Chapter 35

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Stepping into the jungle, I relished in the cool shade, in the damp soil beneath my cracked, dry paws. Dew clung to each of the leaves, and they sprinkled my pelt, making it appear that I'd step down from the stars. The moon was setting and the sun would rise.

This place was so beautiful! I heard birds signing in the canopy, glimpsed animals slipping through the shadows. Monkeys swung from vines overhead. Pale sunlight streamed through the canopy, painting the forest floor in shadows and light.

Following the river bed, I realized that it was becoming more and more damp. Then I saw the ground slope downwards and the river was brim full with water. My eyes widened and I just stared. I've forgotten how clear water could look, how full a river could be.

Without hesitation, I leaped forward and dived into the river. The cool water felt amazing on my aching muscles and I hadn't realized how much dirt was clinging to my pelt. I swam underwater and opened my eyes. Grasses clung to the peat and little fish swam and darted around.

Swimming to the surface, I gulped in air and filled my lungs. The air tasted so sweet. It was filled with the smell of living things. I strongly swam to the bank and pulled myself out of the water. Shaking off, water droplets fell to the soil and I looked around me in awe.

What would happen if I returned to the Pridelands and brought my loved ones here? Sarafina would love to bask in the sun, Tama and Kula would enjoy swimming in the river, Sarabi could relax without worrying about survival, Malka would never tire of exploring these forests...Vitani could cuddle against my chest as we slept in the shade.

But then I remembered: I could never go back. Scar or the hyenas would kill me if I stepped one paw on the Pridelands. It didn't matter if the Pride would hate him, his anger wouldn't allow him to let me go a second time. Vitani will never know that I'm her mother.

Tears started to trail from my eyes and I settled down beside the river. Despite all the bright colors and lively sounds, I couldn't bring myself to be happy. What was the point of being in this amazing place if I had no one to share it with? I wanted nothing more than to share this paradise with my mother and my daughter.

Would I be alone for the rest of my life? Destined to wander aimlessly without a cause? What was my purpose? Why would Anukis send me here if there was no point or reason?

"What have I done to deserve this?" I spoke out loud to no one.

Slowly I rose to my paws and looked around me. My stomach was rumbling, reminding me that I haven't had a decent meal in ages. I subconsciously unsheathed my claws and dug them into the dirt. The forest around me was so alive with life-it shouldn't be too difficult to hunt.

I slipped into the forest and kept my senses alert. Other than monkeys in the trees and birds singing, I didn't see anything worth hunting. My body was tired and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep.

Then, through the undergrowth, I glimpsed movement. A repulsive smell hit my nose and I realized that it must be a warthog. They weren't my favorite prey, but at this point I was willing to hunt anything. I made myself invisible and tracked after the smelly animal.

This warthog didn't seem very intelligent because it led me out into an open grassland. Didn't it realize that it would be easier for me to hunt it here? I stalked through the grass, careful not to make a sound. The warthog seemed to be tracking something.

It paused and I froze. Had it spotted me? But the warthog went back to tracking and I trailed after it. The perfect moment came and I crouched down as I prepared to strike.

As sudden as a lunging cobra, I launched myself at the warthog. It squealed and raced off with me on its tail. The warthog was surprisingly fast considering how fat it was. Despite my tiredness, I kept up and didn't loose sight of it. My muscles rippled underneath my pelt and my claws dug into the dirt. For the first time in a long time, I felt in control of my own life.

I roared at the warthog, enjoying the hunt. It dived underneath a twisted tree root and got stuck. Watching it struggle was somewhat comical and I knew that I had it. I could practically taste its warm flesh...

But before I could reach the warthog, a thunderous roar bounced off of the trees as a strange lion leaped over the tree root at me. This lion was bigger than me, and stronger. His pelt was golden and he had a handsome red mane. But that wouldn't stop me from defending my prey.

I dived underneath him and faced him for a counterattack. We were both on our hind legs, swiping with outstretched claws. All of my training with Sarabi and Sarafina paid off because although he was in better shape than me, I could still defend myself.

One of my favorite tricks came into mind and I let him come at me. He took the opportunity and flew at me. I laid down on my back and kicked him in the stomach, sending him whirling. As he landed with a thud, the momentum allowed me to flip with him and pin him beneath me. Kula and Tama could never get out of this deathly grip.

I stared the male lion in the eyes, fangs bared. My rubs protruded from my sides and my hip bones were visible. To him, I probably just looked like some hunger-crazed lioness...which I kind of was.

My heart was pounding and the adrenaline coursing through my veins kept me from really looking at him. To me, I just saw him as a lion that would steal my next meal. Then, his jaw gaped open as he stared at me. His fire-colored eyes widened and he sheathed his claws.


The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now