Chapter 17

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After my talk with Tama, she returned into the cave to find Kula. I decided that I needed some space from Priderock. Although I was still technically a cub, I was allowed to wander. In the last few moons, my legs have lengthened and my body has started to mature. I was starting to look less like a cub and more like a lioness.

I traveled down the rocky slope and skid a little bit, sending rocks clattering to the bottom. From behind me, I heard someone trailing me. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw that it was Malka.

"Nala, wait up!" He raced down the slope and we reached the bottom at the same time. "Hey, where are you going?" His red eyes looked hopeful as if there had never been any awkwardness between us. That's how it usually was these days. As soon as he was out of Scar's reach he returned to the sweet Malka that I knew.

"I'm just going for a walk," I told him carefully, unsure of how to act around him.

Malka stepped closer so that we were shoulder to shoulder. "Can I come? It's been a while since we've gone on an adventure."

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Then came Mheetu sliding down the rocky slope. My little brother's green eyes lit up when he saw us. "Nala, Malka! Wherever you're going, can I come? Pleeasee?"

Malka and I exchanged an amused look. Why not have both of them come with me? It might be fun. Besides, I missed them both. "Sure, Mheetu, you can come with us."

"Yes!" Mheetu exclaimed, bouncing ahead of us.

The young cub strayed ahead of Malka and me, but always within seeing distance. We simply followed the trail through the Pridelands, heading nowhere in particular. While Mheetu chased grasshoppers, Malka and I walked slower, side by side.

" have you been, Nala?" Malka asked me softly. In his eyes I saw his worry. He feared that he's let me down. Which he has.

"You already know the answer, Malka," I replied a little sharply. "Do you still believe that Scar is a great King?"

Malka flattened his ears. "He's just under a lot of pressure, Nala. Being King isn't easy and he was left with a difficult legacy to follow."

My fur stood on end and I glanced angrily at Malka. "He's managed to drag Mufasa's legacy through the mud. Why do you listen to him, Malka?"

For the longest moment, Malka didn't answer me. When he finally did speak, I could see that he was torn up. "Nala-"

Suddenly, from up ahead, a scream split the air. It was Mheetu! Without thinking I raced towards the sound of Mheetu's scream with Malka at my heels. I hadn't realized how close we were to the Elephant Graveyard.

In front of me, the ground fell into a gigantic hole and I skidded to a stop to prevent me from falling. Malka barely stopped in time to prevent colliding with me. We both stared down at the yawning black hole. It was so dark down there that we couldn't see anything.

"Mheetu?!" I shouted for my brother, but he didn't answer. "Mheetu!!" Anxiety and fear caused my heart to race. I glanced at Malka. "He's gotta be down there, Malka, what are we going to do?!"

Malka peered over the edge as I grew more hysterical. "I don't think it's as deep as it looks. Stay here, I'm going down there." He started toward the edge but I blocked his path.

"Are you crazy?! Mheetu is my brother!" I growled at him, showing him my fangs. "If anyone is going down there after him, it's me!"

Sighing, Malka stepped aside. "Fine, we'll both go down." I pricked my ears, a little surprised that he gave in so easily. "But I'm going first."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I wanted to protest but I didn't. All that mattered was that I could help Mheetu. Malka approached the edge where the slope was the least steep. He started to slide down, trying to find a grip. I followed after him and found how impossible it was to control my descent. How were we going to get back up?

It got dark really quick and I didn't see Malka until I collided with him at the bottom. We rolled over each other until we finally stopped. He landed on top of me and our faces were only a whisker-length apart. For a moment, my pelt grew hot with embarrassment and my heart started racing. But then Malka got up. We had to find Mheetu.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as I looked around. The dirt and rocks seemingly collapsed into a tunnel. There was a pile of rubble and I immediately raced over. If Mheetu was at the bottom, he was probably hurt. Malka followed my lead and we started to dig. The rubble blocked off one part of the tunnel.

"Mheetu!" I gasped when my paw brushed against his. Malka helped me to dig my brother out. He was unconscious when we pulled him from the rubble. His pale fur was streaked with mud and blood. "Oh no... Mheetu?"

He wasn't moving. I couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not. A strangled cry escaped from my lips and I lowered my head as the tears trailed down my cheeks. Mheetu couldn't be dead. He was so young and had so much life ahead of him! I let him down... What would I tell Sarafina?!

Then, Mheetu let out the tiniest moan as his eyelids fluttered open. I watched as my little brother fully opened his eyes and looked around the dark tunnel. He looked so disoriented, but he calmed when he saw my face.

"Nala?" Mheetu asked hoarsely.

"Shh..." I nuzzled my brother happily. Then I looked up at Malka. "How are we going to get him back?"

"We'll have to support him between the two of us," Malka observed. "These tunnels must lead to somewhere. I guess all we can do is keep going."

Nodding in understanding, I nudged Mheetu and then helped him to his paws. I realized in relief that his wounds were shallow. He would be fine as long as we got back to the Pride. Malka and I helped Mheetu along the way as we ventured deeper into the tunnel.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now