Chapter Twenty Seven.

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A/N; Ohhhh GUYS! I feel a twist coming on soon!!!


Unknown P.O.V

The surprise on her face is priceless. She really didn't recognise me.

"Why, I'm here to visit of course." I wink at her.

Shira shifts uneasily beside me. I put my hand on hers and squeeze it.

That pretty girl sees that and raises her brows, looking between Shira and I. "Your mate?"

Shira rips her hand from mine. "I'd rather eat glass and choke on it than be his mate!" she grouches folding her arms over her chest.

I roll my eyes at her dramatic response.

"Oh?" She frowns. "What do you want?" she then snarls at me.

The younger one, he looms behind her protectively. I growl at him, he growls back. It's then I feel the power emanating off her in waves, Shira feels it too.

I look at Dakota and she looks furiously at me. "What do you want." she repeats.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Sheesh? I thought your mom taught you better than that Dakota." I joke dryly.

The look in her eyes makes my wolf cower away, submitting to her. What the heck?

It's when I'm smashed against the wall of the shelter, rage in her eyes. "Don't you dare speak of my mother like that!" the voice of her wolf cuts into me, making him whimper.

'Submit!' My wolf urges. A slight show of my neck shows her that I'm submitting.

She backs off and lets me go of my collar. Shira is frozen at the tone of her voice also and bows her head in respect.

It then dawns on me that she is an Alpha. Something I've never seen in a she-wolf.

"If you show yourself around here again or anywhere near my daughter I will personally kick your ass! So I suggest you go back to where ever the hell you came from coz you are not welcome!" she says turning her back on me. She's nineteen and has a daughter who looks seven, the last I seen her she was a regular kid.

This. It outrages me. "Don't turn your back on me Dakota. You are mine and I will have you."

'What are you doing! She is not ours and you bloody well know this!' My wolf hisses at me.

"What?" she asks, she looks pissed now. Shira says the same thing, both girls looking at me, puzzled.

The dark haired guy, he gets in my face. "Fuck off mongrel." he says with a calm voice but the threat behind those calm words is eerie.

Shira grips my arm. "Let's just go. She isn't yours to have." she murmurs.

I don't care, I want her and if I can't have her then...fuck it I will have her.

"SHE IS MINE!" I tell her and before I could get passed the boy, he swiftly gets me into a chokehold. The more I put up a fight, the tighter the pressure is around my neck.

I hear Shira protest but Dakota commands her to stay put. Everything goes hazy and then the pressure is gone but I'm already gone.

When I come to, it's dark but warm.

"Ugh. I was hoping you were dead." I hear Shira murmur.

"Where the hell am I?"

She starts laughing. "Damn. That boy got you good! And here I was thinking you were some sort of ninja type of person by the stories you told me but damn! Was I a fool to believe you!" Another roll of laughter come in. "He kicked your ass!"

I ignored her and took in my surroundings. It was a normal room, nothing fancy. "Do you know where we are?"

"Yeah," she calms down. "We're in the...I forgot the name but the Alpha is so pissed with you boy." she pokes my arms playfully.

As if on cue the door flies open and five people walk through, all with looks of anger. Shira backs up to the wall nervously.

I recognise the biggest of them all. Jye. He looks at me, angry and a little confused.

I smirk at him. "Well, well look who's all grown up now."

A growl erupts from Dakota. Why is she acting like this, she used to be so nice and cute, now, she's acting like a bitch, a hot one at that.

'Stop it! He'll kill us if you touch her, you know he will!' my wolf says. He's been acting like a down right pussy these couple of days.

"I thought you were dead?" Jye asks.

"Well hi to you too bro." I muse.

"Believe me, I wish he was dead at this moment." Shira mumbled in her corner.

Tyler I see, is behind him growling like a mad kitten. I chuckle at my dry joke.

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