Chapter 24

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Jahi remained on my mind for quite a few days. I never told Sarafina or Mheetu, mostly because I didn't know what I would say. It's not like the world magically changed because I reunited with my father. Scar was still the King, he still intended for me to have his cub, and I still had no escape.

Last night, Sarabi became sick. She woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and aching body. Dwala, Naanda and Diku have been staying with her. Sarabi felt no better by morning. Sarafina was worried because we were down four hunters.

I sat near the mouth of the cave and looked out at the barren landscape. Sarafina appeared at my side and sat down. She didn't say anything, just sat there with a faraway look.

When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet and full of questions. "Why didn't you tell me that Jahi contacted you?"

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked up at her. "Who told you that?"

"Kula did but don't be angry with her-she's worried about you," Sarafina murmured softly. "You could've told me, Nala."

"No, I couldn't." My tone held a coldness that could chill the sun. I was tired of everyone feeling the need to ask if I was okay. I wasn't a little cub anymore. "It doesn't change anything."

Sarafina stared at me in disappointment. "Your father still loves you. How does that not change anything?"

"It doesn't change the fact that Scar's going to make me his whore!" I stood up, angry, and snarled as the rage and fear I've been holding back finally overwhelmed me.

I watched my mother's eyes widen as realization came over her. Sarafina stood up and tried to move closer to me, but I backed away. " come you never told me?"

"Because it wouldn't change anything!" I replied angrily...fearfully... "At the end of the day, Scar is still my King and I can't fight back. I can't escape what he has planned for me." My knees started to buckle and I was glad that Scar and Zira had gone out for a while so they weren't here to overhear me. "Mom, I'm scared."

Sarafina laid her chin atop my head and I snuggled into her chest just like I did as a cub. "I love you, Nala."

"I love you, too, Mom."


Since Sarabi was sick, Zira put Ramla in charge of today's hunts. I was about to leave with my group when Zira appeared at the mouth of the cave. "Nala? Scar would like to see you now. I'll take your place in the hunting party."

The lithe lioness stalked past me and she cast me a devious smirk. My heart started racing in my chest as I walked up the slope to the top of Priderock. Apparently Issa was cub-sitting Nuka outside, so that meant that it was just me and Scar...

Darkness enveloped me as soon as I entered the cave. It took my eyes a moment to adjust, and when they did, I saw Scar sitting on Throne Rock. He stood up as I approached him. There was a look in his eye that made me suddenly feel like an antelope. I wanted to turn and run.

"Nala," Scar approached me, a smirk pulled at his lips to reveal sharp fangs. I stood still as he circled me. Every muscle in my body was tense. "My, how you've grown..."

I cleared my throat and addressed him. "Scar, what do you want?"

Scar sneered at me, "Surely you're not so naive as to not know why I've summoned you? Zira is a worthless Queen. I want you to replace her."

My jaw dropped in surprise. He didn't simply want me to be his mistress, he wanted to make me his Queen?! "I-I don't want to be Queen, Scar."

He moved closer, so close that his fur brushed against mine. I could see the sunlight glinting off of his sharp claws, the evil look in his unsettling green eyes. They reminded me of a snake's. Scar suddenly lashed out, pushing me to the hard ground.

I gasped at the impact of the hard, cold cave floor. Scar stood over me as lust replaced anger. He leaned down and licked my cheek tenderly. My body was frozen and I didn't dare move.

"You're so beautiful, Nala," Scar murmured, his voice surprisingly soft. "Our cub will be perfect."

He pinned me beneath his strong paws, and I felt crushed by his weight. The darkness of the cave hid the fear in my eyes. Inside, I was silently screaming for help, for anyone to come in and save me. But I knew I couldn't be saved.

Scar raped me. Not just once, but many times. I think he told the Pride to stay out so he could have privacy. When he finished, my body felt bruised and violated. He left the cave to go find something to eat, and he left me there...broken.

Without anyone to witness my greatest moment of weakness...I cried. The tears trailed down my cheeks to drop onto the cold stone floor. I've never felt so alone. In that moment, I became hopeless.

This was my reality now. Scar is my King and I am his Queen. I'm going to have his cub because now I'm pregnant.

My worst fears were becoming reality.


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