Chapter 25

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It took a few days for my pregnancy to be confirmed, but when I knew for sure I was expecting, my life drastically changed. Scar made me a prisoner of Priderock and watched me like a hawk. If I so much as spoke under my breath, he wanted to know about it. He told me not to tell anyone about the pregnancy right away.

The only one who knew about it was Zira. Scar must've told her his plans to make me Queen instead because she seemed especially irritable. The Pride knew that something was up, but they didn't know what exactly. I kept my mouth shut, partly because I didn't want to admit that I was pregnant.

Scar seemed infatuated with the idea of me loving him. He made me sleep next to him on the Throne every night. Each day I was forced to stay by his side. Once I was able to slip away from him for a few moments to sun outside. Sarafina found me and tried to ask me what was going on. She had her suspicions, but I told her nothing.

Sunlight filtered into the dark den and I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was that Scar wasn't lying next to me, the next is that I was the only one in the den. I stood up and stretched before wandering to the cave mouth.

Outside the den, the world was grey. The clouds obscured the sun and hung low and dark. Combined with the brown grass, there wasn't a splash of color anywhere. I walked down the rocky slope to find some of the Pride beneath the shade trees.

My mother, along with Sarabi, Issa, Zira, and Ramla, were missing. They were probably out hunting, I presumed. Sleeping in the shade were Kula, Tama, Saran, and Nuka. The little cub was pouncing on Saran's black-tipped tail. It made me wonder what Zira had said to make Saran cub-sit.

Watching Nuka made me feel sick. He wasn't all too intelligent and he had begun to adopt Scar and Zira's cruel mentality. Once I watched him pin down a lizard and rip it apart just for fun. Would my cub be like that? I self-consciously laid the tip of my tail against my belly. No one could tell that I was pregnant, not yet anyway.

Tama suddenly looked up and waved me over. I started towards her, but a cold voice behind me stopped in my tracks. "Nala? A word." Scar.

Taking a deep breath, I turned away from my friends to follow Scar. He paused at the edge of the ledge overlooking the Pridelands. I hung back, unsure of where he wanted me. "Come, sit beside me."

Against my better judgement, I settled at Scar's side. A devious smirk found his face and his snake green eyes glinted like the green fog of the Elephant Graveyard. I moved my gaze out to the Pridelands and saw Zira and the rest of the hunting party return. To my surprise, they were dragging a wildebeest.

"We are going to announce to the Pride that you're Queen now and that you're expecting," Scar drawled. "You are to not leave Priderock until the cub is delivered." He suddenly stood up, "Come Nala, smile for the Pride."

My heart became colder, heavier as I followed Scar. Nothing would ever be the same for me. I'm a prisoner of Priderock. I'm Scar's prisoner, his Queen.

"Gather around," Scar leaped onto a large boulder and I stood next to him. The Pride gathered, and I saw the looks of confusion on their faces. Zira shot me a look of utter hatred while Sarafina tried to catch my eye.

"Lions and lionesses of Priderock," Scar's voice boomed off of the rocks, echoing out to the Pridelands. The hyenas were there in the shadows, listening carefully. "As you all know, Nuka cannot be King. I'm in need of another heir, and I've decided that Nala is the best lioness for this purpose. She has been exalted and is now Queen. She's pregnant."

Whispers broke out from the Pride. I saw the look of sadness in Sarafina's eyes, of sorrow in Kula and Tama's, regret in Malka's... Scar silenced them with one roar. "She is not to leave Priderock until the arrival of our cub. Remember to congratulate her when you get the chance."

Scar leaped down and cast me a look as he walked past. In a heartbeat, Sarafina was at my side. "Nala, are you alright?"

"No," I growled coldly. Kula and Tama tried to talk to me, but I walked past them. Maybe I could make the best of this. As Queen, perhaps I could influence Scar for the better, assuming he would listen to me.

When I was out of sight from the Pride and Scar, I took a deep, rattling breath. I laid my tail on my belly once more. "We'll be okay. I'll always protect you." Even if Scar is your father...


Sorry for the long wait! I was trying to figure out the best way to continue. It'll be picking up again now.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now