Chapter 23

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My body froze in shock. Although I knew I was coming here to meet him, I still couldn't believe that I was facing him. The last time I saw Jahi was the day Mufasa and Simba died, the day that my world turned upside down.

I let him up and for what felt like forever we just studied each other. He was skinnier than I remembered him and his eyes looked tired. A scar marked his shoulder and his coat was dull. Jahi didn't look like the father I remembered.

When I looked into his eyes again, I was surprised to see two swirling orbs of emotion. My father's eyes held love, pride, and a hint of regret. He took a small step towards me and, although I was spooked by his sudden appearance, I didn't move.

"Nala," His voice sounded hoarse. He looked older than he was. Freelander life has not been kind to him. "You're so beautiful..."

I flattened my ears, unsure of what to say. Despite everything that's happened, he was still my father. "What are you doing here, Dad?" My tone sounded sharper than I intended, but I couldn't help it.

Jahi looked hurt but I only felt a small measure of guilt. "I had to see you. After I left, I tried to keep tabs on you, Mheetu, and your mother, but when the hyenas moved became impossible. So I left into the Freelands searching for a new home for us, a place where we could be a family again."

My hair stood on end in anger and I unsheathed my claws in frustration. "You're a spineless coward! You left us to Scar's mercy! How could you?!"

Jahi's face fell and he slumped his shoulders in defeat. "I'm sorry, Nala. I should've been there for you..."

"Yes, you should have," I growled, narrowing my blue eyes at him. "Do you even realize what we've been through, what I've been through?!" My voice started to shake as I spoke my next words: "What Scar's going to make me do..?"

He looked at me, confused, and stepped closer. "What do you mean? What has Scar done?!" Jahi's voice hardened as did his eyes. He appeared threatening and angry, unsheathing and sheathing his claws.

My voice shook and I couldn't look my dad in the eye. "Zira can't give him a healthy he's going to make me bear his cub."

Dad's eyes glazed over in fury. "How dare he?! He can't do that! You have to leave, Nala."

At his words I only became more angry. "Like you did?" My tone was icy cold and my eyes were as faraway as the stars. "You want me to leave Mom and Mheetu, runaway to save myself?" I laughed nervously, my shoulders shaking. "No, that might be your way of solving problems, but it's certainly not mine."

"But Nala he's going to hurt you," Dad's green eyes were sad and distant. "I-I don't want that for you."

"Too bad, you can't just show up out of nowhere and decide to act like my father." I growled, showing him my fangs. "My place is here with Mom, Mheetu, and my friends. I won't runaway and leave them to Scar's mercy."

"You can't undo this, Nala," Dad warned me. "You won't get a second chance."

"All I need is one." I turned to head towards the trail that would take me up the cliffs of the gorge. "Goodbye Father."

I left him there staring after me. As much as I wanted to look back, I didn't dare allow myself to. Jahi might be my father by blood, but he lost that right the night he ran away. He couldn't save me now, no one could.

I had to save myself.



A short chapter, sorry guys! Please vote/comment!

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