Chapter Twenty Nine.

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Tomas P.O.V

It's been days and she hasn't come back. I get that we needed time to cool off but I wasn't thinking it'll take this long.

I'm confused as hell.

"No sign of them Alpha." Any flew into the office. Like me, she hasn't slept.

"I'm sorry but I can't catch her scent. Usually I can can manage to get a hold of her wolf but...but Rain's gone. I can't..." she trails off sobbing, Brodie walks in and wraps his arms around.

I can't help but feel jealous of my brother. To be able to wrap your arms your mate and know she's safe in your hold. I have failed her, yet again.

My wolf whimpers in my mind.

"Go rest you two." I say, finality in my voice.

I walk outside and shift to my wolf. He howls in anguish for his mate in the night air. I run to Jye's border, I understand his wolves stand guard but I'm agitated and can't wait til Jye gets his ass to the borderline.

He see's me and shifts shoves on some shorts, he holds out an extra pair.

His eyes are sorrowful. "Nothing." he simply states.

"Argh!" I roar and take a swipe at a tree.

I hear whimpering. I turn to see a medium sized red wolf. She's new here.

She shifts and slips on an oversized shirt.

"Alpha." her voice trembles. "I believe you are her mate."

I nod.

She looks at Jye and he nods also. "Dakota has been put under a spell. She was thrown black sand in her face and the slightest of that sand was inhaled. Her..." the girl's voice cracks. "her connection with her wolf is gone. What replaces her wolf is something dark."

I hear the truth behind her words. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to believe it. I can't. I refuse to believe that my girl is possesed with something evil.

"What about Lukin?"

"He's disappeared. Can't find a trace on him either." Jye sighs tiredly.

"Show me where she last was." I say, almost demand but I don't want to push Jye.

It's like walking on eggshells with that kid when he's bothered about something. He nods and we run back to his pack house but keep going to the otherside of the small village to an empty house. I shift back and I'm tossed some more clothes.

I take a whiff of the air. My sweethearts fading scent was tainted. The girl said her wolf was replaced with something dark...her scent it even smelt dark. I can smell pack members and two others, they were foreign to me.

"Once the sand started to react with her body she bolted out the window. I'm surprised she didn't rip us all to shreds at that moment." The girl spoke up.

"How do you know about how the sand works." I bark at her, she cowers back but gathers herself together.

"Because he got his hands on it from the last original witch who practised black magic, no doubt there are some descendants who do a little but their powers are useless."

"How do you know so much then?"

She shrugged her tiny shoulders. "I've read a lot of books and my mother was a witch. She's dead. She protected me from another witch and she saved me, casting an old spell that killed them both." The look in her eyes flashed anger and sadness.

"So you're half witch?" Jye spoke up this time.

"No I am a full werewolf. I got the dominant wolf gene from my father. I just know a thing or two about spells and witch stuff."

Jye and I nod our heads.

"The scent goes dead after a few miles. Lukins however, he diverts from her scent and goes north. Not sure why. I've asked Lillie if she can call him back or contact his wolf but there's nothing other than that he's alive. If he's alive, she's alive." Jye explained.

A throbbing pain knocks in my head. My vision blurs and I have to take a seat on the couch.

"Tomas, you okay?" I hear Jye's voice but it's faint and gets drowned out by screams. Pressure builds up in my head and then it kinda pops and I'm seeing through someone else's eyes.

It's a scene from a bloody horror movie.

"P-Please! I...just, please don't do t-this!" A males voice plead. His face was beaten to a bloody pulp and he was backing away on the ground from whatever was advancing on him.

"Sorry dude but rules are rules and you either choose to follow them or not and since you're a stupid idiot for ignoring my warnings you will pay the penalty." The voice of my mate said coldly and before I felt her raise her arm I was snapped back to my own mind.

"Tomas." Jye's grip on my shoulder tightened.

"She's far too gone Jye. It seems that she is the leader of some group." I tell him.

In the corner, the girl is nodding. "It's the spell."

I consentrate on Dakota again and I pop into her mind again. She's walking through the forest, someone trails to her left, fear radiates of them as they walk, you can pretty much smell it.

'Dakota?' I say hoping she'd hear.

She stops and scans her surroundings. She can hear me.

"Alpha?" A trembly voice says.

"Shut up Dana! Did you hear that?" she looks at the tall blonde next to her.

"Hear what?" she listens but only hears silence.

'Dakota, where are you!' I pretty much shout.

She looks around. "Who's there!" she then snarls.

And just like that I come back.

I run through the big hole in the house and bolt it towards the fading scents. Like Jye said, the trail runs cold like it vanished.

I shift into my wolf, tries to take control but I don't let him. I won't. Instead I think of her and her wolf. If I could just find her wolf.

I'm yet again in Dakotas mind but I focus on her wolf. It takes a lot of energy but I manage to get a teeny snippet of Rain before I'm yet again sucked back to reality.

A slight burn in the back of my mind felt as if I burnt a wire in my head. I run back to my pack. Peter and Jarom are sprawled out in the lounge, they've been out all night looking too.

"Marnie?" I call as soon as I'm dressed.

"Yes Alpha." It's the first time I really have to confide in the aging witch.

"Can you undo this spell my mate is under?"

Her lips pulled into a tight line. "This spell is very old and hard to cure but fortunately for you it is you that is the key to untying this curse on her. You must never give up on her," Yeah, like that will ever happen, "it's all about finding her wolf again and that's where you come in. You have to guide her to her wolf."

"So all I do is find her?"

She nods.

"Daddy?" I hear a gentle squeak. Masyn stood peeking around the door.

"What are you doing up this late sweetie?" I say picking her up.

"Can't sleep. Where's mommy?" she silently starts to sob.

I hold the small girl in my arms. "I don't know honey. I really don't know." I tell her truthfully.

"I miss her daddy. Bring her back." Tears started down her face.

I stroke her hair. "I know, me too and I will sweetie."

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