Chapter 31

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Scar allowed me one day. One day to witness our cub's naming ceremony and to say goodbye before I had to leave. He wanted me out of the Pridelands before sunset. As the sun climbed higher into the sky, the few animals that still remained in the Pridelands arrived to witness Rafiki name my cub.

Zira kept my daughter hidden in the cave where no one was allowed to see her, especially me. Scar and the hyenas stood at the mouth of the cave and no one dared get too close. Sarafina, Tama, Kula, and Sarabi never left my side. After Scar and Zira left with my daughter, I was a wreck.

My sobs echoed off of the cave walls as Sarafina did her best to comfort me. I could tell that she was livid at Scar and Zira. But their anger did not even come close to mine. I wanted nothing more than to rip Scar and Zira's hearts out, to make them feel my pain.

"When you leave, you have a chance for a fresh start." Sarafina murmured to me. "You'll be free."

"What's the point of freedom if I'm all alone in the world?!" I retorted back angrily.

There was movement at the cave mouth and we all looked up to see Saran. Her dark brown pelt was dull and she was skinny like everyone else. I've always liked Saran better than her older sister, Ramla. Even now, she seemed uncomfortable being here.

"Um, Scar has requested your presence for the naming ceremony." Saran said softly. Her green eyes were sorrowful and she seemed to want to relay how sorry she felt.

"We'll be right out," Sarabi responded gently, the ever gracious lioness. It still amazed me how poised she always seemed. If the world turned upside down tomorrow, she would be the one keeping us all sane.

Saran left and I nearly choked on another sob. How could I face the entire Pride? How could I watch my cub being named without being at her side? I couldn't bare it.

"Nala, look at me." Sarafina's voice was somehow soft and strong at the same time, commanding but comforting. I reluctantly raised my blue eyes to hers. "You need to stand tall and proud. Don't let them break you, my darling. Scar has taken so much from us, don't let him take your dignity."

I knew my mother was right. I've lost so much and I've been forced to grow up faster. My cub days ended the day Mufasa and Simba died. The Pride no longer felt like home. I felt like an outcast.

"Come, Nala," Sarabi murmured.

Tama and Kula came to stand beside me as well. Kula touched her nose to my shoulder. "We won't let you falter." With my friends at my side, I felt stronger and my legs didn't seem so weak.

Raising my head high, I left the cave with Sarafina, Sarabi, Tama, and Kula following. The hyenas flanked me on either side. They weren't going to let me out of their sight. Past Priderock, I could see the gathering of the remaining Prideland herds. There were so few of them.

Sitting at the base of Priderock was the Pride. Only Scar and Zira were absent. The Pride stared at me as I approached. Most of them haven't glimpsed me since I was sent to live in the prisoner cave. Ramla and Katura cast glares in my direction, but some offered me sympathetic looks.

Sarafina's words echoed in my mind. I stood taller and wore a stoic expression. Scar could not take my dignity, the only thing that I had left. I sat at the front of the Pride with the hyenas standing guard on either side of me. Sarafina, Sarabi, Kula, and Tama stuck as close as they possibly could.

Everyone was silent, waiting for Rafiki to appear. He was always the one to name the newborn Princes and Princesses. It was a tradition dating back to the first generation of rulers. Looks like Scar wanted to continue the tradition.

Movement at the top of Priderock caught my eye and I, along with everyone else, turned my eyes skyward. Rafiki stood at the edge of Priderock with Scar and Zira behind him. In his arms, he held my cub, my darling daughter. My throat tightened with emotion and I told myself that I wouldn't cry. Scar would not receive the satisfaction.

For a moment, Rafiki just held my daughter in his arms tenderly. He didn't blame her for her father's crimes. Then he held her to the sky for the Great Kings and everyone below to see. We waited for him to speak, to announce the name bestowed upon her by the Great Kings.

"Princess Vitani!"

The crowd didn't cheer, they didn't celebrate. They only bowed out of fear. While everyone bowed, I did not. A chill ran down my spine. The Great Kings had given my daughter a name that means 'I am war'.

Rafiki returned my daughter, Vitani, to Zira who looked down at her with emotions that surprised me. She seemed to really love her. But how could Zira truly love Vitani? After all, she was a part of me, too.

Scar stepped forward and peered down at me, his snake eyes narrowed. "I hereby exile Nala from the Pridelands. She attempted to kill Prince Nuka, but as mother of Vitani, she will be spared. You must leave the Pridelands by sunset. If you are found here you will be killed."

I locked my gaze with Scar's and I saw a challenge there. For the longest moment, neither of us blinked. Finally, I complied and dipped my head. I've gone from cub to juvenile to Queen and now to exiled.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now