Chapter 26

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Days passed and I became incredibly bored. Since I wasn't able to leave Priderock, I had to keep myself preoccupied. I watched the Pridelands slip further and further into drought. What little food there had been was gone. Scar was furious, he ordered the lionesses to hunt from sunrise to sunset, but each day they returned with nothing.

Despite my estrangement with Scar, he doted on me in a way that wasn't natural for him. He kept me guarded by the hyenas and any food we did find was given to me. Sarafina typically stayed at my side. She was worried for me, and I was worried too. If the Pride couldn't eat, would I lose my cub?

This cub wasn't just Scar's, it was also mine. Strangely, I loved the cub that nestled in my womb. I would die for it, him or her. As the Pridelands died, I saw changes in the Pride.

I watched them become skinny and weak. Mheetu, almost a year old now, was scrawny for his age. So was Nuka, and Zira was extremely protective of him. If someone so much as looked at him the wrong way she became livid. It didn't help that she was angry at me and Scar.

This morning in particular she seemed extremely temperamental. Every chance she could, she cast a glare in my direction. Scar noticed and glared at her. He sat protectively at my side, not sparing me a moment alone to breathe.

"Would you look at your son, Scar?" Zira spoke in a cold, unfriendly tone. Her red eyes were narrowed and her lips curled to reveal sharp fangs. The only other lions around were Ramla, Nadra, and Katura. They were Zira's strongest supporters.

Nuka sat in between Zira's paws, looking up at Scar with wide eyes. I saw Scar's expression change as he looked down upon his son with distaste. "He's not worth my breath. Soon I'll have a real heir, one that can lead."

Zira's red eyes burned into me and I feared her wrath. Why couldn't she understand that I didn't want this?! The Pride was having difficulties accepting that I was their new Queen. Well, only those that supported Zira, but they were causing quite a disturbance.

"I hope that cub of yours doesn't live to glimpse the world!" Zira snarled.

It happened in the blink of an eye. Scar had Zira pinned beneath him and he clawed her across the face. "Choose your next words carefully, Zira, or you'll face exile with that son of yours!"

Ramla, Katura, and Nadra were motionless, knowing not to step in. As much as they respected Zira, they feared Scar even more. My blue eyes were wide. Scar wouldn't actually exile a cub, his son?!

Zira raised her red eyes to me, still pinned beneath Scar's claws. "I apologize, my Queen." She somehow made it sound threatening and I flattened my ears.

"Watch yourself, Zira," Scar snarled before letting her up. "Come, Nala."

Against my will, I followed Scar away from Priderock. I wasn't allowed to leave unless he was with me. This must be one of those times. When we were out of earshot, Scar spoke: "Zira must be punished."

I stared at him in confusion. "Punished? But you've already punished her, Scar. There's nothing you could do to her that would break her."

A malicious smirk appeared on Scar's face. He turned to face me and I got a bad feeling. "There is one thing..."

Suddenly, I realized what he meant. "No! You can't, it's not his fault Scar!"

"I am King, Nala!" Scar snarled, his face a whisker-length from mine. "I can do whatever I want!"

My throat tightened at the thought. "Please, let him be..."

"I'm doing you a favor, Nala," Scar moved closer, touch me tenderly. "I'm ensuring that Zira will not bother you again. Isn't that what you want?"

"Not like this," I choked out. "He's just a cub, your cub!"

"I have only one cub," Scar growled, his eyes fixing on my growing stomach. "That cub is my future, not Nuka."

I pulled away from him, a look of fear on my face. What could I say to make him change his mind? Nothing. He was King and he had power over everyone. I couldn't save everyone.

"You'll see, Nala," Scar moved closer again, brushing himself against me. "You'll like being Queen."

I didn't answer him. In my mind, I was screaming at him. But on the outside...I wore a stoic face. Scar couldn't be controlled. He would get whatever he wanted, no matter who he hurt in the process. If I wanted to survive, for the sake of my cub, I had to pretend that I was compliant. I would be a good little Queen.

But I would be waiting, waiting for the moment I could strike...or run away. Whichever came first.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now