Chapter Thirty.

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Rae's P.O.V

"If the fucking so-called 'rouge master' wants to see me, he can bloody well come to me." I growl at the two pathetic excuses before me.

"Sorry darling but orders are orders." The one with dark hair smirked. A rugged scar ran down his left cheek which added a little sexiness to that semi pretty face of his.

I smirked back. "Well private, it won't be me that'll get myself skinned alive if you fail to carry out those orders."

Obviously my snarky reply caught him off guard, he knew I was right. His partner who was a female smiled wickedly, he seemed to notice the amused look she had on.

"You'll be right after me." he snarled at her.

"Like I give a shit." she rolled her dark eyes. "Anyways, he wouldn't dare touch his sister and this you know Michael." She turns ger attention to me. "Look, he just wants to meet you that's all."

I shrug. "Fine, whatever to get you mutts off my flipping tail."

"Follow me." she murmurs and shifts to an ashy coloured wolf, Michael turned to a tanned wolf.

I stand there. "Go ahead. I'll follow."

They look at each other as if to say, 'what the hell?'.

"Fuck off already, I did agree to come. I'll catch up." I exclaim, the tone in my voice is commanding which sends them on their way with their tails between their legs.

Before I shift, something glints in the light. I lift my left hand and see an engagement ring on my wedding finger. I've never noticed this until now. I simply slipped it off my finger and flicked it over my head, it landed on the cold ground.

"Dana!" I call.

She comes scurrying from the top rooms of the warehouse. "Alpha."

"I'll be out. Make sure no one leaves." the threat in my voice is clear. She nods and scurries back.

I stripped and shifted. I followed the scent of the two mongrels.

This carried on for a day. Shit. If I knew it took this long I would've just driven myself to the outscurts of the small town.

I find myself looking at a finely furnished two storeyed house behind the safe arms of the trees. Just before them, I shift back, dress and walk over to the two waiting on the porch.

"Finally." I heard Michael mutter to himself.

I grabbed his neck as soon as I hit the stairs and slammed him against the wall.

"You want to die mutt!" I snarled in his face, squeezing the life out of him. He struggled against my hold until he stopped and he passed out.

I let him go and he dropped on the floor. The girl just shrugged and walked on through, "He had that coming. Told him to shut it."

I walked in after her, you'd think this wasn't some rouge's secret lair or something. You'd think some normal family lived here.

We got to the second floor and stepped into a reasonably large room and behind a big mahogany desk was a clean cut looking dude. Everything about him seemed sleek and sharp, even his snappy cologne called attention. He wore a navy blue fitting suit with the standard black tie. He looked about his late twenties, early thirties.

His dark eyes studied me under long lashes. His dark hair was combed sleekly back in a Willy Moon kind of style. A smile slowly graced his not fugly face.

"Ahh we meet at last Blain." his rich voice filled the room.

"Yeah well, it's kinda uncomfortable when you keep sending your little muppets around."

"Well, you keep killing them and they can't really deliver the message while being ripped apart now can they?" he mused.

"What do you want?" I say, straight to the point.

Nathaniel sees this and speaks up. "I want you to join me."


"Because I believe that we'll be great leaders. Imagine, all rouges bound to you-"

"Already have that done and dusted. They know what I'm capable of." I shoot at him.

"We can rule all werewolves." he tries again.

"Sorry but you're wasting your time telling me what I already know. World domination is what I'm all about but it's not in my nature to share what I work for." I turn on my heels.

A menacing growl erupts from behind me. "Don't turn your back on me pup!" he shouts.

My head whips back and I glare at him, growling back I stalk forward. "Don't fucking yell at me you bastard and don't talk to me like I'm one of your minions that you own. You don't fucking know me!" I scream in his face, my voice taking on that dominant side which has him bowing his head in submission.

And with that, I storm out the house and run home in my wolf form. When I get there, the whole thing is burnt to fucking ashes and a small mountain of rotting bodies are piled up next to the burning warehouse.

"FUCK!!!" I roar into the stained air.

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