Chapter 7

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The sun had long ago set by the time we returned to the Pridelands. Overhead, the stars shone brightly against the blue-black sky and the moon lit the savannas. Everything was bathed in its ghostly white light from the trees to the grass.

Mufasa walked ahead of us and Zazu brought up the rear. Simba and I walked silently side by side, still both ashamed. We could've died today if it weren't for Mufasa. All our cunning couldn't have saved us from those horrible hyenas. I could still see their hunger-filled eyes when I closed mine.

Without warning, Mufasa stopped in front of us. Crickets sang in the grass and the wind caused the trees to gently sway. We stopped, waiting for Mufasa to speak.

The golden-furred King spoke, his voice reverberated on the night air. "Zazu!"

The blue hornbill flew forward and stayed at Mufasa's shoulder. "Yes, Sire?"

Mufasa turned his head slightly towards Zazu. "Take Nala home. I've got to teach my son a lesson."

Simba crouched down in the grass beside me and I flattened my ears. I hoped that Mufasa wouldn't be too hard on him. We hadn't intentionally put ourselves in danger. How were we supposed to know that hyenas lived there?!

Zazu flew over and landed in from of us. "Come, Nala. Simba..." He placed his wings on Simba's shoulders, heaved a heavy sigh, and then gave him a reassuring pat. "Good luck."

He lifted off of the ground, leaving me to follow him. I glanced at Simba over my shoulder who never lifted his eyes from his paws. Poor, Simba. He would probably be blamed for all of it when part of it had been my fault, too. Although, I'm sure I would hear it from my parents as well.

"Do you think Mufasa will be hard on him?" I asked Zazu in a whisper.

Zazu snorted and kept flying. "I hope so, that little Prince needs a little sense knocked into him!"

His harsh words made me flatten my ears. So maybe Simba wasn't the perfect Prince, but I didn't want him to be! He was funny, adventurous, and quick-witted. If he grew up to be the King he said he would be, then I think the Pridelands would be in good paws.

Soon, Priderock came into view over the horizon. The moon silhouetted the tall, proud rock formation as it seemed to jut into the sky. My paws were tired and I felt fatigue pulling me down. Zazu noticed and dipped down to my level.

"Easy does it, Nala. We're almost there." Zazu said gently.

As we approached Priderock, I noticed a few shapes standing on the edge, silhouetted against the sky. When we came into view, the two shapes disappeared only to reappear on the slope. They raced towards us and met us halfway. It was Jahi and Sarafina.

My parents enveloped me into a tight embrace. I couldn't breath they held me so tightly. "We were so worried about you!" Mom scolded me. Although she spoke harshly, I saw in her eyes that she had been deeply worried.

Jahi nuzzled my cheek with a purr. "We're so glad that you're home safe."

I returned the purr and nuzzled both of my parents. "I'm sorry that I scared you." It was the truth. Although it had been a fun adventure up until the hyena part, I regretted causing them to worry.

"Come inside, Nala," Mom nosed me forward. "Mheetu's been asking about you."

Together, along with Zazu, we walked up the slope to the ledge of Priderock. Before heading inside, I paused and stared up at the stars. Mom came to my side and settled down on her belly. For a few moments, we just stared up at the stars together while Jahi disappeared inside with Zazu.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Sarafina murmured.

I kept my eyes on the stars, entranced by their light. "Yeah," I agreed. Then I asked, "What are they?"

"My mother once told me that they are all the Great Kings of the past, and the Queens, of course," Sarafina purred. "All the past Kings from Mohatu to Ahadi, Queens like Asali and Uru..."

My eyes became wide with wonder. To think that each star was a lion, looking down on us. Were they watching over me and Simba today? Was it thanks to them that we didn't perish at the jaws of those hyenas?

"Come inside, Nala," Mom whispered, nudging me to my paws. "It's time to rest."

Reluctantly, I followed her inside.

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now