Chapter 19

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Upon returning to Priderock that night, Sarafina doted on Mheetu the entire night. I left Mheetu in Sarafina's care and went to sit at the edge of Priderock. My heart felt heavy in my chest and I needed some space from the confines of the Pride. Malka's betrayal hurt worse than anything I've ever felt before.

I trusted him. I was prepared to give him everything one day! After all, he was my friend. How could he do this to me? What right did he have?!

Rage fueled my actions and I unsheathed my claws to slash at the rock beneath my paws. I kept slashing, ignoring the stinging pain. My claws caught on the rock and my paws started to bleed. After a while, I stopped and stared at the rock beneath me, at the blood that splattered the scratches.

No one emerged from the cave to check on me. They were all too concerned about Mheetu and listening to Malka as he explained what happened. The hyenas didn't say a word about what I learnt in the tunnels. I didn't want to tell anyone; that would mean that I had to admit it was true.

Overhead, the sky blackened as the sun descended behind Priderock. The stars emerged, dotting the inky sky with light. I looked up at the stars, at the claw moon suspended in the sky. My mind flew back to that night with Simba when we sat here, staring at the stars. We talked about the Great Kings and wondered about the world.

How naive we were.

I stood up and headed towards the slope. For a moment, I stared into the cave. Scar sat there as he listened to what Malka told him. Sarafina and Issa checked Mheetu for any serious injuries. Then Malka's gaze found me and I froze. He wouldn't look away, so I did.

Down the slope I ran, slipping and sending rocks crashing down the slope. When my paws hit the ground, I started running. My legs blurred beneath me and I didn't stop running. No destination awaited me, I just needed to run, to lull myself into the fantasy that I could escape.

But I never could.

I almost careened off of the rock that overhung the waterhole, but I skidded to a stop. The water was calm and clear, perfectly reflecting the night sky. My anger had not ebbed, so I kicked a stone into the water, watching the ripples disturb the peace.

My body was shaking. I needed to release my anger, but nothing seemed to help. In defeat, I plopped down on the rock and stared into the pool of water. The surface gradually calmed until it was tranquil again. My reflection stared back at me, and I saw how broken I felt.

I didn't want to have Scar's cub. He scared me and I would feel violated beyond belief. It would be something that I could never outrun, no matter how hard I tried. That cub would always be a part of me, even if I didn't want it to be.

A snarl found my face, twisting into an ugly expression. I stood up and roared, releasing my anger into the air. It didn't help. Nothing helped. Was I just supposed to accept my fate?

Shaking, I turned to head back to Priderock. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't runaway. I didn't know how to hunt on my own and I'd probably be killed. Plus, I couldn't leave Sarafina and Mheetu, we've already lost Jahi. I couldn't do that to them. Tama and Kula would never forgive me.

But Malka...him I would run to the ends of the savannas to escape.

Each step towards Priderock was forced, heavy. My body fought me every step of the way. I didn't want to go back because I'd have to face Malka and eventually Scar. If what Shenzi said was true then I could never escape it.

In the distance, I saw Priderock. Over it the moon hung in the sky, bathing the giant rock formation in silver light. I took a deep breath and continued towards it. Maybe I could confide in Tama. She could help me get through this.

Perhaps I could speak to Sarabi about more fighting lessons. If I could defend myself, then maybe I stood a chance. Yes, I decided that's what I'll do. I'll train so hard until my legs collapse from beneath me and my heart explodes. I will do anything to prevent myself from becoming the King's mistress.


Sorry it's a little shorter chapter. Just kind of takes a look at Nala's deep feelings.

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