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Moons passed and the Pridelands returned to normal. The rains finally came and the grass was green and lush. Herds of wildebeest, zebras, elephants, giraffes all returned. The Pridelands were teeming with life.

Simba choose me as his Queen which didn't surprise many lions.

Not long after, our twin cubs were born. Rafiki and all the herds came to witness their naming ceremony. Our son was named Kopa by the Great Kings and was the spitting image of Simba. The Great Kings named our daughter Kiara, and she also held a great resemblance to her father. I watched them grow and explore the Pridelands together, much like Simba and I when we were their age.

I never told Simba about Vitani, but I kept a watchful eye for her. Sometimes I would see her running around with her friends. I often saw her with a cub that was the haunting image of Scar. It made me wonder who his mother was and if his father was indeed Scar.

Then the unimaginable happened: Kopa was taken from us. He ventured out one day and never returned home. It wasn't after Simba and I went looking for him that we realized his untimely fate. We found him at the edge of the Outlands by King's Lake, bloodied and lifeless. Zira's stench was everywhere.

I grieved for days. I didn't eat anything and I wished for death. Simba was the only reason I got through it. But our daughter, Kiara, kept me going. She was so full of life and wonder that it was hard not to feel optimistic about the future.

I never understood why the Great Kings choose me to find Simba and to be his Queen. But I guess the world is full of miracles. And the greatest miracle is the circle of life.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now