Chapter Thirteen.

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A/N; Ohh my ovaries! I'm off to see Paramore on the 19th. So effing excited! And one of my best friends was just asked to a be a model for some supermodel 2014 shit so happy for her!! ^.^


Rae's P.O.V

After spending some time with my brother as well as my nineteenth birthday in the slopes, Tomas and I have gotten closer.

My nephew was born just after New Years, a healthy pup. I'm so happy for my brother. I got a crapload of photos of the little cutie, he looks so much like his daddy.

I was lounging on the couch watching a movie when I was interupted by a pack member,

'Alpha? You think you could lend me a hand for a little bit?' Caleb's voice sounded strained.

'I'm coming.'

I followed his scent out to the backyard by the pool area where I found Lukin sitting back in a deck chair, his hands resting behind his head watching Caleb with an amused look on his face.

Caleb had his hands spread on both sides of himself between a couple of girls, blocking them from each other. The girls were both shaking, eyes out to kill each other, there was blood here and there on the both of them. Scratches trickled small amounts of blood. All three were dripping wet, Caleb had a face of horror.

"What's going on here?"

"They were fighting." Caleb put his hands down.

"Keelie, Dawn why the heck are y'all fighting?"

"She was all over my man!" Keelie stabbed a finger over at Dawn.

"YOUR MAN!" Dawn yelled, "He dumped your sorry ass!"

They lunged towards each other. I had enough time to grab Keelie's arm and yank her back while Caleb caught Dawn.

"Alright, settle down you two." I say.

"Let me go Caleb." Dawn hissed.

"Sorry but no can do." he shrugged. I saw Lukin holding his stomach laughing to himself.

"Let me go!" Keelie screamed at me

"I'd watch your tone if I were you hun." I growled at her. "Now, what's the real reason to this little conflict. Caleb?"

He lowered his head, "They're fighting over me."

"Alright, Keelie, Dawn you are both to stay away from Caleb. I don't care if one of you are his girlfriend or whatever coz now you're not. I'd rather not have my pack members fight over one wolf thanks. And Caleb, try keep it in your pants please so this won't happen again? If it does, you're on your own. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Alpha." They say together.

"Good, now go clean yourselves up." The girls walked off into the house grudgingly.

"Seriously dude." I say to a blushing Caleb.

"Uhm Alpha."

"Yes Caleb?"

"Thanks for that and I sure will from now on but I need your help on something really....different."

Lukin handed him a towel. "Alright, what is it?" I ask. He looked at Lukin with pleading eyes.

"He's found his mate," I was about to hug him when Lukin said, "but she's the daughter of a vampire prince."

"WHAT!" The only vampire prince I know is Ainsley. He has a daughter?

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