Chapter 1

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Many days passed, and as I got older, Mother let me go outside the cave more and more. I enjoyed it outside and sometimes just sat at the edge of Priderock to overlook everything. From up so high, the Pridelands looked awfully small. I loved watching the sun set and rise, turning the sky into a firebrand of colors.

This morning, after I watched the sunrise, I watched Simba leave with his father, the King, Mufasa. I didn't know where they were going, but Mother told me that I couldn't go with. She said that some things were of family affairs only, and seeing that I wasn't family... Mother said that it didn't matter if Simba was my best friend; he was still the future King of Priderock and he needed alone time with his father.

On days when Simba was kept busy with his princely duties, I spent my time with my two best friends: Kula and Tama. Kula didn't have any siblings but Tama had a brother named Malka. Sometimes he tagged along with us.

I ran down the slope from the top of Priderock to the ground below. During the heat of the day, most of the lionesses and cubs rested in the shaded trees next to Priderock. There were a few rocks here to sun on as well.

When I arrived, I immediately saw Sarafina talking with Sarabi, the Queen, as they sunned. With them were Sarabi's three sisters: Dwala, Naanda, and Diku. Underneath the shade trees, Bina and Eshe relaxed. Bina was Kula's mother and Eshe was the mother of Tama and Malka.

I didn't see Zira anywhere, but she usually hung around Simba's uncle, Scar. It didn't make sense to me why she did. Scar was scary with that scar across his eye. He always looked like he was hiding something. Mother called him manipulative.

Suddenly, I was attacked from behind. I yelped as my two friends pinned me down. They stood over me, their eyes playful. Both Tama and Kula had red eyes.

"We win!" Tama boasted. She was very competitive and a little impulsive. Her fur was pale gold and she had a tuft of longer hair on her forehead.

I shoved Tama off since Kula had already let go. As I stood up, I shook the dust from my pelt. "Okay, you win this time. But I'll get you when you're not looking!" I was very competitive, too.

Kula giggled and playfully nudged Tama. "You better watch out! We all know that Nala's the best stalker out of us!" Her red-brown fur glistened in the sunlight.

"We should ask our mothers if we can go to the watering hole," I suggested, panting from the hot sun.

Kula frowned nervously and tucked her tail. "I don't know, Nala. What if hyenas come?"

"They won't! Besides, Mufasa is out there right now. He won't let any hyenas come near the watering hole." I pointed out confidently.

Tama nodded excitedly, "She does have a point, Kula. Let's ask!"

Kula and Tama raced over to where Bina and Eshe rested in the shade. I bounded over to Sarafina who was still talking with Sarabi. Mother must've noticed me approaching because she stopped talking and looked at me expectantly.

"Yes, Nala?" Sarafina asked me.

"Tama, Kula, and I were wondering if we could go swimming at the watering hole." I smiled big, hoping to convince her to let me go. Tama and Kula raced over to announce that their mothers said they could go. They also brought Malka with them.

Sarafina thought for a moment. "Okay, you can go, but you four need to stick together."

"Thanks Mother!" I exclaimed and turned towards my friends. "Let's go!"

I led the way with Malka by my side. He was bigger than all three of us, but smaller than Simba. His pelt was the same color as Tama's, a pale gold, and he had a tuft of black hair where his mane would grow. Malka had a longer stride than me, so it took more effort to keep up with him. Kula and Tama followed close behind us.

We followed the trail through the long, green grass that would lead us to the watering hole. In the distance, I could see the reflection of the sun in the watering hole and it was surrounded by sand and reeds on all sides. I lengthened my stride and pulled ahead of Malka.

There was a rock that hung over part of the water. We often used it to dive off of. I squealed with excitement as I raced off of the rock and dived into the pool. Malka, Tama, and Kula followed close behind. Under the water, I opened my eyes.

At the sandy bottom were a few grasses and tiny fish darted in between them. I swam back to the surface to find my friends all splashing each other. As soon as I surfaced, I became their target. We all laughed and wrestled with not a care in the world.

After a while, I pulled myself out of the water and shook out on the sandy shore. Kula followed me but Tama and Malka stayed in for a bit longer. We laid down in the sand to let the sun dry our fur and to watch our friends.

"I wish I had a brother," Kula said suddenly. "Tama's so lucky to even have a sibling."

I pondered this and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I wish I had a sibling, too." Malka was great. He looked out for Tama and took her side no matter what. I wish that I had someone to do that for me.

"Do you know what else I wish?" Kula smirked, her red eyes gleaming.

I was almost afraid to ask. "What?"

Kula giggled out her answer, "I wish that Simba could've come with us today. He always has the best idea for fun games to play."

"Yeah," I agreed, thinking about the golden lion cub. "I still can't believe that he's going to be King someday. He'll never take it seriously."

Kula shrugged and suddenly turned wise. "He might surprise us."

I thought about it and chuckled. Simba was carefree, impulsive, and adventurous. He would never take being King seriously.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now