Chapter Ten.

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A/N; Hey, so sorry I didn't update. I spent the weekend with my best friends at the beach and it was flipping AMAZING! It was hot and soooo nice, woke up hungover this morning, slept some more all day and just thought I'd get this chapter up.

Enjoy dolls :)


It's been a week since I was taken and honestly, a couple times I have woken up sweating bullets, thinking I was still captured. His sick grin still imprinted into my brain.


I have fully recovered from everything. Marnie has helped with giving remedies and all that stuffs. The packs have backed off a bit. Jye was reluctant to leave but Marnie ordered him away to be with his pack.

Throughout the week Tomas has been there. Sleeping next to me. I still haven't told him the rogue that took me was his father. To be honest I didn't want to tell him, sure he would be andry as hell but what could he do? I had already killed the sick bastard.

I lay in my bed with all the covers thrown off. It was getting warmer in the evenings as we approached summer. I turned to my side with my cheek resting on my hand. I watched as Tomas slept. He looked utterly at peace. That small crease in between his eyebrows made him look younger. It was cute.

I stayed like that, just watching him. My eyes were starting to get heavy when his own started to flutter open. Those piercing blue eyes looked straight through me. Those same eyes that held me captive. My wolf sprung to life as she registered those blue orbs. All of a sudden, that was all we could see.

Those eyes.

As fast as lightning I jumped from my bed to the farthest corner from those eyes, ready to attack. A feral growl that shook the walls of my bedroom erupted from my throat. It was warning and deathly threatning. My wolf was so close to the surface, clawing at me to be set free. She was taking over.

In the dim light of the bedside lamp, Tomas was shirtless. His hands were held up and his head was slightly bowed. I realised that Rain had not recognised Tomas, but only his eyes. The same colour as Damien.

'Rain. It's okay. It's just Tomas.' I speak softly to her.

Growls still erupted from me but they were not my own.

"It's okay Dakota, it's only me sweetheart." Tomas said softly.

He was graced with another growl from my wolf.

'Kill him!' She snarled at me. I could feel her rage. It was pure red hate.

'Calm down. It's only Tomas. He is our mate. Please calm down.'

As soon as I said that, her anger resided and she took a better look at him through my own eyes. We both calmed down and the shaking of the walls stopped.

'Alpha! Are you okay? What's happening?' Lukin's panicked voice filled my mind.

'It's okay Luke. I just had a nightmare.'

'Miss, I heard you growl and the whole house shook. You never do that unless your wolf feels threatned. What's happened?'

'What happened!?' Any and Pete say in unison.

'Look guys, it's okay. Tell everyone to go back to bed. Everything's under control.'

'Okay.' They say hesitantly but close off the link.

I glanced at Tomas who was still in the same position.

"I'm sorry?"

"It's okay sweetheart, do you mind telling me what happened?" He put his hands down and put his tee back on.

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