Chapter 2

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I laid in between Sarafina and Jahi, my eyes slowly closing. The cave filled with the snores of the pride and the music of the crickets outside. Sarafina's nearness kept me warm and I cuddled into her fur. Jahi was curled around me with his head by Sarafina's.

Just before I fell completely asleep, motion at the edge of my vision woke me. I opened my eyes all the way and looked through the darkness at the small shape that made its way towards the cave entrance. It was Simba, I realized.

Carefully, I slipped away from my parents without waking them. It was difficult to navigate through the sleeping throng of lions. I stepped on a tail which earned me a clout to the ear. Soon, I reached the cave entrance and stepped out into the night.

Overhead, the inky black sky was dotted with stars and the moon hung suspended over the Pridelands. A gentle wind pulled at my cream-colored fur as I walked out to the edge of Priderock. Simba sat there with his ears pricked forward in interest.

"What are you looking at, Simba?" I asked suddenly which caused Simba to jump.

"You scared me, Nala!" Simba gasped as he glared at me. I knew he didn't mean it, he was just embarrassed that I was able to sneak up on him. We both settled at the very edge of Priderock. "I was just looking up at the stars," Simba answered wistfully.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "You? Looking at the stars? That doesn't sound like you, Simba."

Simba flattened his ears and looked flustered. "I was! Sarabi was telling me about the Great Kings up there."

Now I stared at him with confusion. "The Great Kings?" I followed his gaze up to the stars. "In the sky?" How could lions get up there? Lions don't have wings!

"Sarabi said that when a lion dies, their body becomes the grass while their soul goes up into the stars." Simba told me excitedly. His tail lashed wildly as he spoke. "She says that the Great Kings look down on us and watch out for us. I was trying to see if I could see any."

I joined his search, but no matter how hard we looked, we couldn't see any lions in the sky. We felt heavy with disappointment. "Should we go back inside before we get caught?" I whispered to Simba.

The golden lion cub shook his head. "No, let's explore! We can go down into the Pridelands while everyone's asleep! They'll never know!"

I flattened my ears. "But what if we see any hyenas? We can't fight them and your dad is sleeping."

Simba must've made the realization too because he let it go. "Someday we'll explore the Pridelands. After all, I'll be King one day."

We both stood up and walked back towards the cave. Upon entering Simba went to Mufasa and Sarabi while I went to find Jahi and Sarafina. I settled in between my parents and let sleep carry me off.


Both Simba and I woke late since we spent so much time talking last night. Sarafina nosed me impatiently until I opened my eyes. When I finally did, I saw that she looked angry.

"It's noon, Nala. You've been sleeping all morning." Sarafina sat down and gave me a disappointed look.

I sat up, too, and stretched. "I'm sorry Mom, I guess that I was just really tired."

Sarafina let out a long sigh. "I forgive you, Nala." Then she became more excited and lively. "You, your father, and I are going on a walk to the watering hole today. So hurry up outside, we'll be waiting." Then she stood up and left the cave.

This confused me. We've never just spontaneously decided to go to the watering hole as a family. Actually, I don't think I've ever left Priderock with both of my parents. But I wouldn't argue, it would probably be fun.

When I stepped into the light, I saw Sarafina sitting with Jahi. My parents had their foreheads together while their tails were twined. I stood there for a moment to watch them. They looked so happy, so serene. It left me to wonder if I would ever have that with my future mate.

"Are we ready?" I asked them as I walked over. They almost immediately pulled apart as if they were embarrassed to have been caught embracing.

Dad cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, let's go." He nosed my fur and gave me a lick between my ears. Then he led the way down the rocky trail down from Priderock. I stuck behind him with Mom behind me.

We passed by the shaded trees where most of the pride laid. Sarafina lifted her tail in farewell to them. I was so excited to be going to the watering hole. I kept bouncing around and sometimes ran ahead of Jahi.

Finally, the watering hole came into view. I ran ahead and jumped off of the rock into the pond. The water felt wonderful and I relished in the coolness. It soothed my aching muscles.

I pulled myself onto the sandy shore and shook out the water. Some of it got on Jahi and Sarafina. Dad laughed and crouched down. "You'll regret that, Nala!" Then he lunged at me and I squealed.

He chased me around and I giggled the entire time. I leapt into his back and he growled playfully. I hung on for dear life as he started to buck like a zebra. By the time we stopped playing, we were both laughing. We returned to Mom who looked just as winded from laughing so hard.

I snuggled up against Mom and looked up at my Dad with big blue eyes. "This was fun."

"It certainly was, sweetheart," Jahi purred, "But your mother and I have something to tell you."

Confused, I sat up. "Tell me what?" I asked in curiosity.

Sarafina stood up and walked over to stand beside Jahi. They sat very closely, so much that their fur brushed. I watched my parents in anticipation. What did they need to tell me? Jahi and Sarafina exchanged a look.

"Nala," Mom took a deep breath. Her blue eyes were bright with excitement. "I'm pregnant."

For a moment, I just stood there in shock. I was going to have a little brother or sister? It was a lot to take in, but I was soon bouncing excitedly. "That's amazing! I always wanted a little sibling!"

Mom and Dad shared a happy look while I pranced around. "I'm going to be an older sister!"

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now