Chapter Twenty One.

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"Yes sweetheart?"

"Where are we going?"

He smirked. "Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now do we?"

I put on my most successful pouty face.

"Don't give me that face. I might lose control and take you right in that seat." his voice became low and husky.

Dang it.

"Fine. At least give me a hint."

He sighed. "City center." was all he was gonna give me. Dinner in the citys center? Why were we coming all the way out here? Not like it was far but really?

"Sounds good to me hun."

I sang along to songs that played on the radio, I even rapped 'Rap God' by Eminem in front of him.

He chuckled. "You can sing AND rap."

I shrugged playfully. "What can I say? I'm one of a kind."

"That you are sweetheart." he smiled and held my hand.

Once entering the city, we pulled up in front a huge lit building. It looked real fancy and pricy.

"Good evening sir." A guy in his mid-forties nodded once and held his hand out. Tomas placed the keys to his car in the guys hand while a younger guy opened my door and lead me next to Tomas.

Tomas held out his arm, I wrapped mine around his and proceeded to the door. This place seemed to have a lot of people for everything. The doormen smiled and nodded as they opened the glass double doors.

"Reservation for Lockwood." Tomas said to the guy at the front.

"Ahh yes, Mr Lockwood." he said with a brittish accent, the man scribbled something on his list. Fancy pants. I laughed to myself.

"Estiban will be your host for the night." he smiled.

A guy about his early twenties appeared next to him. He looked hispanic. The lighting in here sucked. Probably trying to set the 'mood'.

"This way." Estiban gestured to follow him. He proceeded down a hall, away from the main eating place and came to an elevator at the end of the hall. We went to the top, about eleven storeys up, we ended up on the roof.

I gasped at the scene before me. The whole floor was decorated with fairy lights and it was covered in different coloured roses. The city lights were dazzling as well it being a warm evening. The stars twinkled in the dark sky, they danced across it endlessly.

"Tomas. This is beautiful."

"So I'm guessing you like it?"

"I love it!" I whispered. He smiled that favourite crooked smile of mine.

"Your food will be here in a moment. Please, take a seat?" Estiban smiled warmly in his thick accent and pulled out two chairs from the table I didn't see.

Estiban left and we took our seats smack bang in the middle of the roses. The scent was so sweet.

"Out of all the flowers in the world but roses caught your eye huh?" I took a whif of the pink ones nearest the table.

"Actually, it came to me just yesterday coz it was the first time I actually talked to you, it was in your mothers rose garden." he smiled at the memory.

I too remembered that also. And then as soon as the conversation ended, I turned bitch on him.

The food was wonderful and it wasn't like a few leaves and a bit of stake on a huge ass plate, it was a full on feast.

Dessert was to die for! I was so full I didn't leave any room for it. After that, we just talked. Not like we weren't talking while we were eating, we talked about a lot of random stuff.

I thought it was time to wrap it up and go home but as soon as that thought crossed my mind, the same nervous and uneasy feeling crept into my thoughts throughhe bond, though they were not mine, they were Tomas.

"What's wrong?" I grabbed his hand.

"I wanted to ask you something. It's been playing on my mind for the last few months and having Masyn around just solidified it." he almost stuttered. What the heck was going on? He was starting to make ME feel nervous. "And I understand if you don't want to."

"Huh? What's going on?" I ask.

Before I knew it; he pulled away from me and got on one knee in front of me. On the way down he slightly wobbled but steadied himself on the table.

Oh shit. Oh my gosh! Oh lord!

He looked me straight in the eye with his piercing blue ones, took a deep, deeeep breath, pulled a tiny black velvet box from his inner jacket pocket of his suit and said the words;

"Dakota-Rae Blain, will you marry me?"

"I-" Words failed me. I sat there gaping at him like a fish out of water. Why of ALL times was I lost for words. "I-"

I looked at the ring, it wasn't grand but it was simple. The ring band was white shiny silver, with small white diamonds encrusted in it. One diamond was the main attraction, again it was big but it was enough for me. I loved it! Oh how I adored the tiny object. My eyes watered, I was getting all choked up and flustered.


"Sweetheart are you okay?"

"YES!" I gushed. "YES! I'll marry you!" Hot tears streamed my cheeks, probably making the eyeliner run but I didn't care. I got down on my knees and hugged him, he picked me up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Dakota-Rae Blain." he declared.

Today was the happiest day of my life. The ring was beautiful and I couldn't get over it! "Wait! Is that pure silver?" I had said when he was about to grab it out of the box.

He nodded.

"Don't worry sweetheart, Marnie charmed it. It's fine. Trust me." he assured me and continued to slide the cool, delicate metal onto my wedding finger.

"Marnie knew?"

"Actually, all this was Masyn's idea. She picked out the ring and told me how it was gonna go down. She planned most of it, I just added a little bit of my own touch and made it happen. Very clever girl."

"Masyn? Gosh no wonder she wouldn't tell me. I knew that little she-devil was up to something." I giggled in tears.

He wiped them away with his thumbs and held my face in his hands. "Darling I want to love and be with you forever."

"And as I you, if that makes any sense. Just kiss me already!" I laugh. He laughed too before placing his soft lips on mine.

This was the beginning of our forever.


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-glendls :)

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