Chapter 16

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In the days following Nuka's birth, Scar started neglecting his duties as King. He spent all of his time with Zira and Nuka, leaving the hyenas to ravage the Pridelands. They over-hunted, sometimes killing simply for sport. The herds were hysterical and some were even leaving the Pridelands.

Scar did nothing to control the hyenas. All he ever did was eat the food we provided for him. Sarabi prepared the lionesses for the worst. We spent all of our extra time training. Even though me, Kula, and Tama were still considered cubs, we trained like everyone else.

Sarafina had noticed my closeness with Malka and warned me to stay away from him. I tried to keep my distance, but I found myself confiding in him almost as much as Kula and Tama. After all, he had promised to protect me. He made me feel special. But my mom was right about one thing: Scar was changing Malka.

While Sarabi and Sarafina trained the lionesses, Scar took Malka and trained him to be just like him. At first, I didn't notice any change, but then the changes became subtle. Whenever I spoke with Malka, I noticed a coldness in his eyes, a rigidness in his posture. I was losing him. Cato and Mheetu were training with Scar as well; he trained them to be his perfect little soldiers.

Ever so slowly, I opened my eyes. Every night, I slept beside Sarafina, Kula, and Tama. Malka slept on the other side of the cave at the base of Scar's throne with Cato and Mheetu. There was an invisible line dividing us. As upset as I was about slowly losing Malka, I felt even more distraught to be losing Mheetu.

My brother was younger than me, barely old enough to leave the cave on his own, and Scar was already hardening him. I tried to talk to Mheetu but my brother wouldn't talk to me. He would give me a look like he wanted to talk, but he feared that he would get into trouble with Scar.

I sat up and surveyed the cave. Scar, Zira, and little Nuka slept on Throne Rock with Malka, Cato, Mheetu, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed surrounding them. The lionesses kept their distance from Throne Rock, although a few lionesses openly supported Scar. They idolized him for reasons that I didn't understand.

Scar's biggest supporters were Ramla, Layla, Nadra, Katura, Hasana, and Saran. They were all previous rogues that Scar welcomed into the Pride. Sarabi said that they most likely felt indebted to Scar because he allowed them to join the Pride. It made sense, in a distorted sort of way.

The part I didn't understand was Saran. She was about a year older than me, young and beautiful, but very soft-spoken. Her older sister, Ramla, seemed to be the main reason she was here. Saran always avoided confrontations, especially with Ramla or Scar. She seemed downright terrified of Scar. My conclusion was that either Ramla, Scar, or both of them were threatening her to stay. It seemed the only logical reason.

I stood up and stretched, parting my jaws in a wide yawn. Most of the Pride was still asleep, so I crept out of the cave in silence. The sun rose behind the horizon, bringing light down upon the horizon. I breathed in the fresh air and closed my eyes.

For a moment, I could pretend that everything was perfect. Mufasa and Simba were still alive, Jahi wasn't in exile, and Scar wasn't in power. The fantasy didn't last long because someone touched my shoulder, making me snap out of it.

"Sorry, Nala," Tama giggled, "I didn't mean to scare you..."

"It's alright, Tama." I sighed, looking out at the Pridelands. "Do you ever worry about the future?"

"Honestly? I try not to think about it," Tama murmured. She lowered her head and her lock of hair fell across her red eyes. "Malka doesn't even talk to me anymore. I feel like I've lost my brother."

I nodded sadly, knowing exactly how she felt. "That's how I feel about Mheetu. I'm so sad for him; Scar's reign is all he's ever known. He doesn't even remember our father..."

At this, Tama's hair stood up. "Eshe won't even tell me and Malka who our father is. At one point I thought it might be Scar, but then why wouldn't he claim us? I think our father must've been a rogue."

For a while, neither of us said anything. We just sat at the edge of Priderock and watched the sun rise. The sun's rays reflected in my blue eyes, making them glow. Tama glanced at me and then spoke again.

"I overheard Eshe talking with Sarabi and Sarafina. They're going to take us on our first hunt soon. You, me, and Kula." Tama announced as she watched for my reaction.

"We're not even a year old yet!" I gasped.

Tama sighed, "I know but they're worried. The herds are leaving and Scar won't do anything about it. There's talk of leaving the Pride."

My eyes became wide in fear and surprise. "Leave the Pridelands? But this is the only home any of us have ever known!"

"I know!" Tama retorted, "But there's nothing left for us here, Nala! The Pridelands are dying and everyone knows it. The Great Kings are upset."

At Tama's revelation, I became disturbingly quiet. We were too young to have to deal with these problems. Our first year hasn't even passed and we acted like adults! The world was growing colder and harsher. We had to prepare for the worst, I understood that...but I couldn't help not wanting to leave.

"It's only talk, Nala," Tama whispered, "Everyone knows that Scar won't allow us to leave. We're equal to prisoners to him." She raised her red eyes to me, "Did you hear that Zira's having problems conceiving? Scar wants another cub but Zira seems to be barren."

"Really??" My eyes became wide. A barren Queen had no purpose and everyone knew it. That must be what's putting Scar on edge. Everyone knew that there was something wrong with Nuka, he couldn't ever be King.

Perhaps Scar would need an alternate means of producing an heir, and I didn't want to consider that. For the Pride's sake, I prayed that Zira would conceive.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now