Chapter 27

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Ayame's POV

I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked back to see Senri gone. "Sorry Kei, he does that from time to time." Rima says to him. He is pretty fit in all honesty...wait, stop. I like Senri. "Well, I need to go now. Nice meeting you Kei, see you around Rima." I say before leaving, not giving then a chance to reply. Senri doesn't normally vanish unless there's something bothering him. I walked down the halls and greeted Akatsuki, Aido, Ruka and Takuma along the way. Kaname hasn't been around for a while. Went to take a break and recover apparently. So nobody has seen Senri so far, which means there's definitely something up. I put on a black tank top, a white sleeveless top over it, tucked into some denim high-waisted jeans with a grey cardigan and some dark grey high tops. (A/N: PICTURE BELOW)

I left the Moon Dorms after the day class had went into the main buildings

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I left the Moon Dorms after the day class had went into the main buildings. I went looking for Sending everywhere, only to find him laying near the waterfall, with his eyes closed, a pocky stick in his mouth. I walked over, trying to be subtle, but failed as he opened an eye to look at me. "Hey." I say, trying to act casual. He doesn't reply. I sit down next to him and ask, "Senri? What happened?" I realise that he's not looking at me, but my hair. I take a lock of it in my hand and see the color of it has changed A LOT. (A/N: PICTURE BELOW)

My hair was violet, with electric blue ombre at the bottom

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My hair was violet, with electric blue ombre at the bottom. "How'd that happen?" He asks. "I dunno...anyways, why'd you leave like that?" I ask, trying to get back to the main reason I came out here. He opened both his eyes and looked me in the eye as he spoke, "He's bad news. He was a player. Never cared about how a girl felt. Messed with their heart and then left them to go into severe stages of depression. He hid it from us and I only found out after we came to Cross Academy." Rima clearly doesn't know about this, or she wouldn't be hanging around with him. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but Senri beat me to it. "Also, he seems wierdly interested in you. But he can't have you. You're mine." He said, in a voice that seemed to be carried by the wind. I smiled and lay down next to him, eating pocky and watching the clouds.

It was practically the perfect morning. Eventually, the sun began to set and Senri and I had to run back to the dorms. By the time we made it there, we had an hour and a half left to get ready. I went to my room and took a quick shower before brushing out my hair and changing into the uniform. I went downstairs to see no one but Kei standing there, in a Night Class uniform.

"Oh, Ayame. Looks like we're a little early." He says sheepishly and I can't help but wonder if this guy could possibly be trouble. "Your hair has changed again, it looks nice. It always does though, so not much difference." He adds. "Thank you, Kei. I've been meaning to ask you something." I say and he answers, "Go ahead." I ask him, "Since you knew Rima as a child, you must have also known Senri, my fiancé, right?" He stands there, as if he'd just seen a ghost. "Uh...yeah, I know him...and're what?" He stammers out. "My fiancé." I repeat. I show him my black onyx ring and he stares at it in awe.

He leans in, but gets a sudden slap to his face. I whip my head around to see Senri. "Don't try to pull anything." He tells Kei, in a threatening tone. Kei rubs his cheek and says "Man, that hurt. I was just looking at her ring, jeez." He says. "Ah, you three are early." Takuma says and he walks down with Aido, Ruka, Rima and Akatsuki. I smile at them all and greet them before going over to Rima and Ruka. Rima says to me "Ayane, what do you think of Kei?" Her voice sounds so full of hope and so excited. What for though?

"He seems nice, I guess." I reply and her face clearly shows disappointment. What did she think I'd say anyway? I turn to Ruka and ask, "So, how was your cute lite date with Akatsuki?" Ruka instantly turns as red as a tomato and Rima and I begin teasing her non-stop about it. "It wasn't a date!!!" She says, all flustered. "It was just a walk in the forest! Its really not a big deal!" She tries to convince us, not sounding so sure of it herself.

"You don't sound very convinced yourself Ruka. What happened apart from walking?" I ask and Rima and I laugh lightly as she tried to stumble some excuse to go over and stand by Akatsuki as the doors slowly open. The screaming is too extreme but I guess that's a part of being in the Night Class...


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