Chapter Twenty.

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A/N: Hey! So I doubt y'all care about my school trip the other week but it was AMAZING! Anyways, sorry for the late post, school has been kicking my ass :P Here you go!!


Rae's P.O.V

After spending a week with Tomas, honestly I didn't know I was staying that long but it was good. I got to know his mom and his sister a lot better and I also got to know his pack better. But then I also got to know Tomas on a bunch of new levels and I'd say we've gotten a lot closer than before.

I even opened up to him, telling him about how hard it was and still is to know that my parents are actually gone. He held me tight in his arms that night and told me he loved me, I couldn't help but cry.

Now I was back to my own pack, I was taking a night walk around the front border where the gates were. I stood in the chilly autumn night air and listened, I didn't know if I was going crazy or what but I could faintly hear sobbing. It was soft and child-like. I walked closer to the sound, it was a little louder this time. I came to a shrub and looked over it, on the otherside was a small figure bunched up in a tight ball. A little girl. She was mumbling to herself, shivering with something that looked like paper clutched in her small hand.

"Hi." I say softly.

She screamed fraily, obviously startled and frightened. Tears streamed down her small chubby face.

"Help me, I'm scared." she cries.

"Come here." I take off my jumper, pick her up and wrap her in it. "Gosh you're cold." She cuddles into my chest, shivering, teeth chattering. I run back up the drive to the house, I run into the lounge where the fire is going.

"Marnie!" I call and sit down in front of the fire, "Marnie! I need you!"

Marnie comes through the door, "Yes child?"

"Marnie she's so cold, help me."

"Oh my! Put her here." Marnie tapped the on the couch. I lay the unconscious girl on the couch, she was a deathly pale and her lips were blue but she was till breathing. Marnie unwrapped her from my jumper and mumbled a few foreign words, a warm light came from Marnies hands as she hovered them above the small girls body. The light travelling from Marnies hands to the girls body where it rested above her heart and faded back.

"I'll make her some soup. She'll be fine now." Marnie got up and walked out.

I looked at the girl, bronze tight ringlets with a yellow bow in it, her hair shone in the firelight, long lashes and dimpled cheeks. She was dressed in a flowy yellow dress and a cardigan. I looked at the piece of paper and grabbed it out of her hands.

'To whom this may concern,

This is my daughter, her name is Masyn. She is five years old. Take care of her, treat her as your own, love her, cherish her, give her a better life. She deserves it.'

Reading this made me angry. Who the hell would abandon their own child, leave them out in the cold to freeze like that! Some people just don't deserve to have children.

I dialled Tomas' number. He answered on the fourth ring,

"Hello?" his voice was thick with sleep. I looked at the time, it was 11:55pm.

"Tomas I have a small situation." my voice kind of sounded off, I looked at the sleeping girl and pulled a blanket over her.

"I'll be there soon sweetheart." I hung up and sat on the warm carpet next to the fire and closed my eyes for a little bit, leaning back on the couch.

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