Chapter 22

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The sun beat down on the rocks where I laid out with the other lionesses. We've spent all morning scouring the Pridelands, and there still was no prey. Around midday, when the sun was at its peak, we rested beneath the shade provided by Priderock and the trees. It was too hot otherwise. When the sun started to set we would hunt again.

Beside me, Kula and Tama napped fitfully. It was difficult to sleep decently in this heat. My eyes wandered over to where Zira lay in the shade. Her sleek body was curled around Nuka. Beside her were Issa and Ramla. They never left her side, especially Issa. After all, she was Zira's sister and probably the only lioness I've ever seen Zira show kindness to.

Scar had left a while ago with Malka, Cato, and Mheetu. He said they were checking the borders, but I didn't see the point. Who in their right mind would try to invade the Pridelands? The only reason we were still alive was because of the waterhole.

"Nala?" Kula whispered to me as she half-opened her eye. Everyone else was either sleeping or talking, too preoccupied to pay us any mind.

Slowly, I turned my head towards her. "Yes, Kula?"

"Do you want to go for a walk?" The look in Kula's eyes relayed the message that she wanted to talk privately where no one would hear us.

"Sure," I stood up and stretched. Tama still slept with one paw over her face. I let Kula lead the way away from Priderock. "So where are we going?" I asked her.

Kula shrugged her shoulders, falling into step beside me. "Nowhere in particular."

So we walked, heading nowhere and somewhere at the same time. We didn't say anything, just walked. Kula kept her head down and she seemed to be thinking hard about something. I didn't pressure her to talk, she would talk when she felt like it.

The sun beat down on our backs and I silently wished for the shade back at Priderock. Over the horizon, I could see some trees. I led the way towards them in the hope of finding shade. Kula followed close behind me, still silent.

We arrived to the trees and immediately I laid down to rest. Kula settled down beside me. For the longest time, neither of us said anything. I just closed my eyes and waited for Kula to do the talking.

"Nala?" Kula finally whispered.

I opened one eye to glance at her. "Yes, Kula?"

She seemed nervous and agitated. Kula lifted her head and looked at me with the most serious expression I've ever seen. "Last night, while I was wandering the Pridelands, I came across someone. H-he was looking for you."

Curious now, I raised my head to meet her gaze. "Someone was looking for me?" Who did I know outside the Pridelands? I've never met an Outsider or Freelander before.

"Nala, it was your father," Kula whispered.

In that moment the world spun out of control. I stood up on wobbly legs and my heart started racing. What was my father doing back here in the Pridelands? Didn't he know that Scar would kill him if he saw him again?! What was he thinking?!

"Nala?" Kula took a tentative step towards me. "Say something..."

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at Kula. "What did he say to you?"

Kula nervously looked down at her paws. "Just that he wanted to see you. He said that he'll be waiting at the gorge around midnight."

My throat tightened and I felt my eyes moisten. "Let's head back," I whispered, fighting back the confusion...the anger.

What right did he have to come back here out of nowhere? He left us to Scar's mercy, running away to save his own pelt. We needed him-me, Mom, and Mheetu. He's become only a faint memory at the back of my mind, a kind face tainted.

Jahi had no right to come back.


I turned over to my other side, trying to fall asleep. At my side were Kula and Tama, both sleeping soundly. Pale strands of moonlight flickered into the dark cave, painting the walls in silver light. I raised my head to survey the cave only to see that everyone was asleep.

Kula asked me more than once if I would go to meet Jahi, but I still wasn't sure. A part of me missed my father and wanted to go to him, but I also felt angry. Did he have any idea what we've been through, what I've been through? What Scar would be putting me through...

My restlessness drove me out of the cave and I stepped into the night. The moonlight bathed my cream fur in silver, making me look paler than I actually was. Up here, I could see forever. The Pridelands was blanketed in light and shadows, another reminder of my predicament.

In that moment, I decided to meet Jahi. After all, he was my father.

So I ran down the slope and I raced across the Pridelands. I flew like an eagle, my legs beneath me blurring. Nothing could stop me, I was invincible. For a heartbeat, I closed my eyes and breathed in the cool night air.

I passed the waterhole and the open savannas. A sleeping jackal looked up as I passed, watching as I descended upon the gorge. I skidded to a halt just before my paws reached the cliff. There was a rocky trail leading down into the gorge.

One careful step after another, I followed the trail until I stood at the bottom of the gorge. My heart started racing. This was where Mufasa and Simba perished, killed by the stampede. I remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a pebble clatter down from above. I unsheathed my claws, prepared for a hyena or a trespasser. Behind me there was movement, so I spun around and launched myself at the shadow.

I fell upon a lion and I easily pinned him. But then I froze when I looked into his eyes, his green eyes. "Dad?"

Jahi's eyes softened. "Nala?"


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