Chapter 8

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"Nala," A voice whispered in my ear. "Wake up, darling."

Sunlight streamed into the dim cave, illuminating Sarafina's cream-colored pelt. One look around the cave and I knew that most everyone was out hunting or scouting. It looked as if Simba was gone, but Mufasa sat outside with Sarabi.

"Where's Simba?" I asked abruptly, sitting up. Mheetu still slept soundly in the bed of grass with Jahi curled around him.

"He went out with his uncle, Scar," Mom answered soundly. "Come, Nala, today you have your first hunting lesson."

As I got to my paws, Mom purred and started walking towards the entrance. Stepping into the sun, the light blinded me and I had to squint in order to see. The world beyond Priderock was bathed in sunlight, a beauty to behold. Sparse clouds dotted the blue sky and a gentle breeze tugged at my cream-colored fur.

Sarafina made her way down the slope and I tagged along after her. My excitement drove me onwards and I bounced around her legs. "What are we hunting?" I asked as my tail lashed in excitement. Crouching down, I pretended to swipe at something, "Wildebeest?" Then I pounced on an invisible enemy, "Zebra?"

Laughing, Sarafina's shoulders shook at my antics. "Let's start with grasshoppers." She purred while following the worn-down trail that generations have used.

My excitement disappeared into thin air and I slumped my shoulders. "No real hunting?"

Mom purred in amusement, not even bothering to look back at me, her eyes were focused on the surroundings. "Every hunter starts with the smallest prey. In time, you'll move up to bigger things." We continued along the trail, and I took in more of the Pridelands.

In the distance, I glimpsed the waterhole surrounded by herds of zebra, antelope, giraffes, and elephants. They all paid us no mind and Sarafina kept us moving. It led me to wonder where we were heading. I was gradually tiring and slowly started to fall behind.

"How much further?" I groaned, panting in the intense heat.

"Here we are," Sarafina stepped into a clearing where the grass was shorter and a few shade trees encircled the clearing. "Alright, Nala, show me your hunting crouch."

I lowered myself like I'd seen the other lionesses do before. Naturally, my body took on that form and I lowered my tail and pinned my ears. Sarafina nodded with approval, "Good, now try stalking forward."

One step at a time, I stalked forward clumsily. My body felt off balance and I kept tripping over my own paws. I'd seen the lionesses hunt before. They had so much grace and stealth, blending in with their surroundings. I would never be as good as them.

"I can't do it," I grumbled to Sarafina. My Mom was one of the best huntresses in the Pride.

Sarafina nuzzled me and gave me a look with kind eyes. "You will get better if you keep practicing. One day, you'll be a great hunter, Nala."

"You really think so?" I asked her doubtfully.

"I know so," Mom purred. "When my mother first started teaching me how to stalk, I kept tumbling and I could never balance right. But she kept helping me practice and look where I am today. It just takes practice."

"What was Anukis like, your mom?" I asked Sarafina. She's told me about my grandmother before but not in very much detail.

Sarafina looked up at the sky for a moment, lost in her own thoughts. Then she looked down at me with a smile. "Anukis was gentle towards me, but a bit fierce towards others. She didn't get along with many lions, but those that did, she loved wholly. My mother wasn't born in the Pridelands. She was born in the Freelands beyond the hyenas' territory."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! Have you ever been there?"

Sarafina chuckled and shook her head. "No, but Anukis told me many stories. She lived with her mother and they wandered the Freelands, never staying in one place for too long. Then her mother died in a stampede. That's when she met my father. She never told me his name..." Mom started to stare off into the distance.

"Mom?" I questioned, which snapped her back into reality.

"Sorry," Mom huffed, and then she continued. "She found out that she was pregnant with me and woke up one morning to find that my father was gone. Anukis wandered for many days before she stumbled across the Pridelands. The first lion she met was Simba's grandmother, Uru."

"They became really great friends and after a while, I was born." Sarafina smiled at the wave of memories. "I grew up with Mufasa, Scar, Sarabi, and Zira as my playmates. Scar wasn't always called Scar, you know. He used to be known as Taka... He saved me one day from a water buffalo and it gave him that scar."

I tried to envision my mother's cubhood. Picturing Scar as a brave, honorable cub seemed too bizarre. He crept me out with his brooding aura. Scar scared me.

"After the accident, Taka became very angry with the world. He never did get along with his father, Ahadi. A piece of him died, the part that made him so likable and kind. Taka changed his name to Scar and was never the same." Sarafina lowered her head, lost in thought.

I scooted closer to her and nuzzled her chin."It sounds like he was a good friend to you..."

Sarafina nodded, a faint smile upon her face. "He was a good friend. I might not be here today if he hadn't saved me." Then Sarafina gave me a nudge."Go on, keep practicing!"

I crouched down and focused on balancing. My steps weren't as heavy and I didn't lumber around like an elephant. Seeking my Mom's approval, I glanced over my shoulder at her.

"Good Nala!" Sarafina purred. "We'll make a huntress out of you in no time!"


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