Chapter 12

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To the side is the song "Colors" by Halsey that I think fits Nala.


Kula's paw smacked me against the face and I fell backwards from the impact. Before she could pounce on me, I rolled out of the way and leaped back onto my paws. She bared her teeth at me as we circled each other. Tama, Sarabi, Dwala, and Sarafina watched from the edge of the clearing.

A snarl rumbled from my chest and I lunged for Kula. She became a reddish blur as she attempted to dodge me, but I caught her alongside her shoulder. Now off balance, it was easier for me to ram into her and pin her down. I held her down at her shoulders with my fangs bared in her face.

For a few moments we stayed frozen like that, then I looked up towards Sarabi and Sarafina for approval. Kula half-heartedly shoved me off of her and shook the dust from her pelt. Sarabi gave me an approving nod. "Very good, Nala. Your reflexes are quick and so is your mind."

"You did well, too, Kula," Sarabi added. "All of you are getting better every day."

Our days have taken a normal routine. Early in the morning was battle training. It was usually Sarabi and Sarafina who taught us, but sometimes Eshe or Dwala stepped in. They said it was to make us stronger, so that we could defend ourselves. I'm not sure who they expected us to fight. The hyenas would overpower us in numbers alone.

Around midday we went hunting. Malka and Mheetu didn't join us for this since Scar made it very clear that hunting was only for lionesses. I've noticed that Scar's been spending a lot of time around Malka, as if he was intrigued by him. I started to notice Malka defending Scar more now. He wasn't the innocent cub I used to play with...not anymore.

"Can I practice now?" Tama butted in, looking hopefully at Sarabi.

The tan lioness thought for a moment. "Nala, I think that you're ready for a double attack. Tama, Kula: try to take her down."

I readied myself and tried to keep an eye on each of them. Tama was quicker than Kula and had a natural instinct for fighting. Kula was strong and if she got a hold of you, it was all over. My friends lunged at the same time and I barely dodged them.

Tama scratched me across my shoulder, drawing a few droplets of blood. I hissed from the stinging pain and swung back at her, claws unsheathed. The pale golden lioness cub dodged my blow and lashed out at my ear, clouting me a good one.

At the same time, Kula attempted to sneak up behind me. The moment she lunged, I dropped to the ground and she collided with Tama. They rolled a few times and Kula seemed embarrassed to have missed. My friends got back on their paws and stalked towards me.

"Easy," Sarabi growled, "Don't be too rough."

Kula and Tama lunged at the same time, claws outstretched. I slipped in between them, managing to knock into Tama. The lithe lioness cub was easily pinned. I was somewhere in between Kula and Tama, strong and fast. Kula leaped at me and I reared up to bat her away. Tama took the opportunity to take her back claws down my belly. Screeching, I clawed her across the face.

"Enough!" Sarafina shouted angrily. Her and Sarabi stomped forward to heave the three of us away from each other.

My flanks heaved for breath as did Kula and Tama. We were all exhausted with little cuts and scrapes. A few droplets of blood speckled the dirt, a reminder of our predicament. Scar forced us into this, to fight, to prepare. For what, I didn't know yet. All I knew was that we had to be ready.

"Good, all of you." Sarabi nodded approvingly. "But you need to watch your claws, save them for the hyenas. Same time tomorrow." The former Queen stood up and started walking back to Priderock.

I watched her go and wondered how she managed to keep going every day. She lost everything: her mate, her son, her throne... Maybe that is why she trained us, so that no one could easily take what belonged to us ever again. Sarabi probably found hope in training us.

Only lionesses were trained. After Malka started to lean towards Scar, it was decided that males couldn't be trusted. That included Mheetu. I argued that Mheetu would never turn out like Scar, but Sarabi said it couldn't be risked. Malka followed Scar around like a senseless cub and hung on his every word.

We were like a secret fighting force, waiting for the right moment. I dug my claws into the dirt and imagined that it was Scar's brown pelt. One day I would make him pay for everything he's done.

"Let's go, Nala," Kula nudged me, pulling me from my daydream.

Standing up, I followed Kula and Tama back to Priderock. Sarafina was walking with Sarabi and they spoke in quiet words. I knew that they grew up together and were close friends. They've both lost so much.

When Priderock came into view, I saw the rest of the lionesses laying out under the shade trees with the hyenas surrounding the rest of Priderock. Motion at the edge of my vision caught my attention. It was Malka. He padded towards me and I froze. What did he want?

"Nala, can we talk?" Malka asked, his red eyes pleading.

I hesitated since I didn't really want to talk alone with him. But this was Malka I reminded myself. Sweet, playful, harmless Malka. "Okay."

He led me behind Priderock to a secluded spot. "Are you angry with me?" Malka suddenly asked.

My blue eyes narrowed at him. "What are you talking about, Malka? Of course I'm not mad at you."

"Then why is everyone avoiding me? You, Tama, Kula..." Malka lowered his head slightly and I saw sadness in his eyes. "Was it something I said?"

"No, Malka," I sighed, "Things are just different now."

"Different how?" Malka demanded. "I thought we were friends?!"

"We are!" I argued but Malka shook his head.

"I don't understand you, Nala. I've done everything right. I'm polite, brave, and I care about you!" Malka growled, anger flaring in his eyes. "Even dead, you care more about Simba than me!"

My heart sunk as I realized what this was all about. Malka liked me?! He's liked me all this time and never said anything? "I'm s-sorry, Malka," I stuttered. "I-I didn't know that you felt that way..."

"You wouldn't." Malka retorted angrily. "You're so caught up in your own little world you wouldn't have noticed if I grew a second tail! Everything is about you, Nala. You're the most self-centered lioness I've ever met!"

Before I could say anything, Malka turned and stalked back towards Priderock. He left me speechless and I didn't know what to think.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now