Chapter 9

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It was past midday when Mom and I returned to Priderock. We had spent most of the day together, scouting the Pridelands while Mom showed me how to properly stalk. It had lifted my spirits and I forgot about the mess Simba and I had gotten into yesterday.

While we were walking back to Priderock, Sarafina glanced over her shoulder. I followed her gaze in the direction of the gorge. A cloud of dust was rising from the gorge and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Looks like the herd's on the move," Sarafina commented before continuing on her way.

After staring at the cloud of dust a moment longer, I eventually turned to follow my mother. Priderock was in view now which I was grateful for because after a long day I was exhausted. The sun was sinking behind Priderock, bathing the land in a fiery orange color. It looked like the Pridelands were on fire.

Sarafina led the way up the slope to the ledge of Priderock. I trailed close behind, my paws weary from being out so long. We reached the top and saw that most of the Pride were gathered outside. Sarabi sat at the center of it all, a worried expression upon her face.

Dusk was upon the Pridelands now.

"What's going on?" Sarafina asked Jahi in a whisper. "Where's Mheetu?"

"Sleeping in the nest," Jahi answered quietly.

I looked over to where Tama and Malka sat with their mother, Eshe, and further away was Kula with Bina. Everyone looked so worried. What was wrong? Then I realized Mufasa and Simba weren't here. Did something happen?

"Mufasa should be back by now!" Naanda hissed to Diku. They were both sisters of Sarabi. Their other sister, Dwala, gave them a fierce glare that obviously was meant to quiet them.

"Scar and Simba went on a walk and Mufasa saw dust from the gorge. It looked like there was a stampede, but they should all be back by now." Jahi explained to Sarafina.

My friends all looked worried, but I was downright scared. What would happen if either of them were hurt? Mom nuzzled me and kept me close. I envied Mheetu for being asleep and oblivious.

Sarabi suddenly stood up and peered at something over the ledge. "Jahi! Come!" The Queen leapt towards the slope that took her down towards the ground. My father was right behind her.

Only now did I see what Sarabi did. A small shape was moving slowly towards Priderock. As the shape got closer, the bigger it got. Eventually, I could see that it was Scar. He was dragging the lifeless body of Mufasa.

Sarabi and Jahi made their way towards Scar and they both aided him in carrying the fallen King. I peered over the edge while Tama and Kula came to my side. All three of us stared, wide-eyed. None of us have ever seen a dead lion before.

Slowly but surely, the group made its way to the base of Priderock in the shadows of the ledge. The rest of the Pride hurried down to meet them. I was among the lead with Tama and Kula at my flanks.

Mufasa couldn't be dead! And where was Simba?!

Scar and Jahi, who were supporting most of Mufasa's weight, set him down at the center of the circle that had formed. Sarabi turned to Scar with a most serious expression on her face. She was attempting to stay calm and collected.

"What happened Scar? Where is Simba?!" Sarabi's voice trembled over Simba's name.

All the eyes of the Pride were on Scar. They awaited an answer from the dark brown, black-maned lion. Simba's lithe uncle always gave me the creeps. I wasn't sure if it was because of the scar over his left eye, but something about him never set me at ease. And now he seemed to be enjoying the attention way too much.

"Oh, it was awful, Sarabi," Scar said, being too dramatic. "I turned my back on Simba for no longer than a heartbeat and he ended up in the gorge. A stampede came and I left to find Mufasa. He tried to save Simba, but...I couldn't even find his body. Mufasa died trying to save the Prince and there was nothing I could do..."

Wails of despair rose up from the Pride and lionesses lowered their heads in mourning. A gasp escaped from my mouth. Simba was dead?! We were only just playing yesterday! How could he be gone?! That's the first time that I cried.

I staggered over to my mother and curled up at her paws. Sarafina nuzzled me gently and I could see a stray tear slipping down her cheek. Night fell upon the Pridelands and the stars gleamed in the night sky. The moon hung suspended shaped like a claw.

"Mufasa's death was a tragedy," Scar raised his voice so that he could be heard above the cries. "But to lose Simba who had barely begun to live..."

Sarabi was being comforted by her three sisters. Everyone was turning to their family and friends. Jahi walked over to me and Sarafina, a faraway look in his eyes.

"For me," Scar bent his head, "It is a deep personal loss. So, it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne. Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era..." I could hear cackling laughter, the same kind that's been haunting my dreams. Hyenas?

Over the horizon, a swarm of hyenas black as night came and surrounded Priderock. The lionesses lost their sadness and traded it for fear as they became surrounded. Their eyes glowed in the moonlight, seeming eerie and fierce. I snuggled deeper between Sarafina's legs, very scared.

"In which lion and hyena come together, in a great and glorious future!" Scar roared and the hyenas cackled, drowning the sounds of protest from the Pride.

Scar was right. This was the dawn of a new era. But it would not be as great and glorious as he predicted.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now