headmaster Cross sends you this note." He passes a paper to me and I read it 'Dear Ayame, the day class teacher is busy today so could you teach them after their break?' I smirk and thank him before going over to the day classroom. "Good morning Class! I'll be your teacher for a while, due to your normal teacher's absence. So what boring stuff are you meant to learn?" I ask and they all gasp and Zero stands up and everyone goes quiet. "Ayame. Can we just chill cuz classes are so boring." He says and everyone's heads turn to me. I smile and say "Or...who fancies a mini concert?" I smirk and everyone cheers and I start the music. I start singing my song, 'This is not the end' (DISCLAIMER: NOT ACTUALLY MY SONG). Everyone starts cheering and stands on the tables dancing. Suddenly, headmaster Cross enters. Everyone goes silent and I slowly move over to the music player and turn it off. "Oh hello! How can I help you?" I ask and he just stands there gaping. "You're going to get flies in there..." I say and everyone giggles. "Ayame! You're meant to be teaching!" He says and I say "And?" He sighs and says "Continue..." Knowing he would be defeated. Suddenly, I see a familiar face walk in.

Toga Yagari. We know each other from the vampire hunter meetings. We killed a group of Level E's together once. "Ah. Ayame Mikan causing a ruckus. Sounds like her." Toga says and I glare. Headmaster Cross cheers up and says "Ah Yagari! You can teach the day class!" He sighs and after a little debate, Toga is teaching the day class. I was about to leave when Toga says "Mikan. Get back here." I walk backwards and say "Yeah?" He says "You caused a ruckus here. Detention." I laugh, and the entire class laugh too, apart from Yuki who looks scared and Zero who just is watching. Everyone knows that I'm not even in this class so he has no right to give me a detention. "You can't give me a detention." I say and glare at him, with a murderous look. He sighs and I smile and leave.

When I get back back to the dorm, the night class are just staring at me. "We heard your singing. But you were cut off after about 1 quarter of the song." Shiki says, walking up to me. Kaname stands up and says "Lady Ayame. You caused a ruckus." I look at him and say "You can leave. So go." He scoffs and walks off. The rest of the night class sighs in relief and I sit down next to Rima. "What's with Kuran's bad attitude?" I question them. Hanabusa is the one to talk "We don't really know. He's just acting DIFFERENT now..." I nod and say "Well, I'm bored. I'm gonna go practice for my next concert. It's tomorrow. You guys wanna come with me again?" They all nod and I hand them each a backstage pass. "Thank you Lady Ayame." Takuma says and I smile "No need for formalities. You can all call me Ayame." I say and Akatsuki speaks "Ayame. Doesn't your singing career, your vampire hunter tasks and your popularity with vampies stress you out?" "Sometimes but I get to do what I love so it's all good." I say and smile at him. A tint of pink flushes his cheeks but probably because he's flustered. Everyone know's he's got the hots for Ruka. 

I stand up and go to an empty hall. I start up the sound track and start singing "This is not the end" (DISCLAIMER: IT'S NOT ACTUALLY MY SONG) Before I know it, the hall is filled with night class and day class students dancing and cheering. When the song ends, Toga enters and shoves the day class out. Zero throws a dagger at me which I easily dodge. "You must work on your aim Kiryu." I say and he scoffs and walks off. Yuki smiles and gives me a small wave, I wave back and she walks off calling out for Zero. I see Kuran looking at them in jealousy. The night class walk off apart from Rima and Senri. Senri walks up to me and says "You're a really good singer." I smile and say "Thanks Senri." Rima walks up to me and says in a quiet voice "You call him Senri...?" I can hear the hurt in her voice "Yeah. The other day at town I asked her to." Senri beats me to it and answers for me. Rima nods and says "I can't wait for your concert tomorrow!" "Thanks Rima!" I say and Senri says "Ayame. Can you come modelling with us now?" I nod and say "Sure!" It's around 3:00 in the afternoon so I go get changed into a light crimson sweater, black ripped skinny jeans and a black leather jacket with crimson lace-up boots. I walk downstairs and see Shiki in a suit and Rima in a yellow dress. We walk out to the car in silence...

"Okay this is silly." I say once we get in the car. "What is?" Rima asks. "You two! The past is the past. Forgive and forget. You guys were the best of friends and after a little issue like this you aren't talking! What happened to the two besties I met when I first arrived?" I ask and they both look at each other and sigh. "Sorry Shiki." Rima says and Shiki says "You're forgiven." We all smile and the rest of the journey is filled with joking around and fun chats. Trust me, the fact that they're alright now is amazing! The car came to a halt and we walked out, towards the building with Shiki to my right and Rima to my left.

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