Chapter 34

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I wandered many days through the desert. Malka clouded my mind and I wondered if he had survived. Whenever I thought about him being dead, a part of me broke. He sacrificed himself for me, proving that he was more of a lion than I thought. I would never forget him.

My paws hurt from so much walking. I was starving and there was no water in sight. What if I died out here, all alone? My family would never know what's become of me. Sarafina would live the rest of her days looking to the horizon, waiting for me to appear.

The sun beat down on my back and I felt like I was on fire. My paws were burning from the hot sand and I felt exhausted. I missed my mother, my friends, my daughter...I held her for only a few breaths before she was taken from me. My heart ached to hold her again, to nurse her as a mother should.

I would cry but my body was too dehydrated. Maybe I should've let Scar kill me. What did I have to life for? A slim chance that Simba might be alive? Who was I kidding! Even if he had escaped from Scar, what cub could survive this desert?

My mind flew back to the many adventures I'd had with Simba, Tama, Malka, and Kula. The five of us were inseparable. We used to be so naive. We'd talk as if we could change the world, but instead the world changed us.

Each new horizon just brought me to more and more desert. What if I kept walking to the ends of the earth? Maybe this desert would be the last thing I saw. Who would welcome me in the stars?

Would my grandmother, Anukis, be there? Will all of the Great Kings and Queens line up to welcome me? I've heard so many stories about Mohatu, the first King of Priderock. His daughter, Uru, was one of the Greats.

I started to stumble more and each time it took me all my strength to get back up. Then I fell and I didn't want to get back up... The wind picked up and the sand stung my eyes. It was hopeless. I was all alone and had nothing to live for.

My eyes started to close. I wanted nothing more than to lay down and never get back up...


"Nala..." A voice whispered and my eyes snapped open.

I laid on a flat rock next to a clear pool of water. Surrounding me were towering trees with swinging vines. The undergrowth was lush and green. I could hear monkeys in the trees, birds singing, animals darting through the undergrowth. Was I dreaming?

"Nala!" A voice called, sharper this time.

Spinning around, I looked for the source of the voice. "Hello?" I asked.

"Look down, Nala." I lowered my eyes to the pool of water. Staring back at me was a lioness that I've never seen before. She had a pale golden pelt, a lithe frame, golden eyes, and white rims around her eyes. Although I've never seen her before, she looked oddly familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked, perplexed.

This beautifully golden lioness blinked her eyes at me, a look of amusement on her face. "My, how you've grown, my dear. I'm Anukis."

Realization came over me and I relaxed. "You're my grandmother?"

She nodded in reply. "You've come so far, Nala...but your journey is nearing its climax. Not much further, dear, I'll walk alongside you the entire way. Follow the river."

"Wait!" I gasped, but she was already gone and my vision was becoming blurry.


My eyes opened and it was nighttime. The coolness felt much better than the searing heat of day. I got to my paws and looked around me. The dry riverbed was still winding into the horizon. Only a little further.

I started to run. Anukis' presence offered comfort and I stretched my legs. My paws ate at the earth and I kicked up dust behind me. The Pridelands were far behind me now. Anukis had promised that I was almost where I needed to be. But where was that?

Horizon after horizon, I saw nothing new. I was tiring and had to take breaks to catch my breath. The moon was setting in the sky and I wondered if I would reach my destination by sunrise.

Walking now, I trudged forward. I focused on placing one paw in front of the other. Just a little more, I kept telling myself. Just a little further...

Then I realized something: the sand beneath my paws was damp. There must be water nearby! I gained strength and sped up, climbing a steep hill. When I reached the top, my jaw dropped in awe.

Before me sprawled a jungle! The greenness spread far into the horizon and I couldn't believe my eyes. At the center of the jungle was a mountain with a waterfall cascading down. The sand beneath my paws was even more damp. I felt that this was the place I was destined to find.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now