Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning beside the waterhole with Malka at my side. Last night, we had laid under the stars and talked about everything that's happened. He explained to me how he felt pressured from Scar to act stronger. Apparently Scar's promised Malka he could stay in the Pride as a subordinate as long as he followed Scar's laws.

We talked for what felt like forever until we fell asleep side by side. For the first time in a long time, my dreams weren't haunted with nightmares of Simba. I felt at peace.

The sun shone in my eyes as I opened them and at first I was startled, but then I remembered where I was. Malka was still asleep, snoring softly. I gently prodded him awake.

"Malka," I whispered, prodding him with a claw. "Malka!"

He jerked awake and looked around wildly. Then he saw me and relaxed. "Did we fall asleep here?" Malka asked with confusion.

I nodded, "Yeah, we should get back to the Pride. Otherwise everyone will worry." I stretched out my front legs and then my back legs, arching my back in the process.

Malka stood up and shook out his half-grown mane. Together we followed the trail back to Priderock. We didn't say much as we walked, but words weren't needed to be said. I felt closer to him after last night and I wondered how I could've pushed him away for so long.

"What do you think is going to happen to the Pridelands?" I suddenly asked Malka in a meek voice. "Scar can't be good for the Pride, can he?"

"Scar says that he'll extinguish any weakness he finds in the Pride." Malka answered. "He'll make the Pride stronger."

I narrowed my eyes at him, slightly skeptical. "What does he consider 'weakness'?"

Malka shrugged, "I've no idea, only that he's promised that. He says that Mufasa was a weak ruler and that a King should be feared."

I flattened my ears and didn't say anything. Mufasa wasn't feared, he was respected. How could Scar expect to run the Pridelands on fear? It only confirmed my suspicions that Scar would ruin the Pride.

Priderock appeared over the horizon, tall and proud. Once I had been happy to call this place my home, but now it seemed more like a prison. Malka didn't speak another word to me as we walked up the slope to the cave. The hyenas we passed were chattering amongst themselves. They seemed excited about something.

When we reached the ledge of Priderock, I was surprised to see most of the Pride laying outside. My gaze landed on Sarabi who was speaking in a hushed whisper with Naanda, Bina, and Sarafina. I didn't see Zira or her sister, Issa, anywhere. Scar sat near the cave entrance with a stoic look on his face.

Kula, Tama, Cato, and Mheetu bounded over to Malka and I. "Zira's having her cub!" Kula exclaimed, her tail waving in excitement. "Issa's in there with her right now."

I sat down beside my friends and we waited, along with the rest of the Pride. Malka and Cato spoke in hushed whispers while I sat close to Kula and Tama. Mheetu went to sit by Malka and Cato.

"Where did you two go last night?" Tama asked, a sly grin on her face. "Neither of you were here this morning."

My pelt burned hot with embarrassment. "We, uh, fell asleep down by the waterhole. But it's not what you think!"

"Sure it's not," Tama giggled, but Kula didn't join in.

Suddenly, Issa appeared at the mouth of the cave. "Scar?" Her voice sounded strained. "You have a son."

Scar stood up with a pleased look on his face. "Excellent, I want to see him."

Issa blocked Scar's path and the entire Pride gasped. How stupid was she to get in Scar's way?! He's killed others for less reason!

"Scar, the birth was difficult. When the cub was born, he wasn't breathing..." Issa held her breath and whispers broke out amongst the Pride. "He's breathing now, but something is wrong with him, Scar."

"Nonsense," Scar growled, slashing Issa across the face. "He's my son, now let me through!" He barged past Issa and disappeared into the cave.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Issa. She was Zira's younger sister. Issa was more soft spoken and gentler than Zira. The small lioness wobbled to her paws with claw marks across her face. Almost immediately, Sarabi was at her side.

"Are you alright, Issa?" Sarabi asked and the Pride closed in.

Issa nodded slowly. "There's something wrong with that cub, Sarabi..."

A few moments later, Scar emerged from the cave. In his jaws he held a struggling Zazu. Sarabi bared her fangs, "Let him go, Scar!"

Scar spit Zazu out and the hornbill gasped for breath. Then the lithe brown lion stalked over to me. He dragged me by the scruff towards the cave entrance. I struggled as Sarafina tried to reach out to me.

Scar held onto me tightly and my heart was racing. "Zazu, go and tell the herds to come and witness my son's naming ceremony. If you don't return by sunhigh, I'll kill Nala."

Zazu took off without a pause and flapped away to find all the herds to tell them of the new Prince. Scar dragged me inside and shouted over his shoulder, "No one is to come in!"

It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness of the cave. I saw Zira laying up on the large, flat rock where she and Scar usually slept. In the curve of her belly was a tiny gray-brown cub.

Shenzi and Banzai entered the cave and bowed their heads to Scar who still held onto me tightly. "You called?"

Scar shoved me towards them and I was shaking in my skin. "Keep an eye on her. Don't let her leave."

"Yes sir," Shenzi growled wickedly. Her and Banzai stayed glued to my side.

With nothing else to do, I curled up in my usual nest with Shenzi and Banzai watching me like hawks. From the other side of the cave, I watched Scar and Zira look over their new cub. Zira seemed to be the only lion that Scar wasn't mean to. It left me to wonder the complexity of his evil.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now