Chapter 10

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My sleep was fitful that night. Shadows seemed to lurk everywhere, and when I closed my eyes, I saw the gleaming hyenas' eyes. Sarafina was curled up against the cave wall with me and Mheetu nestled between her. She never seemed to sleep, keeping a very watchful eye.

I don't think anyone really slept. With the hyenas right outside the cave, sleep seemed impossible. Scar took his throne and slept with Zira at his side. It didn't surprise me that she appointed herself his Queen. Sarabi made her bed with her sisters, and I could hear her crying...

Mheetu was whimpering in his sleep and he kept kicking me in the stomach. I tried to wake him before he woke anyone else up. "Mheetu? Mheetu!"

My little brother opened his green eyes which were wide with fear. He was shaking and it made him seem so fragile. "Nala?"

"Shh," I soothed him, scooting closer. "I'm right here."

He leaned into me and his shaking subsided. "I'm afraid of the hyenas, Nala. Mama always says that they eat cubs who don't behave."

"They're not going to eat you, Mheetu," I calmed him, licking his forehead. I didn't notice, but Sarafina was listening to our conversation. "I won't let them."

"Why would Scar let them come into the Pridelands?" Mheetu wondered out loud. "Mufasa would never-"

"Quiet, Mheetu!" I growled, flattening my ears. Peering over Sarafina's back, I saw that no one seemed to have heard him. I met Mheetu's green eyes with intense focus. He needed to understand this. "You can never say that name again. And especially don't let Scar hear you."

Slowly, Mheetu nodded and I relaxed. It made me sad that this was our reality now. We were scared of Priderock and it started to feel an awful lot like a cage. The hyenas slept just outside the cave, covering Priderock. The Pride that I used to love so much was gone.

"Where's Papa?" Mheetu whispered to me.

I shook my head. I've not seen him since he carried Mufasa to Priderock. "I'm not sure, Mheetu, but he'll be back."

Suddenly, a shadow stood in the cave entrance. The shadow stepped inside and Mheetu and I realized that it was Jahi. Sarafina must've noticed, too, because she rose from her resting place. Our family reunited while the rest of the Pride slept.

"You had me worried," Sarafina whispered to Jahi when she thought we wouldn't hear. But I did.

"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye," Jahi whispered back.

Rage suddenly filled me. "You're leaving?!" Mother shushed me, but I couldn't quiet my voice. "Why would you leave now when the Pride needs you most? Mheetu needs you and I need you!"

"Nala, listen to me..." Jahi started slowly. Pain filled his eyes and every word was forced. "Scar exiled me. I was able to stay in the Pride because Mufasa allowed me to, but now he's dead. Scar wants me out of the Pridelands before dawn."

The realization caused me to stiffen and I couldn't speak. Scar exiled my father?! After everything he's done for the Pride, for Mufasa?! How could Scar ruin Mufasa's memory like that?! I've never felt such a painful feeling, it ripped through my heart and left me weak. Mufasa and Simba's death was one thing, but my father leaving forever?

"Gone?" Mheetu whimpered. "I'll come with you!"

Jahi bent down so he was at Mheetu's level. "You're better off here, my brave son, with your mother and your sister. The world beyond the Pridelands is very dangerous. Someday, when you're older, come find me. I'll be heading to the Freelands." He nuzzled Mheetu and then turned to me.

"Nala..." Jahi's eyes were heavy with sorrow and he licked my forehead gently. "I never told you how proud I was of you. It will be my biggest regret to never see you turn into the lioness I know you're destined to become." He nuzzled me and I nuzzled him back. More tears.

Father turned to Mother and for a moment they just stared at each other. Then they embraced and I heard him speak softly to her. "I love you, you know that, right?"

Mother buried her face into his chest, "I love you, too."

Then Jahi turned and disappeared into the night. I didn't move outside the cave to watch him leave. It was easier to pretend that he was simply going on a mission for Mufasa and that he'd be back before sunrise.

But he would never return.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now