Chapter Nine.

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A/N; Hey, Hey! Soooooo I'm studying Maths atm but ehhh that's boring, PLUS I'm in need of a break and an update for y'all :) Sorry it's been a while :/ but here's the next chapter :)

Oh. Btw picture of Lukin ;) You are welcome.


'Dakota honey, please wake up.' A soft voice said in my head.

My heavy eyes slowly opened to a blurry white room. What the heck? What am I doing in the infirmary? I moved to see if anything hurt or ached.


'Great, you're awake.' My mothers voice yipped. She stood next to the bed alongside my father, both with smiles on their faces.

"MUM! DAD!" I practically screamed and jumped off the bed into their arms. Hot tears streamed down my face as I snuggled into them. 

"There, there baby doll." My father cooed as their hold on me tightened.

I looked up at them sniffling, "It's really you? I thought I'd never see you two again." Another sob rolled in. They sat me back on the bed as soon as I calmed down.

"You and your wolf have done us proud," my father said with pride, " as well as your brother. We're proud to be parents of gifted and great Alpha's. What you did today was very brave, did you realise that you were gone for two weeks?"

I gasped, I had been gone for two flippin weeks! I shook my head.

"Yes, your brother's pack, your mates pack as well as your own pack were about to go on a rampage to find you," my mother said with her lips in tight line, "your brother lied when he said had used his Alpha tone on half your pack," she giggled, "he had to use it on all the packs. Marnie had charmed you and Jye as well as your wolves when you two were pups. You know she's a strong white witch? It is said that your wolves will run the werewolf world and that you will both bring peace. No one would be able to destroy you. You both have guardians hand chosen from the Moon Goddess herself, in your case Lukin is your guardian. Jye has yet to find his."

I was taking in as much as I can but it was a little too much. Okay so Marnie is a powerful witch, she charmed Jye and I, we are both royal wolves. Lukin is my guardian, Jye had to use his Alpha tone on the packs as well as Tomas and I'm probably de-

"AM I DEAD!" I gasp, horrified.

They both laugh at my small outburst. "No honey were you listening to anything we just said?" My mother scolded.

"Yes but, how am I seeing you?"

"When I said your mother and I will always be with you, I meant it Rae. You are currently sleeping-"

"So we're basically invading your bubble space thingy." My mother finished. Oh how I miss her impatience. "And I heard that miss!" I smiled sheepishly at her.

Yeah they both had their formal manners and all that jazzy but they still acted like the fun people they were.

I couldn't help but bring them both into a bone crushing hug. "I miss you two." I whisper, eyes stinging.

"We miss you too, and your brother. We have to go now honey." My father's voice was fading.

"Please don't!" I hug them tighter but they slowly slip from my grasp.

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