Chapter Twenty Three.

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A/N: It's Fridaaay! So I was asked to prom at school today with pizza.

If you give me pizza any day, you're immediately in my good books. So I said yes and my savage friends ate it all and saved me one slice wtf -.- Totally irrelevent to this story but I'm in a good mood so here's a short chapter. :)


Rae's P.O.V

"Rae, come on! We don't have time to muck around! This is serious business." Any scolded.

I slumped forward. "Need I remind you why we have to go there?" I say into my arms.

"You're acting like a big baby, now suck it up and let's go."

"Any, we have a whole six months to plan." I complained like a stubborn kid.

She raised an eyebrow and put her hand on her hip. "Dakota-Rae fucking Blain! If you are not out of the damn pack house in one minute, I swear to the dear moon fucking goddess I will drag you out by your hair and shove you in my car." she threatened.

I smirked. "Good lord girl, can't you take a joke?" I get up and walk out in front of her, knowing she'd probably do it.

Rewind four months. We joined the packs as soon as new houses in the pack village were built and units in the pack house were extended. These months have been hectic, a couple of fights broke out between my pack members and Tomas'. A lot of my members had also found their mates, about half the pack to be exact.

Having a pack as big as ours is new. In a normal pack there is about at least a hundred. My pack was small, about seventy members, since joining Tomas' one it's extended from a hundred and ninety something. Yes, we are both Alpha's, two Beta's and two third in commands. It's good to know that there'll be order in the pack.

New pack equals new name, we are now known as the Shadow Hunter Pack.

So I thought Tomas' pack was powerful coz it was the biggest, boy was I wrong about that when Any beat Brodies ass.

Trainings are a big fuss coz Any usually takes the trainings but having so much people in one space and butting heads with Tomas' trainer isn't helping all that well. So, I set up a schedule type thingy. I divided the pack into groups to be trained on different days with two different trainers, Any, Peter and Paul.

First day of training with Any with the mixed packs was a funny thing to see. While my pack advanced, the former Silver Moon pack were starting to slow down. They weren't used to this level of training, the males especially, judged her because she was a female.

Boy, did she show them! The people who didn't know I don't take disrespect lightly knew in an instant. Lukins snotty cousin and the red head slut knew all to well.

Back to the present.

Any, Vicki, Larissa, Reeyarn (my bridesmaids) and I were going to get our measurements done as well as try on some dresses.

The thought of being stuck in a fancy space for a few hours with  three she-wolves and a vampire, made me shudder.

We arrived at a fancy looking white building in the city.

"Oh don't act so excited Auntie!" Vicki rolled her eyes and dragged me in.

"Good morning ladies. You have the whole room to yourself to try on dresses." the tidy lady smiled warmly.

"Thanks Janine." Reeyarn replied.

I felt like I was in the dress shop scene in the movie Bridesmaids, minus the food poisoning. I chuckled at my lameness and followed Any to the wedding dresses.

She started skimming the racks for dresses in my size and piled them into my arms as I followed behind her.

"Go try these on." she instructed, pointing to the changing room.

I sighed and did what I was told. Little did I know that these changing rooms were quite large, mine having a young male in it waiting.

"Ahh you must be the bride to be huh? Oh! You're so damn beautiful!" he gushed, by the way he talked and the way he dressed, he was most definitely gay.

"My name is Frankie. Let's get these dresses on shall we?"

He got straight to work. The first one was pretty. It was sleek, floor-length, with lace sleeves. Of course I was going for the original white.

I walked out, the girls all jumped up and down giggling. "OHMYGOD hun you look beautiful!" Any squealed. "I dunno about you but I think that's the one."

"Me too." I agreed. But like the good girl I was being for Any, I had tried on many dresses to which I lost count at four. They were nice but I defintely liked that first one. I wanted it so I got it. I added a bit of my own designs to have small pearl bits stuck around the bodice part so that it looked like the wind was blowing around it.

The girls have floor length, light blue gowns, they'll suit them all so beautifully.

Guess all the outfits are done.


Sorry for the ultra short chapter but I'm watching LOTR atm haha.

I had just changed them from being a silvery color to a light blue, suggestion by CatherineNield thanks darl :)

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