Chapter 37

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Simba pulled out of our embrace, a cheeky grin on his face. "Come on, I have to show you around!"

He started to trot off, glancing behind him like an excited cub. Vitani flashed in my mind, but...I decided that I would come for her soon enough. For so long, too long, I've been forced to take responsibilities that weren't even mine. One night. That's all I wanted. One night to let my worries slip away.

So I followed him.

We raced through the jungle, dodging trees and vines, leaping over streams and tree roots. A warm wind whispered through the canopy and I could see the pinkish-orange tint of the sky. The sun would be setting soon.

Suddenly, Simba stopped in front of me and I narrowly avoided crashing into him. I stepped forward to stand at his shoulder. My blue eyes widened at the view before me. To our left was the mountain at the center of the jungle, and cascading over the edge was a waterfall.

When I glanced at Simba, I found him already staring at me. Embarrassed, I looked away and followed the rocky path that brought us the to pond made by the waterfall. Sunlight streamed through the water, making it appear to sparkle. I walked across the rocks, weaving underneath the falling water.

Behind me, Simba followed. We kept staring at each other, lost in the moment. To think he's been alive this entire time, hidden away in a perfect paradise. I made my way towards the pond and bent down to drink. Just a little ways away, Simba also paused for a drink.

My eyes studied him and he stared back at me. Neither of us said a word. He's holding back, he's hiding. But what? I can't decide. Why won't he be the king I know he is? The king I see inside?

Simba suddenly smiled and a devious look appeared in his eyes. It was that same look that always ended with us getting into trouble. He ran behind me and I watched him with confusion. Out of nowhere, he came running back, a vine in his mouth. I watched in surprise as he swung from the vine and fell into the water.

I hurried to the edge and stared down. Why wouldn't he reappear? Did he hit his head? Was he unconscious? What if he drowned?!

Suddenly, Simba burst from beneath the surface and wrapped his paws around my neck. Before I could react, he pulled me into the water. I've swam so many times before, but since it happened so quickly, I didn't have time to breathe. I immediately dragged myself out, dripping and shocked.

Simba emerged from the water, a sly smirk on his face. He was still the same playful lion that I remembered. My dear friend. I smirked back at him and pushed him back in before running off.

It didn't take long for Simba to catch up with me, considering that he was in better shape. Squealing, I tried to run faster. "I'll get you, Nala!" Simba laughed.

He tried to pin me, but I dodged him. I stopped at the crest of a hill to face him. When he appeared, I reared on my hind legs and so did Simba. But the momentum sent both of us tumbling down the hillside. For a moment I was afraid, but it didn't last.

When we landed, I was pinned underneath Simba. We both laughed and I felt bold. With him being so close and caught up in the moment, I reached up and licked his cheek delicately.

Startled, Simba stared at me for the longest time. I met his gaze and looked at him, really seeing him. I've never really realized it before, but I've always had a crush on him. If he had stayed around, perhaps I would've fallen in love with him. Maybe, just maybe, this could be a second chance for the both of us.

Then Simba returned the gesture, rubbing his cheek against mine. My heart has never felt so light, so full. I felt like I could take on the world. He continued to lick down my neck and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Simba nuzzled my cheek and we sank into the grass. He still remained on top of me and I suddenly felt suffocated, trapped. Simba's face flashed before my eyes to be replaced with Scar. My heart raced and I squirmed underneath Simba's weight, petrified.

"Nala? Are you okay? We can stop." Simba's honey-colored eyes were focused on me and I had to remind myself that Simba was not Scar. He wouldn't take me and leave me for dead. If he was anything like the lion he used to be, then I trusted him with my life.

Nervously, I shook my head. "No...don't stop." I licked his chest and the butterflies returned. The world faded away and it was just Simba and me.

One night, just one night...let me have this one night.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now