Chapter 27

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A sudden coldness woke me from my uneasy sleep. Was there a sudden breeze? I stirred slightly and realized that Scar wasn't beside me. Shocked, I opened my eyes and looked around just in time to see him slinking off towards the cave entrance. At his side was a smaller shape. Nuka.

With a start, I moved to my paws. Where was Zira? I spotted her sleeping next to Issa and Ramla. She was oblivious. How could she not notice Nuka's absence?

Would Scar really kill Nuka to keep Zira in line? I couldn't take that chance. As much as I hated Zira, Nuka was just a cub-it wasn't his fault that he was born into this world.

The rest of the Pride still slept as I slunk towards the mouth of the cave. I kept to the shadows, afraid of what would happen if Scar caught me sneaking out. Just as I emerged from the cave, I saw Scar and Nuka disappear down the slope. Pinning my ears, I slipped to the edge like a shadow to watch them walk further and further from Priderock.


The voice made me jump and I turned to come face to face with Malka. His black mane was now almost completely grown and it amazed me how much he resembled Scar. My mind flew back to that time Tama admitted her fears that Scar was their father. I've never considered it until now.

"What are you doing out here? You should be asleep." Malka sounded groggy and his eyes were dropping with tiredness. It was in the middle of the night.

" Scar going to kill Nuka?" I asked, half-scared to know the answer.

Malka stared at me and he suddenly seemed very awake. "You're the Queen, doesn't he tell you these things?"

I sat down and narrowed my eyes at Malka. It's been a long time since we've talked. "You'd be surprised how much he keeps from me." Glancing over my shoulder, I realized that Scar and Nuka have disappeared from sight. "You still haven't answered my question..."

Malka stared at me stoically. "Go back to sleep, Nala."

My hair stood on end and I faced Malka angrily. Blue flames danced in my eyes. "Don't you dare tell me what to do! I am your Queen!"

Without another word, I made a run for the slope. If Malka wouldn't save Nuka, then I would. I wouldn't stand by and let Scar kill a helpless cub, no matter who his parents were.

"Nala!" Malka called after me, but I didn't look back.

The air was cold and there was a strong wind. It stung my eyes and flung sand into my eyes. Overhead, the moon was obscured by dark clouds. Slowing down, I sniffed the air for any trace of Scar or Nuka. The Great Kings brought a wind straight to me, one that carried their scents.

My paws didn't fail me, and I was silently grateful that my belly wasn't too big yet. I followed that wind and a strange feeling came over me. It was almost like the Great Kings themselves were here showing me the way. For once, I didn't feel alone.

I passed the waterhole and ignored my own thirst. Where were they? Where have they gone?! Suddenly, I heard voices whispering on the wind. I strained my ears to listen but I couldn't make out what the voices were saying.

Suddenly, a scream split the air and I froze. "Nuka!" I prayed to the Great Kings to give my paws speed. My paws dutifully carried me over the horizon and down below I saw Nuka...surrounded by hyenas!

Where was Scar?!

Roaring, I charged at the hyenas, knocking the first one straight over the cliff. There were three of them left and they surrounded me with hungry eyes. Snarling, I lashed out and got the nearest one across the eye. Nuka cowered behind me as I swiped at the other two.

They dodged my blows and the first one bit into my shoulder. Screaming, I managed to throw it off and pinned it beneath my claws. I was grateful to have learnt so much from Sarabi during our lessons. Don't fail me now...

The hyenas all dived for me at the same time, and it somehow managed to narrowly avoid them. Two of them collided with each other and they were knocked out. The third hyena hesitated as if it wasn't sure if if wanted to take me on alone.

Showing my fangs as I snarled, the hyena turned tail and fled. Breathing deeply, I glanced down at Nuka. He was wide-eyed and terrified.

Sighing, I leaned over and checked him for wounds. "Are you alright, Nuka?"

Slowly, he nodded. I nudged him to walk at my side. While we walked, I kept my eyes open for the hyenas. Hopefully they wouldn't return, I'm not sure if I could beat them a second time.

Finally, Priderock came into view, and I was appalled by what I saw. Scar stood atop Priderock with Zira at his side. She was glaring at me with such hatred that I couldn't have been more confused. I saved her son! What did she blame me for this time?

When we reached the top of Priderock, Nuka ran to Zira's side. "Mommy!"

The Pride was emerging from the cave, confusion painted on their faces. Scar marched towards me, a cruel sneer pulling at his lips. "Nala, where have you been?!"

"I just saved Nuka from hyenas because you left him out there to die!" I snarled, enraged at Scar.

"That's not what they hyenas told me," Scar growled, narrowing his snake eyes at me. From behind him appeared the hyenas that I'd fought. "They said that they tried to stop you from killing Nuka."

"They're lying!" I roared angrily. The Pride shared uncertain glances, all but Sarafina, Kula, Tama, and Mheetu. "I saved him!" My desperate gaze found Malka. I approached him with pleading eyes. "You know that I didn't leave to kill Nuka. Tell Scar!" Malka kept his mouth shut, his expression grim.

"Nala, I will spare you death, but you will face severe consequences," Scar said cooly. "You will be a prisoner until the cub is born, and then you will be exiled from the Pridelands."

Shocked gasps rose from the Pride. "Scar, there's no proof that she tried to kill Nuka!" Sarafina growled, glaring at him. "You're taking the word of a hyena's over your Queen's!"

"The hyenas have yet to lie to me." Scar narrowed his eyes. "Shenzi, Banzai, take her to the prison cave. Don't let her leave. Ever."

The hyenas flanked me and pushed me towards the smaller cave below the ledge of Priderock. They shoved me inside and guarded the entrance. I was trapped and there was nothing I could do.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now