Chapter 3

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A few moons passed and the world changed for me one day. It started out like any other: I went on an adventure with Simba and Malka. Tama and Kula were sleeping in so we didn't wait for them. Simba led the way as usual, claiming he found a great hidden spot inside Priderock.

We traveled deep inside the cave until we found a crack that was barely big enough for us to fit through. Simba went first, his adventurous spirit leading us onward. I followed after him with Malka on my tail. The crack led to a tunnel which we had to crawl through. Good thing I wasn't afraid of small spaces.

It was dark inside the tunnel and rocks scraped against my belly. Spider webs dangled from the ceiling and brushed my ears. I shivered; I hate spiders. "How much further?" I asked Simba.

"Not much," Simba answered, his voice bouncing off the cave walls.

Up ahead I glimpsed a light. It started faintly at first but then glowed brighter the closer we got. I was forced to squint against the light as we stepped from the darkness. The sunlight shimmered brightly when I opened my eyes. My jaw dropped at the sight before us.

We stood at the edge of a cliff and below us was a tall tree beside a pond. Grass grew to cover the entire ground and tall cliffs surrounded it on all sides. I didn't know how Simba found it, but it sure amazed me. Simba led the way down the sloping path that brought us down to the ground.

"See? It was worth the wait!" Simba exclaimed as he waved his tail in excitement. He raced towards the pond and I followed him. Malka followed a bit more cautiously.

I beat Simba to the pond and jumped in. The water was lukewarm from sitting in the sun and it felt amazing. Simba dived in and resurfaced a little ways in. Malka stood at the edge of the pool, a bit unsure.

"Come on in, Malka!" I squealed, splashing Simba. "The water feels great!" The sunlight hit the water drops, causing them to shimmer like the brightest stones.

Malka slowly slipped into the pond and he swam strongly over to me. I splashed him, too, causing him to gasp. He splashed me back and then Simba joined in. All three of us were soaking wet and having so much fun! I wished that Tama and Kula could've come.

We played for a while and lost track of time. When I looked back up at the sky, I saw that it was noon. Mother must be worried sick!

"We should head back," I told Simba and Malka sadly. I was the first to climb out of the water and shake off.

Malka followed second and I turned back to watch Simba. He was still swimming and dived under. I waited for him to come up, and when he finally did, he climbed out. All of us looked like drowned rats.

"I'm sure our mothers are worried sick," I told both Simba and Malka. "Come on, let's go home."

Simba led the way back into the tunnel and the journey back didn't seem as long now that I knew what to expect. It seemed we were in there only for a heartbeat until we emerged back into the cave. There were whispers and calm commotion coming from the main part of the cave. Something was happening.

I took the lead this time, racing through the dimness. My heart pounded against my chest and the thrum of pawsteps behind me matched the beat. When the three of us appeared in the main cave, I saw most of the pride gathered around someone lying down. I weaved through legs until I reached the front.

It was Sarafina. My mother lay down with my father at her side. They were looking down at something Mother held between her paws. Father noticed me first and looked up. When our eyes connected, he grinned.

"Nala, come here." Jahi beckoned softly. "You have a new little brother."

My ears pricked forward with interest, and I slowly walked forward. I could feel the eyes of the pride on me as I approached. Mother looked at me with fondness and she licked between my ears when I got close enough. Between her paws was a little cub.

The cub was a sort of cream color but a shade darker than Mother and I. His coloring looked more like that of Father. He was so tiny and delicate, nothing more than a lump of fur. I felt my throat tighten as I became emotional. This was my little brother.

I would forever take care of him and look out for him. We'll play all sorts of games and I can show him the Pridelands. He'll look up to me, his big sister, and I'll be there for him always. I finally understood how Tama and Malka felt. Having a sibling was the best thing in the entire world.

"What's his name?" I asked with little patience. I turned my blue eyes up at my parents, eagerly awaiting their answer.

"His name is Mheetu," Sarafina answered, nuzzling her new son. The little cub stretched and opened his eyes. They were pale green like Jahi and Sarafina's.

I snuggled closer to my mother and nosed little Mheetu. "Hi brother, I'm Nala. I'm your sister. You're really gonna like living here at Priderock. Everyone's so nice. When you're big enough, Mheetu, I'll show you all the Pridelands!" I promised him.

Maybe he didn't understand me, but those words needed to be said. It felt like I was taking an oath. No matter what, I would protect my little brother. He would be my priority until the end of the world.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now