Chapter 40 Part 3/3

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It took one heartbeat for Priderock to become a battlefield. Simba lunged for Scar and the hyenas immediately joined the fray. I wasted no time and leaped at Zira. She stole my daughter from me and I've wanted to tear her heart out for a long time.

I clawed at her face, aiming for her eyes. She snarled and reared back, lashing at me with outstretched claws. Diving, I twisted and clawed at her stomach, splattering blood onto the rock. Zira collapsed and I looked around for my next target. At some point, Timon, Pumbaa, and Rafiki joined the fight.

Before I could move, solid muscle slammed into me and I was pinned. I looked up into the snake eyes of Scar. His talon-sharp claws pricked at my throat and I choked. I tried to claw at his stomach with my back claws, but it was no use. Scar tightened his grip and I gasped for air.

He leaned down so close that I could feel his hot breath on my face. "I should've killed you myself when I had the chance." Scar raised a paw to deal a deadly blow and I closed my eyes. I just prayed that it would end quickly.

But the blow never came. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. Scar fought for his life against a near-transparent figure. I saw Scar's blood spill as he ran away. He made his escape up the slope that led to the very top of Priderock. I was just about to pursue him when I saw that Simba was on his tail.

With Scar on the run, I turned to study the figure. It was a lioness and the only distinctive part about her was her eyes. They were pale yellow. "Anukis?" I wondered out loud.

She nodded and then reached out to me. Anukis touched her nose to my forehead and the world around me disappeared. In my mind's eye, I saw a much older Vitani. She was beautiful and graceful. But I saw darkness surrounding her like a shadow. Blood surrounded her and dripped from her claws. She Scar...

The vision ended but Anukis remained in front of me. "What does that mean?" I asked.

Anukis shook her head and didn't say a word. Then she disappeared, leaving me back in the battlefield. I shook her from my mind and continued to fight. My claws sliced through hyena after hyena. There were so many of them! We were hopelessly outnumbered.

"Well, well, well," Shenzi's voice sent icy chills down my spine. "Look what we have here..." Banzai and another hyena emerged from the crowd. They surrounded me and I snarled to show them that I wasn't scared. I might've been, once upon a time, but I was a cub then.

Banzai and the other hyena circled me while Shenzi kept her cold stare on me. "So you lived. What a shame...I had so wished to tear into you like I did Malka."

Anger swirled in my blue eyes and I bared my fangs at her. "You killed Malka?!"

"It was actually quite entertaining," Shenzi laughed manically. "He struggled so hard, but we tore him apart, piece by piece. By the time we were finished, he looked like any other carcass..."

I lunged at her with a roar. I'd had a suspicion that Malka was dead, but to hear it straight from Shenzi's mouth? To have her tell me how she killed him slowly and painfully? I clawed into her, ignoring her screams. My rage blinded me and I only stopped when Banzai and the other hyena dragged me off of her.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" Shenzi snarled as she bit my shoulder, drawing blood.

Tama appeared out of nowhere and ripped Shenzi off of me. Together, we sent the three of them running. I was gasping for air and I shared a look with Tama. Our training had definitely paid off.

"Look!" Sarafina shouted above the chaos.

Simba and Scar were fighting for dominance awfully close to the ledge. Everyone stopped fighting, their eyes fixed on the two male lions. The fire raged on and I begged the Great Kings to keep Simba alive.

My heart raced as I watched Scar fly at Simba through the smoke. Their roars echoed off of Priderock. Simba threw Scar over the edge and Scar plummeted into the fire. For a moment, we all waited. Simba stood there at the edge of Priderock and it began to rain.

I stood at the base of the slope with Sarabi at his side. Rafiki moved and sat on a rock near the slope. We all waited expectantly for Simba. I was the first one to spot him. He descended down the slope and I sighed with relief. He really was alive. The hyenas had run off and it was quiet except for the rain.

Simba rubbed his head against Sarabi's and then he rubbed his cheek against mine. It felt great to know that we were safe. Priderock could have a future underneath a righteous King.

Then Simba glanced at Rafiki. The baboon dipped his head and motioned towards the slope with his staff. "It is time."

I saw the panic in Simba's eyes. He was obviously frightened with the idea of becoming King. I moved to his side and gave him a nod of encouragement. He was the rightful King.

Simba made his way up the slope with all of us looking on. I relished in the fact that I was free from Scar's wrath. My heart flew above the Pridelands. I've never felt so free or happy.

For a moment, Simba stood at the edge of Priderock. The clouds parted slightly to reveal a piece of the starry sky above. Simba parted his jaws and released a thunderous roar that shook the sky. I was the first lioness to roar after him and the rest followed.

Simba descended the slope and was greeted by all of us, well...almost. Zira, Ramla, Nadra, Katura, and Afra were big kept in the prisoner den by Dwala, Bina, and Diku. It was Simba who would decide their fate.

"Zira, Ramla, Saran, Nadra, Katura, Afra, and their cubs will be exiled," Simba announced. "No cub of Scar's will ever set paw on the Pridelands."

Every trace of happiness disappeared. He meant Vitani. He was exiling my daughter! "Simba, the cubs are innocent." I tried to sound confident, but my voice shook.

Simba shook his head, "No, any cub of Scar's can't be trusted. They will be exiled with Zira."

"You'll regret this Simba!" Zira snarled.

We watched them leave and Zira had Vitani in tow. My heart was breaking. Simba couldn't know the truth about Vitani. He would never look at me the same way. Simba would never allow Vitani to stay.

Then a whispery voice spoke in my ear: "She will be safe..."

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now